OPM director Rita Schembri was in close contact with Casinò di Venezia buyers

Schembri inquired with casino buyers what they expected of her role in investment proposal for Casinò di Venezia.

IAID chief Rita Schembri has denied offering consultancy services to private companies.
IAID chief Rita Schembri has denied offering consultancy services to private companies.

Correspondence seen by MaltaToday has confirmed that Rita Schembri, the head of the Prime Minister's internal audit and investigations department (IAID), was a trusted colleague of the chairman of Far East Entertainment Group plc and intimately connected to the details of an investment proposal for a 40% stake in Birgu's Casinò di Venezia back in February 2012.

While the Office of the Prime Minister stated earlier this week that Schembri had denied offering any consultancy or advisory services to any private business - ostensibly without official approval - correspondence seen by this newspaper shows the IAID chief being on familiar terms with FEE chairman Colin Perkins.

A meeting Schembri set up in mid-February with a local contact of FEE to hammer out an investment proposal for the casino bid had to be cancelled after Schembri's daughter was taken ill.

A month later in March, Schembri informed both Colin Perkins and Nigel Songhurst of FEE that everything was back to normal: "I thank you for your moral support during the past few weeks... I am back working full-time from the office," Schembri tells the FEE directors.

Schembri also informs Perkins that she has been in touch with Casinò di Venezia chief executive Ferdinando Orlandi, whom she says had asked her to keep discussions on the 40% stake sale "to ourselves".

Additionally, she asks Perkins to "guide [her] re my role" on the talks with the casino owners.

The correspondence goes a long way in suggesting that Schembri, who was then IAID chief and today is also a permanent secretary inside the OPM, was involved in the provision of consultancy or advisory services to Far East Entertainment Group plc (FEE) as revealed by this newspaper on 4 November.

Schembri has official approval from the principal permanent secretary Godwin Grima to hold a non-executive directorship in Brait SE, a private investment holding company based in Luxembourg, but this directorship is understood to be unconnected to the services she has given to FEE in their bid to acquire a stake in the Casinò di Venezia.

Negotiations for the 40% stake in the casino saw Schembri discuss with Maltese lawyers acting on behalf of FEE Group, the investment proposal for Vittoriosa Gaming Ltd's chief executive Fernando Orlandi. Schembri also appears to have come on recommendation of FEE Group chairman Colin Perkins, to meet up with other local representatives to discuss the company's investment strategy.

Most questionable of all is a meeting she set up at Valletta Buildings in South Street, Valletta - which happens to be the same address of the IAID offices.

The OPM has not confirmed whether Schembri has denied setting up this meeting at the government office of the IAID, but only said it was informed that principal permanent secretary Godwin Grima had given his approval for the Brait directorship. The OPM said Schembri has denied any other consultancy services. The OPM also specified that Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi "was not cognisant" of either the Brait directorship or any other consultancy services, which would otherwise require the approval of the principal permanent secretary.

Approval from Grima for the Brait directorship was issued on 12 April after he was informed in late January 2012 that Schembri had been invited to become non-executive director and that her input would entail only four meetings a year. She was appointed director of Brait on 30 March 2012.

As required by the public service management code, Schembri formally asked for permission to hold this private interest on 13 March 2012.

Grima also said Schembri assured him that this work could in no possible way impinge on her duties. "She felt that being involved in such a function in the private sector would serve her in good stead in her audit and risk assessment duties in the public sector... she gave a commitment that she would avail herself of vacation leave in order to attend board meetings, whether these are held in Malta or abroad."

The public service's management code allows public officers to engage in any form of business or employment outside their official duties, as long as there is no conflict of interest with their official activities.

Schembri was appointed permanent secretary in September 2012, while serving as director-general of the IAID. A member of the supervisory committee of the EU's anti-fraud office OLAF, having been aware of the OLAF investigation into former commissioner John Dalli as early as 4-5 July, she withdrew from the committee's examination of the Dalli case a day after the former commissioner's resignation.

