Tonio Borg hearing live-blog: 'What you see is what you get' - Borg tells MEPs
Tonio Borg delivers convincing performance on general competence for Commissioner's job in three-hour hearing by MEPs.
Welcome to our live-blog for the hearing of commissioner-designate Tonio Borg: proceedings take place between 3pm and 5pm.
Follow the #BorgEU twitterfeed here.
More reading - catch up with all the press on the buzz and controversy surrounding Tonio Borg's nomination in our Storify newsblog.
Webstream can be seen live here [CLICK to go to the EP website]
18:06 With question time over, Borg now heads to a short press point.
18:02 "What you see is what you get" - Tonio Borg says - "There is no hidden agenda. I tried to answer your questions as comprehensively as possible. Please forgive me for any questions. I have understood your enthusiasm for your questions... this is actually the real thing, and parliamentarians all over the world, if they fulfil their duties as they should, always have a direct hotline with their constituents."
18:00 Question time is over.
17:58 Borg is still looking fresh after three straight hours of MEP's questions, and his answers on technical matters falling under his portfolio have clearly impressed various MEPs.
17:49 Borg is questioned on legal and safe abortions: "It is very clear that on this issues, this is in the hands of the member states. I did not make these Treaties, they have been sanctioned by the member states. We are not a federation but a sui generis kind of organisation of sovereign states... in some areas, whatever I think or you or all of us think, there are areas which are in the hands of member states to decide. Each one of us has their own personal views. God forbid that we shoudl be regimented in thinking one way, but I shall abide by the Treaties and I won't interfere in programmes that already exist because it will be illegal for me to do so."
#BorgEU #hearing room @europarl_en : more & more MEPs leaving the room ... Last round of questions!… — Anne Laumen (@AnneLaumen) November 13, 2012
#BorgEU EP hearing. Borg evades the question asked by Green MEP @carlschlyter on reproductive health. Another question not answered — Greens in the EP (@GreensEP) November 13, 2012
17:34 Borg: "I have never addressed the UN on the issue of reproductive rights... as foreign minister I have never addressed these issues, which never came under my remit." (Borg is being pressed on the subject of reproductive rights by another MEP).
17:32 Borg reaffirms his commitment to programmes in the fight against HIV/AIDS "on the lines I mentioned... prevention, cure and removal of the stigma for HIV patients".
#BorgEU Bit of confusion over GMO rules - EU threshold for unauthorised GMO in feed imports exists, but NOT for food — Edward Bray (@AgraFacts) November 13, 2012
17:22 GMOs, which predecessor John Dalli caused controversy by lifting a longtime EU ban - back then he based his decision on evidence-based science. Borg says he will rely on the European Food Safety Authority to provide real and solid scientific advice, and that he will endeavour to guarantee its independence. "But I will not abdicate on my responsibilities, because the buck stops here - it is the Commission, not EFSA, which takes the decisions. I will not use EFSA for a purpose other than seeking solid scientific principles."
17:19 The tweets from several MEPs give the impression that Borg's general comptence or integrity are not in question: it is more his willingness to support issues such as same-sex discrimination or safe abortions in development programmes that are in question. But how much will these latter issues impinge upon the greater demands for a Commissioner?
17:17 Questions from MEPs from the agricultural committee now, so Borg is facing questions on animal feed and welfare, amongst other subjects.
17:09 "I have no reservations on the Charter of Fundamental Rights... and I can say this frankly, because my life has always been tied to fighting discrimination. Obviously, everyone makes mistakes in his life, but on human rights these are documents which are really extremely important for me."
17:07 Louis Grech MEP makes his question in Maltese, and Borg replies in Maltese (of course) to say that he would work with other Commissioners on such matters as commercial redress.
17:03 Nationalist MEP Simon Busuttil: "I have always admired you for your integrity and your human rights record, and I want to thank you for that, because without you my country would not be embracing the European Union." Then turns on to misleading commercial practices entraping consumers to buy products they don't want to buy...
Borg: "Thank you for your kind remarks..."
Dr Busuttil, starting to sound like an exercise in kissing, erm, air. And here come the band clubs again #BorgEU — RamonaD (@ramonadepares) November 13, 2012
Malta questions Malta. #BorgEU — MSt (@zyng) November 13, 2012
Borg: 'My view is member states should be free to decide to require plain packaging on cigarettes or not' #BorgEU I.E. No plain packaging — Dave Keating (@DaveKeating) November 13, 2012
17:01 Borg on the Tobacco Products Directive: "There has to be something on packaging that must be effective. Tobacco products should look like tobacco products... in Australia the packets I have seen appear unattractive, and now Australia is being challenged by the WTO. What I would favour is to leave member states free individually, to introduce the plain packaging rather than imposing it upon them. But this is my personal view. The bill can become stronger, and I would be against weakening the current TPD."
