Ministers and councillors rally behind Tonio Fenech against Busuttil

Nomination by 130 councillors and support from ministers gives two-horse race an image of a reinvigorated PN.

Tonio Fenech will contest the PN deputy leadership contest.
Tonio Fenech will contest the PN deputy leadership contest.

Tonio Fenech's nomination of 130 councillors is not only indicative - it betrays the widespread backing the Finance Minister enjoys with PN councillors and Cabinet ministers.

Cabinet ministers are incensed at Simon Busuttil, as they feel has been unfairly anointed and enjoys a free ride of publicity while they get all the flak.

Busuttil was touted for the post by Joe Saliba, who has effectively taken over the role of secretary-general, presently occupied by Paul Borg Olivier.

Sources within the PN told MaltaToday that Saliba had convinced Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi that with Busuttil promoted to deputy leader, the PN had a good chance of winning the next general election.

Nonetheless, ministers have taken advantage of Simon Busuttil's rapprochement with Nationalist MP Franco Debono and independent MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, and rallied together to find a contender to contest and defeat him.

Councillors have also taken badly to Busuttil's decision to appear 'understanding' with the two dissidents. Debono and Pullicino Orlando are derided figures among Nationalist diehards, and they have accused Busuttil of being insensitive to the party.

Tonio Fenech enjoys all the support he needs from Cabinet ministers, with the singular exception of Health Minister Joe Cassar.

Ministers have promised the support of their loyal posse of councillors to galvanise support for Fenech. Fenech's Budget speech is timed just before the election for the deputy Prime Minister, and is expected to give a further boost against Simon Busuttil.

In an interview with MaltaToday, Fenech took Pullicino Orlando and rebel Nationalist MP Franco Debono to task on the manner in which they respectively broke parliamentary ranks.

Asked to comment on their political dissidence, Fenech remarked that while diversity within a political party is desirable, any discussion or disagreement should take place internally.

"I strongly believe that any discussion should be carried out within the structures of the party. This exists within every structure," Fenech insisted.

He conceded that while not all issues are met with agreement across the board even at Cabinet level, "once you take a decision, it should be supported by everyone."

Fenech said that it was this point that "some members do not seem to appreciate."

He said he agreed with the PN's decision to bar Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando and Franco Debono from contesting the coming general election on is ticket.

"We did not expel them," he said, insisting that the two "simply lack the ability to remain in a team".

Simon should graciously retire his nomination for the benefit of the party. He will be respected for this.
Split the party simon! They just want to ride shotgun on your good name and discard you as soon as it is convenient to them...just like they did to JPO. Form a party between you and I'll not only vote for you, I'll join you!
Lanqas jekk tibdlu l-leader ma' tirbah sur Saliba din id-darba!
Luke Camilleri
PN-tomimi! Il-vera prova wara l'elezzjoni meta jkunu irridu jigu ikkonfermati it-tmexxija tal-Partit!
Alex Grech
Seems that the PN councilors will repay back Labour's delegates when they kept Alfred Sant leader after two electoral defeats. With someone like Tonio Fenech in such a prominent role within the party...PN will only seal their fate in moving to the opposition desks!
Maureen Attard
Ahna Demokratici Kristjani, u ghalhekk dak li qal Simon Busuttil dwar rikonciljazzjoni, ghandu jinstema. Jew meta rridu nkunu demokratici Krsitjani? Jekk verament irridu li nkunu fil-gvern nergu ejjew u nirrikonciljaw u nahfru, ghax ghallimna Sidna Gesu' Kristu li Alla ma ghandux limitu ghal mahfriet. U Nghid ukoll lis-Sur Peter Darmanin biex ma jkomplix jizra l-mibeghda fi hdan il-partit taghna. Ghal gihna dan kien sacerdot jippriedka il-paci u l-mahfra. Jew anke hu ma ghadux jemmen dwar it-taghlim ta' Sidna Gesu' Kristu. U l-iehor li qal li minnhabba t-twemmin nisrani tieghu ivvota kontra d-divorzju. Qed nghid ghal Onor Austin Gatt, hawn ma jidholx it-twemmin nisrani? Hu anke l-ohrajn kollha li ma jridux ir-rikonciljazzjoni. Fejn hi il-fidi u l-valuri nsara taghkom?
There you go Simon, even though you are a member of the tribe, you aint in the the klikka and GonziPN has well and truly shafted you. Feels good, yes?
The PN has been through all this mayhem and learned NOTHING! I will never support any so called politician who bring the party's interests BEFORE the county's interests!!! I thought this contest would have brought a breath of fresh air to the party but it's totally opposite Komplu gherqu la hekk tridu!
".....Saliba had convinced Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi that with Busuttil promoted to deputy leader, the PN had a good chance of winning the next general election." Maybe it was Saliba who ill informed gonzi on the Brazilian Company. Seems that Saliba is giving gonzi all the wrong information. One wonders why?