New developments expected on Dalli case following interrogation

Dalli, former canvasser Silvio Zammit, and lobbyist Gayle Kimberley called in for questioning on OLAF investigation.

Former commissioner John Dalli has been questioned on the contents of the OLAF investigation.
Former commissioner John Dalli has been questioned on the contents of the OLAF investigation.

Last updated at 8pm

Former commissioner for health and consumer policy John Dalli today was called in for questioning by the Commissioner of Police John Rizzo, over the contents of the investigation by the EU's anti-fraud office OLAF on an alleged bribe solicited by a canvasser of which Dalli was allegedly aware of.

Silvio Zammit, the canvasser who is said to have asked a Swedish Match lobbyist in Malta - lawyer and former European Council legal services office Gayle Kimberley - for a €60 million bribe, was also called in for questioning.

It is not known whether those interrogated will be charged. However, police sources told MaltaToday that new developments will be announced shortly.

Sources close to John Dalli reported that the former Commissioner was "in high spirits". According to the sources, Dalli fully cooperated with the interrogators, "who treated him with respect and dignity".

MaltaToday is informed that John Dalli spent the night between Monday and Tuesday inside the Commissioner of Police's office, because he chose to have interrogation continue uninterrupted.

Dalli was questioned by Commissioner of Police John Rizzo, assistant commissioner and head of the economic crimes unit Michael Cassar and Police Inspector Angelo Gafà.

At 11am, Dalli was about to leave the Floriana depot, but was asked by his interrogators not to leave for questioning to resume.

Zammit would have allegedly asked the bribe to influence tobacco legislation that Dalli was spearheading, which included retaining the ban on Swedish snus, a smokeless form of tobacco that is placed beneath the lips.

Swedish Match reported the bribe to the European Commission, which referred the matter to OLAF. The investigation, which started in May and culminated with the resignation of Dalli on 16 October, was handed to the Maltese Attorney General and subsequently handed to the police for investigation.

Thorny ghax ma tmurx isaqsi lil Kummissarju mela tigi tikteb hawn ? lol. Kulhadd jaf il kulur politku tal kummissarju xinu.... u zgur mhux qied jigi imgebbed b'xi spaga topi kif konna zminijiet ohra tipo ex kummissarju cachia. stqsejt 5 mistoqsijiet li int tippretendi li tihu twegiba? jew biex tipprova thawwad aktar l-imhuh? nahseb dwar silvio zammit ma tantx tider li taf Thorny, Nahseb ma tafx li Mr Zammit kien midhla sew ta Sur Dalli u li kien vicin hafna tieghu? Nahseb qabel tipprova twaddab xi dubbji fuq il -kummissarju ahjar tara l-affarijiet kif inhuma. Nerga nghid li min iwaddab gol borma u jkun jaf x'fiha. Nahseb int Thorny ma wadabt xejn ux ? fil-kaz ghidilna please ..... billi tkun car u to the point. Il bqija ahjar taghlaq naqa halqek
Luke Camilleri
Tghid kumbinazzjoni li din l'interogazzjoni saret fl'istess hin ta' Tonio Borg! Ghalhiex mhux qabel , per ezempju il-gimgha l'ohra jew ta' qabel? X'zamm il-Kummissarju tal_Puluzija li ma jghamilx l'interrogazzjoni qabel mhux fl-istess hin ta' Tonio Borg...... x'id mohbija minn Kastilja??? U ghalhiex tal_PBS ma jsemmghux li SILVIO ZAMMIT mhux negozjant biss imma KIEN VICI-SINDKU NAZZJONALISTA fuq tas-Sliema ????? KEMM HUMA KWIETI FUQ SILVIO ZAMMIT?????? Mhux habba il-kuntatti tieghu mal-PN gie avvicinat dan Silvio Zammit?????
Kulhadd jiteb " ghaliex, kumbinazzjoni , feeling ' etc etc u jien nghid li min ihawwad gol borma u kien jaf x'fiha u la jiena u la konfuxu u l-kumplament min jikteb. Irridu naraw xs' johrog minn din l-investigazzjoni hekk intensiva. Nirrispettaw lil kulhadd pero nahseb hafna paroli zejjed bhalissa ma jaghmel gieh lil hadd.
@konfuxu.........ahjar tibdel in nick u taghmlu KONFUZU ghax hlief mistoqsijiet konfuzi ma ghamiltx. sa fejn naf jien ahbar tohrog wara li tkun saret u mhux qabel. mela meta il puluzija tibghat ghal xi hadd biex tinvestigah toqod ixxandara mal erbat irjieh. jekk se toqod idahhal id dubju f'kollox u f'kull ma jsir kif ghidtlek ibdel in nick u ghamlu KONFUZU.
Kif jghid Tonio, kollox bizzilla.
Ghaliex l-interrogazzjoni bdiet ma dik ta' Tonio Borg u ghaliex in-NET ma xandruwiex mal-Headlines u harget ezzatt wara ta' Tonio Borg flistess bullettin??
x'kumbinazzjoni l-ahbar tohrog kif spicca tgonio borg.interesanti
Priscilla Darmenia
Good luck John. I have a feeling you were framed again.