Just realized nobody has asked about Borg's history on migration. Granted it's not part of this committee, but surpised nobody asked #BorgEU
— Dave Keating (@DaveKeating) November 13, 2012
Impressed by Mr Borg's use of different languages #BorgEU — GiuliaB (@EUGiuliaB) November 13, 2012
Fine, we are all aware you can speak Italian #BorgEU — RamonaD (@ramonadepares) November 13, 2012
16:54 Lega Nord MEP Mario Borghezio calls Malta "an island of freedom". Borg turns to speak in Italian and tells him he will do more to guarantee the safety of the products that are imported from outside the EU, such as countries like China.
#BorgEU blijft antwoord op mijn vraag ontwijken hoe hij aanvaarding antidiscriminatierichtlijn bij Raad gaat bevorderen. #fail — Dennis de Jong (@DdJong) November 13, 2012
16:52 De Jong asks again on discrimination, this time not on Article 21: Borg says he has fought discrimination of several forms throughout his legal career. "I removed discrimination by piloting legislation that tackled unjustified discrimination. I am very clear on this point because I believe in the dignity of the human being."
16:47 Borg is asked again, this time by Denis de Jong, on same-sex discrimination in the internal market of goods and services; and what posts he will leave in order to avoid conflicts of interest: "The only posts I have now in Malta is honorary membership in some band clubs. I hope the tune of these clubs will not disrupt my tenure of my office. I have no business interests of any sort, and I will abandon my legal office. [As for same-sex discrimination] We should implement Article 21 - in Malta as regards health, the new law I have co-sponsored with the justice minister, it will give next-of-kin rights to same-sex partners who are registered couples."
16:46 Borg now dealing with online consumer confidence and talking about online commerce and the problems of misleading vendors.
To be fair, #BorgEU is very well prepared, and outperforming everyone's expectations. Especially given the time he had. A good politician. — Alexandros Koronakis (@akoronakis) November 13, 2012
Borg affirms he will honour article 21 of the treaty and fight against discrimination. "Because it is the right thing to do" #BorgEU — Dave Keating (@DaveKeating) November 13, 2012
16:39 Borg again asked about LGBT rights and sexual and reproductive rights: "If there is an initiative by Viviane Reding, there is no reason that I shoud not support such rights... there will be nothing which I will do to deduct from any programme (of reproductive rights) as long as it is legal in the member states."
16:32 Borg says he will ensure continuity from John Dalli, but that he will propose his own ideas.
16:27 Borg says yes: he has no problems with the quotas issue (Ed's note: We should remember that his government, of which he was deputy PM, opposed the women's quota proposal in a joint action with the UK. Interesting to see a two-speed Borg who boasts of being the co-signatory of the cohabitation bill, but not the deputy PM of the government that opposed the quotas for women on company boards proposed by Reding).
16:26 A few 'yes and no' questions: does Borg agree with the quota for women on company boards as proposed by justice commissioner Viviane Reding?
#borgEU Not really a grilling. Uncooked really. A sanitised version as expected and as is his right and as is... — Jacques Rene Zammit (@jacqueszammit) November 13, 2012
16:22 Borg has now turned to consumer affairs... and in the hiatus of technical legal talk, there's some space for a bit of humour from Bis-Serjetà on Facebook.
An earlier tweet we missed:
Booed when he said that if MEP does not vote for him it is his business. — Prof Edward Scicluna (@edward_scicluna) November 13, 2012
16:17 Borg now is talking about the effectiveness of antibiotics, and the pharmaceutical industry's investment in antibiotics: "
#BorgEU No question so far on #Aliyev - any influence on this possible? — Michael Laubsch (@MikeBN) November 13, 2012
16:15 This comment here was tweeted by a senior editor of (the same journalist who asked the EC whether they knew MEPs were investigating an alleged €150,000 bribe to Borg over the Rakhat Aliyev residence permit).
#BorgEU is better prepared than some of MEPs who want to put him down. MEP Kartika Liotard thinks contraception is prohibited in Malta — Georgi Gotev (@GeorgiGotev) November 13, 2012
16:10 It would seem Borg's general competence on various issues concerning health and consumer policy matters sounds very satisfactory. His confidence in delivery and the the way he has answered certain questions shows a grasp of the subject; on other criticism on abortion, Borg has used the argument of subsidiarity to defend himself of being "against abortion" (by saying that the Treaty does not have any competence on such a matter) and defended himself on the issue of gay rights by boasting of other statements or actions he made that were in favour of same-sex rights.
