Manufacturing accounts for over 25% of non-fatal accidents on workplace

Largest share of accidents at work involved persons in elementary occupations and crafts and related trades.

Claims in respect of non-fatal accidents at work increased by 1.0 per cent in the third quarter when compared to the corresponding period in 2011.

No fatal accidents at work were reported.

Administrative records indicate that 834 persons had a non-fatal accident during the course of their work during the third quarter this year. Accordingly, the number of accidents during this period increased by 8 (1.0 per cent) over the corresponding period in 2011. The majority of victims, 86.1 per cent, were men.

A quarter of non-fatal accidents at work occurred in manufacturing. Other economic sectors where accidents resulted to be quite common were construction (16.3 per cent) and accommodation and food services activities (12.1 per cent). When compared to the corresponding period last year, the number of accidents went up by 27 in manufacturing, but decreased by 21 in construction. The number of accidents in accommodation and food service activities increased by 17. The largest share of accidents at work during the quarter under review involved persons in elementary occupations and crafts and related trades.

Just over a quarter of these accidents occurred to persons aged 25-34, followed by the 45-54 and 35-44 year old age groups at 21.6 per cent and 21.2 per cent respectively. Wounds and superficial injuries, and dislocations, strains and sprains were the most common types of injuries, amounting to 410 and 185 cases respectively. Upper and lower extremities made up 65.7 per cent of all reported injuries during the third quarter.