Alternattiva Demokratika ‘disappointed’ at Labour’s failure to contrast IVF legislation

Green Party says MPs must present amendments to ensure the new law is not discriminatory and to lift the proposed ban on freezing.

AD chairperson Michael Briguglio.
AD chairperson Michael Briguglio.

Alternattiva Demokratika, the Green Party, has called on MPs to lift the proposed ban on embryo freezing envisaged in the Embryo Protection Bill which outlaws embryo freezing and instead introduced the freezing of a maximum of two female ova.

In a statement, AD called on MPs to amend the law proposed by the government to regulate IVF to allow the freezing of fertilised cells, expressing disappointment at the Labour opposition's failure to contrast the confessional legislation proposed by the government.

AD recalled that freezing was already foreseen in a report prepared by a parliamentary committee chaired by MP Jean Pierre Farrugia which included the Opposition.

Michael Briguglio, AD chairperson said: "While we welcome scientific developments like the freezing of ova instead of fertilized eggs, we cannot let parents with fertility problems depend on an experimental technology. We insist that they have a right to use technology used in other advanced European countries."

AD also noted Labour's failure to question the proposed discrimination against same sex couples as the law limits the access to IVF to heterosexual couples.

Michael Briguglio stated: "We appeal MPs to present amendments to ensure the new law is not discriminatory and to lift the proposed ban on freezing. The country cannot be held to ransom by a minority of fundamentalists who ignore the advice given by luminaries like the late Peter Serracino Inglott who made it clear that freezing cannot be considered to be a way of killing the embryo since it is keeping it alive."

The Labour Party has announced its full stand on the regulation of in vitro fertilisation in Malta, saying it will not support embryo freezing except in cases of force majeure - but effectively supporting the government's decision to go for the novel science of oocyte vitrification.

Oqoghod attent Brigulio. Mela insejt x'kienu ghamlulkom il-pn ftit snin ilu. Bhalhekk ezatt kien qed jaghmel ic-chairman taghkom ta' dak iz-zmien. Kien qed jilaq post delikat tal-pn. U insejt x'gara wara? Insejt kif kienu ttradewkhom? Insejt li kienu laqqmukom dulliegha? Kienu jghidulkom hodor minn barra u homor minn gewwa. U dan wara li kontu ilkom zmien twil tappogjawhom. Food for thought brigulio.
Mr,Briguglio meta tithaded int tipanikjuhom u trexhom zid aktar fuq l-attak fuq iz-zewg partiti ,jekk jirnexilek izzid il-voti bel 2000 vot, tkun rebha kbira ghall AD party,u jibdew jatu kass xhin tohorgu bxi suggarament.jien ghal l-ewwel darba li ha nivota ghall greens.[no more PL or PN]
Why should PL bother about Alternattiva? Alternattiva has always been anti-Labour and all their press statements have been directed equally against government and the opposition notwithstanding that Labour has been in opposition for over 25 years. All their comments are directed at the Nationalist support.
Sur Brigulio, kif dejjem l-aktar li tlaqatta minghandek tkun dejjem l-oppozizzjoni! Azla ghaqlija ghamlu L-AD, nahseb jekk ittellaw siggu kullhadd jaf ma' min ha tkun il-kwalizzjoni!
The new PN star candidate. EFA waqt kampanja elettorali fejn ghasar kemm felah lil AD kien hareg fl-ahhar minuti iwissi li vot ghal AD huwa vot mohli. Forsi ghal darba nasal biex naqbel ma EFA. Mur giebu li kien fi zmien il PL li jigi arrestat ic Chairman ta l-AD propju jiem qabel il votazzjoni. Holl xaghrek u gib iz-zejt kieku.
Kont 'green' meta kont nghix l-Germanja; hawn Malta sibt li 'l-local green' ma huma xejn hlief 'closet Nationalists! Zarmaw biex taghtu cans ghax qed taghmlu bhal kukuu tiehdu l-bejta ta haddiehor, ghax l-Greens fl-Ewropa huma xellugin mhux bhal ta Malta 'closet Nationalists'!
Luke Camilleri
Michael Briguglio should run for Deputy Leader of the PN!
inqas ma titkellem , iktar taghmel gid brigulio .
mistoqsija wahda sur brigulio, kif ma mortc mal- P.N.? jew qed tejr ghal Joseph Muscat ghax ftit ihor ser ikun prim ministru ta Malta u int ghandek xorti jekk iggieb 100 vot.
Kull pozizzjoni li jiehu l-PL tidher li ddejqu lis-Sur Brigulio. Mur saqqi l-hass tal-Marsa, siehbi.
Sinjuri ta l-Alternattiva Demokratika, Issa il loghbha ilna li drajniha. Tattaka lil l-aktar partit popolari halli takwista il popolorarita int. Meta tikkunsidraw li f`kull elezzjoni flok izziedu fil voti,tnaqqsu, ir risposta tohrog wehidha...minthomx tigu ikkalkulati.
The AD are finally showing their true colors. They are NOT a pro-life party. They call for embryo freezing even if the evidence shows that egg freezing provides the same results. Embryo freezing is not pro-life. Both the PN and the PL have a difficult job on this. I attended all the social affairs committee meetings on IVF over the last 10 years. I attended all the conferences. The AD never attended these not even once to my knowledge. How do they expect to be taken seriously when out of nowhere, they just come out with an opinion that goes contrary to all the scientific evidence. The AD seem to be looking for another opportunity to leverage potential voters from the PL.
Sur Michael Briguglio. Qad nisimak nhar il Gimgha waqt id Dibattitu bejn iz zewg mexxeja fejn int bdejt tintervjeni nassigurak illi lili ma inpresjonajtnix xejn zgur li hallejt tghoma morra ma min kien qed isegwek Xogholok zgur ma kienx li tattakka li zewg mexxejja imma missek fhemt lil Telespettaturi xkellek fmohhok li se tghamlu fill Program Ellettorali. Wisq nahseb li qed tahli iz Zmien u zgur illi min semghak ma ha xejn ta Sugu.
Il-maggoranza kbira tal-Maltin jigu jaqghu u jqumu x'jahsbu tal-Alternattiva Demokratika fuq kull aspett tal-politika Maltija. Sempliciment ghax huma entita' negligibbli li jitkellmu biss ghal madwar 2500 vot tal-popolazzjoni Maltija.
sarret drawa tal AD li tara l- PL ikrah....