Simon Busuttil says he is best choice for PN to win next general elections

Simon Busuttil writing PN electoral manifesto, says councillors must choose deputy leader who can clinch Nationalist re-election.

Nationalist MEP Simon Busuttil said councillors should choose a deputy leader who can steer the PN to victory.
Nationalist MEP Simon Busuttil said councillors should choose a deputy leader who can steer the PN to victory.

Simon Busuttil wants party councillors to choose the deputy leader who can take the PN to another electoral victory, the Nationalist MEP and contender for the post of Lawrence Gonzi's second-in-command said today.

Busuttil, who said his deputy leadership campaign had been interrupted by efforts to have commissioner-designate Tonio Borg meet MEPs before his hearing, said party councillors who will vote for their next deputy leader had to consider who was best suited to keep the PN in power.

"Councillors must elect the person who can help the PN win the next general elections," Busuttil said on TVAM today morning. "The choice is clear: who from us two can help the PN win the election."

Busuttil is to face finance minister Tonio Fenech in the deputy leadership election, the latter enjoying the endorsement of seven government ministers.

Both men are aged 43 and rose fast within the political and executive ranks: Busuttil is one of the EPP's most prominent of MEPs, and today is drafting the PN's upcoming electoral manifesto; Fenech, not new to controversy during his time in office, was appointed junior minister for finance upon election to parliament before being promoted to minister in 2008.

Busuttil argued that since all PN executive positions have to be reconfirmed by a ballot after each general election, the election of a deputy leader - a vacancy created by the nomination of Tonio Borg as commissioner-designate - would be a short-term post.

"The focus for councillors can only be on what the next deputy leader can do to win the general elections, and I want to help the party win the general elections," Busuttil said.

The MEP also said reconciliation was key to winning the elections, when asked about a possible rapprochement with rebel backbencher Franco Debono. "Every poll shows the PN at a disadvantage. We must win thousands of votes back, and I want to target those votes and convince them that the PN is still the best tool people have to improve their lives. We must extend the hand of friendship and trust. I can bring these people back.

"The choice I put to councillors is that if they think Tonio Fenech is their best chance to win the elections again, then they should vote for him. But if they think I am better for the PN to win the elections, then it is their duty to vote for me."

The appointment of Borg as commissioner, to be decided by MEPs in a secret ballot in Strasbourg on 21 November, will mean casual elections for the parliamentary seat vacated by the foreign minister; and a possible move to co-opt Busuttil to parliament if Nationalist candidates accept a party directive not to contest the casual elections.

Former MP Michael Axiak has already stated he would not contest the bye-election if asked not to.

A rejected commissioner could see Borg retain the post of deputy prime minister, while the PN would get a new deputy leader for party affairs.

I thought it was the Prime Minister who should lead and win an election? Therefore he believes he should be the new prime minister if the PN win another election.
What a pompous ass if ever there was one.
I would have expected this PN candidature to continue on the established practice of being launched in the presence of the spouse.
Dr. Busuttil has no credibility. Many a time he has taken stances in the EU which were not in Malta's interest. We now also have a confirmation from him that he was responsible for the many lies in the PN electoral manifesto of 2008. We can only expect much of the same. What a choice for deputy leaders! Tonio Fenech, yes the one that went on a private jet to watch Arsenal. Yes, the one that never took legal action against the claims that construction works on his house were done as a favour. Yes, the one that will leave 5,000,000,000 debt for our children to pay. If this is the new PN .........I'll take Labour any day.
Just Ray, Simon is pitted against Tonio Fenech; and certainly, Simon would be the one to help the PN garner more of the lost votes. Tonio would help keep the conservatives in the fold. Quite useless really, as these never left. However, too much water has gone under the bridge, and the tide is too high to hold and reverse, even for a strong swimmer like Simon. Good exercise though.
Luke Camilleri
Has Simon Busutil going into fairy tale writing? They call their book of fables - an electoral manifesto when all it turns out to be is a Post- Electoral PNtomime Scipt!
Lawrence Covin
Skyfall, Simon, Skyfall. With the present fuel bills, MALTA WON'T WORK.
You are young and already have become pathetic! How do you expect to win the next general elections by giving us a few lies as you did in 2004 when you fooled the hunters and trappers? Hallina Mr. you do not stand a chance against Joseph, take my word!
Mark Fenech
But, I cannot understand how an internal pn matter, features on the supposed to be national broadcaster. The election of vice-leader of a political party is a totally internal issue, and we the taxpayers should not be bothered about it. Leave them to fight it out internally among themselves.
Priscilla Darmenia
For Simon Busuttil the PN would be the best choice as he is assured of a seat in parliament and perhaps a ministeral job under GonziPN plus frindge benefits perhaps the unsuspending of the €500 extra per week salary.
Does continue to build on the present performance and on that of the last 5 years mean that he will continue to build the mountain of public debt? 5,000,000,000 and counting.
@ elwenzu >> So right. But, he was given an offer he could not refuse. You know, the Italian style offer! Anyway, looking at the bright side, this way he gets his foot in. Possibly even a parliamentary seat as well, depending how it works out for that bahbuh Tonju Borg. After next elections, with the PN in opposition and desperately seeking a new leader, he would claim the moral high ground amongst the leadership hopefuls. He would claim that he entered the lions' den, when these were waiting to be fed, whilst no one else did.
Sur Busuttil, hafna nammirak ghal kuragg li ghandek u ghal kif titkellem u tagixxi biss u biss inti wisq xipli u ma jixraqlekx li tithassar ghax inti kwazi l-unika tuffieha t-tajba fil-basket....nissugerilek li tistenna ftit qabel ma tiehu dan il-pass!!!
wow is this guy contesting for second in command or does he think he will be crowned queen? it is all about I I I what about we we we??
I was told that this morning when the presenter of TVAM asked Simon Busutill what he ointends to put in the PN electoral Manifesto, he replied that they will build on the present performance, that is on what they have been doing in the last 5 years. Does this mean that they will again raise their salaries by receive Euro 500 ? Does this mean that against all reasoning they will spend Euro 80 Million on a parliament that was not needed and ona roofless theathe? Does this mean that they will have a party which is bleeding with internal conflicts? Did not Gonzi last September promised a NEW Government? I see a lot of contradictions in whatever Busutill has said in all his declarations so far
Kiteb il programm elettorali ta 2008. Mela huwa kien li wieghed tnaqqis fit taxxa, 6000 impieg fi Smart City, garanzja ta xoghol li haddiema tal Air Malta,Sea Malta, GO,Drydocks. