Michael Axiaq ‘ready to give up seat for Simon Busuttil’

Eighth district candidate Michael Axiaq says he’s ready to yield his seat to Simon Busuttil if the MEP wins the PN deputy leadership election.

Former Nationalist MP Michael Axiaq
Former Nationalist MP Michael Axiaq

If a by-election takes place and PN candidate Michael Axiaq is elected in parliament, he is ready to yield his seat to MEP Simon Busuttil, if the latter wins the election for the new PN's deputy leader.

Everything hinges on whether Foreign Affairs Minister Tonio Borg is approved as the new EU commissioner for health and consumer affairs. If this would be the case, Borg would have to resign his seat in parliament.

He has already resigned his post as deputy leader. His successor - either Finance Minister Tonio Fenech or Simon Busuttil - will be elected on Friday 30 November.

Borg's resignation from parliament would then lead for a by-election on the eighth district, where former MP Michael Axiaq is touted to be favoured for election.

In comments to inewsmalta.com, Axiaq said he was "ready to give up his seat" for Busuttil.

"If it takes place, I would be interested to contest the by-election. However I am also ready not to contest if Simon Busuttil would eventually need that seat in parliament," Axiaq told the online newspaper.

He added that this all depended on how things were going to unfold and what the PN decides to do.

During the 2008 elections, Tonio Fenech was elected on the first count with 5,509 votes followed by Tonio Borg (3,780) and Beppe Fenech Adami (1,857).

Michael Axiaq had garnered 564 votes.

According to inewsmalta, favoured for the by-election is Michael Axiaq and possibly lawyer Martin Fenech.

@fenea... Isa hej kemm taf taghmel il-bizzilla! Kien ikun ahjar li kieku fakkart lil franzo li: IVA FLIMKIEN KOLLOX POSSIBBLI! Tick tock... Tick tock....
@franco.........jekk jigri hekk ikun austin gatt li joffri is siggu lil simon. u b'hekk gonzi ikun laqat erba ghasafar b'gebla wahda. simon vici kap, simon membru parlamentari, austin gatt johrog bl unuri ghax ikun ghamel il wisa ghal vici kap,u jghaddi il budget.
How very generous of Michael giving something that he hasn't got. Has he taken into consideration that should Tonio Borg not make it to the Commission that seat is still his? I think he did so the offer.