Gonzi refuses to name Brazilian company

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi refuses to name Brazilian company in the middle of a political controversy in Malta.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Opposition leader Joseph Muscat mentioned the company during the Xarabank debate.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Opposition leader Joseph Muscat mentioned the company during the Xarabank debate.

The Brazilian company in the middle of a political controversy in Malta is a construction services company which moved its offices to Malta, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said. However he failed to name the company or reveal how many employees it has engaged.

During the Xarabank debate on Friday, Opposition leader Joseph Muscat said that despite talks of a Brazilian aviation company that was meant to set up shop in Malta, this investment never took place.

"During our last debate he [Gonzi] said that a Brazilian company was coming to Malta to work on airplanes," Muscat said.

But Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi retorted that the Brazilian company had relocated its headquarters from Brazil to Malta. "The company, active in the Libyan market, is operating from Malta," Gonzi replied.

Speaking on Tuesday at the end of a visit at Farsons's new Brew House, Gonzi said the company in question is not an aviation company as Muscat said during the Xarabank debate, but a company coordinating construction projects in Libya.

Gonzi said: "The company opened its offices in Sliema after it had indicated its intention to do so at the height of the Libya crisis, when its employees in Libya were evacuated to Malta."

However he stopped short of naming it or giving more details, saying the media should act cautiously and warned against "turning the company into a political football."

this is on the timesofmalta webpage-A Brazilian company at the centre of political controversy is winding down its four-man operation just six months after opening shop in Sliema. The company was mentioned but not named during a debate last Friday between Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi and Labour leader Joseph Muscat.-
Mhux sew li Dr Gonzi jittratana ta 'cwiec' Maltin bhal ministru tieghu. Wara l-fjask ta Smart City, il-fjask ta White Rocks, issa se jerga jipprova jghaddi iz-zmien bis-samba Braziljana? Mela qed nilghabu l-bocci u iz-zibeg?
Mhux sew li Dr Gonzi jittratana ta 'cwiec' Maltin bhal ministru tieghu. Wara l-fjask ta Smart City, il-fjask ta White Rocks, issa se jerga jipprova jghaddi iz-zmien bis-samba Braziljana? Mela qed nilghabu l-bocci u iz-zibeg?
Dr Gonzi, kun ragel u ghidilna li ma kienx veru dak li ghidt waqt Xarabank. U int sur Peppi, din kienet staqarrija li saret waqt il-programm tieghek. Ghandek l-obbligu li tara kienitx il-verita jew le. Mill-bqija ahjar noqghodu naraw il-hipnozi ta Bates milli l-kummiedji ta Gonzi.
Gonzi b'dimensia, waqt il b'fast fi frar qal li kinet kumpanija kbira ta lavjazjoni il lum novembru qalina li kumpanija tal kostruzjoni, ftit iehor u jajdina li kumpanija ta IT, ilum smajna li il piloli tad dimensja il gvern ghadu ma bedix jatiom bxejn, imma nahseb li gonzi ghandu biex jixtrijom, jekk le jadina.