Do you think that corruption really exist in Malta? Not with the man with the strongest hands at the helm . The word corruption has been eliminated from our dictionary once and for all . Can I please keep dreaming ?
@ notamused. You are completely wrong. OPM and Grima stated that their permission did not cover this work. Therefore this work was not "legitimate". If you happen to be some small cog all hell breaks loose. If you are a "God" all sort of excuses are drummed up to cover your ass. I disagree wholeheartedly that anyone from Director grade upwards should hold any other jog whatsoever. Even lecturing at University. All are subject to pressures and friendly "winks".
Re: marcam Please don't associate the Freemasons with any corrupt practices that exist in Malta. The vast majority of masons are honourable men that do good.
Re: marcam Please don't associate the Freemasons with any corrupt practices that exist in Malta. The vast majority of masons are honourable men that do good.
I PRESUME it would be best she emigrates to Uzbekistan and join the two lady sisters dictators because there she would have immunity over managing potential businesses as she sits in brackets as a civil servant - i call this Malta mafia / freemasonry - Stop with this arrogance.
Can someone please as the Office of the Prime Minister how many (if any) Permanent Secretaries or Director Generals applied to do consultancy or part time work with the private sector? How many requests were approved and how many were declined?
Kieku mhawnx dil-korruzzjoni hawn Malta kieku ahna sinjuri,bhall ma jghidu MONEY TALKS.
I think that once you read the small print it is clear that Mrs Schembri was carrying out part time consulting with the full knowledge and blessing of the OPM. It’s not so much whether Mrs Schembri did carry out consulting for other parties or not & to whom but her actions were confirmed to be above board and therefore fully legitimate. Trying to discredit her with possible shady deals is a common enough ploy to win sympathy points to certain injured parties.
"Details of an investment proposal for a 40% stake in Birgu's Casinò di Venezia were discussed back in February 2012". A meeting in mid-February had to be cancelled because Ms Schembri's daughter was taken ill. Godwin Grima's approval was for Brait's directorship and not for FEE's advisory services. Yet, PPS's rubber stamp approval was issued in April when Ms Schembri had been deeply involved in this 'unauthorised' private work.
@camillu. Do you remember what Franco said about a high ranking official in the Office of the Prime Minister having his other half in the Ministry? He also mentioned a second case. I also hear people speaking about the Education Ministry about two years ago when the top three officials, including the general directors and their boss, were all in the offices in confession as you mentioned.
Sur editur tal-maltatoday, onestament ma nafx ghalfejn dan l-iskantament kollu b'din l-istorja. Dan hu pajjiz mifni bil-korruzzjoni, bil-hmieg; fejn isaltan min ikun imdeffes fl-imbarazz u fl-iskandli; u fejn SERJETA, KONTABILITA, TRASPARENZA u DECENZA ma jezistux. Mhux biss gonzipn hu mifni b'dawn in-nuqqasijiet izda issa anki l-helu Principal Permanent Secretary Dottor Grima mhux kapaci jara fejn hemm il-hmieg u l-KUNFLITT TA' INTERESS - forsi hekk tghallem mill-Azzjoni Kattolika !!!! Nispera li jekk tinqaleb il-folja tiddahhal is-serjeta u l-gustizzja u kull min ghazel li jaghlaq ghajnejh u japprova dan il-hmieg isib sehemu mal-ewwel radd tas-salib. DAL-PAJJIZ MA JISTAX JIBQA' SEJJER HEKK - ISSA TASSEW LI WASALNA FIL-QIEGH U MIN JAHTI TA' DAN, GHANDU JIGI MGIEGHEL IWARRAB U JHALLAS TAN-NUQQASIJIET TIEGHU.
Sur editur tal-maltatoday, onestament ma nafx ghalfejn dan l-iskantament kollu b'din l-istorja. Dan hu pajjiz mifni bil-korruzzjoni, bil-hmieg; fejn isaltan min ikun imdeffes fl-imbarazz u fl-iskandli; u fejn SERJETA, KONTABILITA, TRASPARENZA u DECENZA ma jezistux. Mhux biss gonzipn hu mifni b'dawn in-nuqqasijiet izda issa anki l-helu Principal Permanent Secretary Dottor Grima mhux kapaci jara fejn hemm il-hmieg u l-KUNFLITT TA' INTERESS - forsi hekk tghallem mill-Azzjoni Kattolika !!!! Nispera li jekk tinqaleb il-folja tiddahhal is-serjeta u l-gustizzja u kull min ghazel li jaghlaq ghajnejh u japprova dan il-hmieg isib sehemu mal-ewwel radd tas-salib. DAL-PAJJIZ MA JISTAX JIBQA' SEJJER HEKK - ISSA TASSEW LI WASALNA FIL-QIEGH U MIN JAHTI TA' DAN, GHANDU JIGI MGIEGHEL IWARRAB U JHALLAS TAN-NUQQASIJIET TIEGHU.
@camillu : ezatt dak li ghidt il-flus minfuqha kif spjegajt int huma bizzejjed biex jissodisfaw il-kurzita tan=nazzi minn fejn ilk-PL ser igib il-flus, "Billi jaqta l-hela u s-serq" flimkien ma jaqta bil-kbir il-konsulenti li bejniethom hadu 23 miljun f'4 snin
According to MT's report it seems that another LIAR is born, which is gonzipn's trade mark.
MMM...Interesting. So this Permanent Secretary feels that it is good and beneficial for her position to have such high profile consultancy and the government agrees. It is not a question of vacation leave. She is in a position to influence matters.
Following what has been stated above one hopes that these allegations are investigated further. For transparency's sake the Principal Permanent Secretary should stay out of this investigation.
Joseph MELI
It is manifestly apparent that our government officials are evdiently not au fait nor conversant withe the concept or meaning of the term conflcit of interest-as yet again this raises its ugly head.
The knot gets tighter and tighter. Would it be enough to topple someone?
Fic-Civil tezisti mafja shiha. Kulhadd jara kif se jibla. Safar bla razan b'impjegati jaghmlu l-eluf fis-sena. Performance bonuses galore. Karrozzi. Fjuwil bla razan. Irgiel u nisa maghluqin fl-ufficini jqerru l-gurnata kollha. U ghal Godwin Grima kollox miexi fuq ir-rubini. Nispera li jekk Muscat jitla' fil-Gvern jaqbad il-barri minn qruni. Nassigurah li jiffranka miljuni kbar billi jeqred il-hela. Naf x'qed nghid!