Minister confirms Lou Bondì 'represented national broadcaster' at EC presser

Education and culture minister Dolores Cristina confirms that TV presenter Lou Bondì was representing PBS, during the European Commission press conference on John Dalli resignation.

TV presenter Lou Bondi
TV presenter Lou Bondi

Education and culture minister Dolores Cristina has confirmed that TV presenter Lou Bondì was representing national broadcaster, PBS, during the press conference organised by the European Commission on the John Dalli resignation on 17 October.

The press conference was widely followed in Malta and the rest of Europe and gave journalists the first opportunity to quiz the Commission spokesperson and the EU anti-fraud office, OLAF on Dalli's resignation.

Dalli, was forced to resign as EU health and consumer policy commissioner following an investigation by the EU anti-fraud office OLAF into a complaint by a Swedish tobacco company over an alleged attempt of corruption by the former PN Sliema deputy mayor Silvio Zammit.

Bondì, who presents Bondiplus on TVM, a programme produced by media house Where's Everybody? of which Bondì is a director. However, in his interventions during the press conference in Brussels, Bondì introduced himself as a national broadcaster journalist.

Read more in today's edition of Illum

Issa ghandna lil Dolores biex tkompli d-dulur ta' John Dalli. U dawn kollegi mill-istess partit!
Tajba u tahraq nghidu bil Malti. Possibli li ma ghandhomx gurnalisti tal PBS li huma kapaci jmorru barra min Malta u jaghmlu mistoqsija? Bilfors kellhpm jirrikorru ghal gurnalist ta kumpanija kummercjali biex imur Brussels jattendi ghal konferenza stampa u jaghmel mistoqsija? Imma bilhaqq insejt, li b'rihet hekk dan l-istess gurnalist tal WE tella zewg programmi fuq l-ex-kummissarju John Dalli. Hallas poplu hallas.
haha ftit fadallu
Bhall ma dejjem nghid.....ALL IN THE FAMILY....
Imbagħad jiġi xi għaref u jgħid li il-PBS hu l-istazzjon nazzjonali . Dan mhu xejn hlief estensjoni tan-NET.TV u stazzjon ta' propoganda għall-gvern. Araw min huma il-kapijiet li hemm imexxu u il-prezentaturi u jkollkhom prova ċara ta' x'inhu il-PBS.
PBS's "trusted", in-house talent, and Gonzi's parliamentary group compete for first prize in the "Lack of talent" reality show.
Luke Camilleri
The right man for the job , no doubt about it! Pity John Dalli is not of the same idea after Bondi & We? involvment in John Dalli's FIRST frameup and insistance by JD that same people are involved on his SECOND setup!!