16:06 Borg says animal cloning on food should be banned in the EU.
@editeestrela @theprogressives Why not enough? Does he has to respond on personal belief or on competence? #freedom of expression #BorgEU — Leo van Doesburg (@leovandoesburg) November 13, 2012
"Perception is as important as reality itself" - a moment of postmodern self-reflexivity in the #BorgEU hearing — Neville Borg (@nevborg) November 13, 2012
Not enough RT @theprogressives: #BorgEU says he will not abandon his personal views but he is bound by rules of being a Commissioner — Edite Estrela MEP (@editeestrela) November 13, 2012
16:00 Borg is now asked about conflicts of interest in terms of health matters. "I am fully aware of the Court of Auditors report on various agencies [EFSA and EMA] - these authorities must be independent but also percieved to be independent. Let's uphold these institutions and not denigrate them. EFSA is either criticised of being too harsh or too lenient. So I will implement measures that there are no conflicts of interest, particularly in terms of employment, and create common rules for all agencies on conflict of interests."
Borg: 'I haven't come to abandon personal views, that's hypocritical. But I will abide by the oath of office and subsidiarity' #BorgEU — B-M Brussels (@BMBrussels) November 13, 2012
#BorgEU Wolf in a sheep's clothing. Dont trust him. — Cynical Gamer (@G_Fenech) November 13, 2012
MEP Estrela says #BorgEU took refuge in the principle of subsidiarity to turn down questions on women's rights — Julie Paquay (@JuliePaquay) November 13, 2012
15:54 Borg defends the principle of subsidiarity, in defending his stance on such issues as abortion. "I will pledge to be a European commissioner. I have always fought for Malta's accession, why? To bring structural funds... perhaps. But it was to bring Malta to the heart of the European Union."
15:52 Borg is now questioned on other issues, amongst then animal health, clinical trials and chronic disease.
Must say, so far I think he's doing great. Much to my surprise. #BorgEU — MSt (@zyng) November 13, 2012
Borg says he will not nationalistically defend his home country, but there are many misconceptions about Malta #BorgEU — Dave Keating (@DaveKeating) November 13, 2012
Most questions for #BorgEU on issues, which are according to the subsidiarity principle in responsibility of Member States. — Romana Jordan (@romanajordan) November 13, 2012
15:44 Borg: "I do not know of a case against contraception in Malta," he says to some applause. "Please come to Malta," Borg says. "Malta never had such a case... it would go against basic freedoms. I am not here in a patriotic streak to defend my country. On issues of abortion, these are matters to be exclusively decided by member states."
15:44 MEP asks supplementary question to Borg whether he would call for safe abortion to be upheld in Malta.
15:42 Borg - "This is a matter of member states to decide, the Commission cannot interere in this decision - and I am bound by the Treaty which makes it extremely clear that such services are in the hands of member states... I have to abide by it, and I will."
15:39 Borg is asked about health system inequality, in terms of care given to heterosexuals and homosexuals, and women: "We expect you to uphold women's rights and health... what we've seen is that where abortion is not legal, there are increased health risks to women. You say that you will support EU legislation as it exists. I would like to know if you are committeed as well to supporting this very fact that in your country [abortion is illegal], and your crediblity as Commissioner depends on this."
#BorgEU gives very positive remark on #gay men being discriminated against when wishing to donate blood. — LGBT Intergroup (@LGBTintergroup) November 13, 2012
15:32 Borg says that as foreign minister he has never touched upon issues of development. On HIV, he talks of the importance of prevention and of his forthcoming presence at the UNAIDS conference.
15:30 Green MEP Sattu Hassi says Malta blocked important EU initiatives on women's rights: "Would you support the importance of sexual and reproductive rights in terms of women's rights and development, AIDS, and the health of European citizens as a whole."
15:29 "I will chart my course on the Charter of Fundamental Rights... I was in favour of endorsing this Charter," Borg says as he talks about his 'human rights record' - "This is something I cherish... this will chart my way forward."
Here's the recording on YouTube of the House sitting in question [in Maltese]
15:26 Borg says he is the co-sponsor of the cohabitation law to issue a 'partnership certificate' for same-sex and opposite-sex unmarried couples in Malta. Denies passing remarks about same-sex couples: "What said was that it would be unfair to extend lease laws to couples that are not part of a framework... I never made any disparaging remarks that 'we should not put up with gays'.
15:25 Borg questioned by Liberal MEP Chris Davies of making "distasteful and homophobic remarks": "why should I vote for you?"
#BorgEU "Despite my personal beliefs" I will abide by #EU rules, principles and established programmes. Draws applause. — Simon Blackley (@simonblackley) November 13, 2012
15:24 Borg said that in spite of his beliefs on stem cell research, he has no problems working on what is acceptable according to member states' law: "I will not be the Maltese Commissioner... I will be the European Commissioner appointed by Malta." [Applause by MEPs].
Borg says on abortion that in spite of personal beliefs he will abide by all programmes already adopted by Commission. #BorgEU — EP PressService (@EuroParlPress) November 13, 2012
15:21 "I will abide by the Treaty, I will abide the Charter of Fundamental Rights... I happen to have a newspaper article, 14 years ago, when they asked me a specific question whether I agreed that a woman was doing something legally wrong to go abroad to have an abortion, and I replied: 'While I have publicly declared myself to be against abortion, I believe this woman has done nothing wrong in going abroad'."
Borg then goes on to say that some letter-writer to the newspaper complained of his stance.
Borg also said he helped in drawing up the cohabitation law (which is actually led by justice minister Chris Said) and the amendments to the hate crimes laws.
15:20 MEP Linda McAvan on Borg's attempt to restrict the free movement of women seeking abortion abroad; "we have also recieved reports that you were party to an attempt not to implement the free movement directive for same-sex couples".
15:16 Borg's first question is on the fate of the Tobacco Products Directive. Borg says: "This is something that has to be delivered. I hope you assist me in bringing around this part of the mandate." Borg now is taking the previous line in the TPD to protect women and children from taking up smoking at an early age.
#BorgEU 1st priority: tobacco prod dir, 2nd: supporting nal healthcare systems to cope with chronic diseases — EPHA (@EPHA_EU) November 13, 2012
Good, clear and competent introduction of #BorgEU, 1st question round is starting — Leo van Doesburg (@leovandoesburg) November 13, 2012
15:16 Borg ends his introductory speech. Questions start now.
15:14 "At times of economic crisis, it is tempting to cut down on health expenditure... Europe should never lose its social compass. Health and consumer policies are areas where action at EU level has clear and tangible benefits for consumers and citizens. I shall serve with maximum energy to the best of my abilities and owrk clsoely with this House... for a better Europe."
15:13 Animal welfare (whom Borg describes as sentient beings) will also be high on his agenda, especially in terms of transport rules.
15:12 Borg: "Science will be my guide when taking difficult decisions... I shall be eager to present a package of proposals on plant health, animal health, and seeds."
15:10 Borg turns to the Maltese language now. Pledges to be a "champion of consumers' interests".
15:08 Borg says he will provide a Tobacco Products Directive that will meet the aspirations of European citizens... and also reveals he smoked his first cigarette at 16.
15:07 Borg pledges continuity, commitment and confidence to the health portfolio: cross-border health threats, clinical trials, and internal market policies are on the agenda.
15:05 Borg dubs the health and consumer affairs portfolio "the people's portfolio", and pledges MEPs to be a commissioner of cooperation and keep the channel of communication free of hindrance. "I shall be independent and objective but above all, European- I have dediated most of my political life towards the accession of Malta to the EU. Why? Because I believe and I uphold European values." - quite a confident start to proceedings and Borg's delivery exhudes a sense of determination.
15:04 Groote reminds everyone that today happens to the International Day of Courtesy... and calls for that same level of courtesy to be displayed during Tonio Borg's opening fifteen-minute statement.
15:03 ENVI committee chairman Matthias Groote is opening the hearing for Tonio Borg.
Key MEPs for the hearing
Matthias Groote (S&D), Chairman of the Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI)
Malcolm Harbour (ECR), Chairman of the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO)
Paolo De Castro (S&D), Chair of the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development (AGRI)
ENVI coordinators: Peter Liese Richard Seeber (EPP), Linda McAvan (S&D), Chris Davies (ALDE), Satu Hassi (Greens/EFA), Anna Rosbach (ECR), Oreste Rossi (EFD)
IMCO coordinators: Andreas Schwab (EPP), Evelyne Gebhardt (S&D) Toine Manders (ALDE), Heide Rühle (Greens), Adam Bielan (ECR) Dennis de Jong (GUE), Matteo Salvini (EFD)
AGRI coordinators: Albert Dess (EPP), Luis Manuel Capoulas Santos (S&D), George Lyon (ALDE), Martin Hausling (Greens/EFA), James Nicholson (ECR), Alfreds Rubiks (GUE/NGL), John Struart Agnew (EFD)
11:57 A nice infographic for you to understand how Tonio Borg will be assessed by MEPs and finally appointed.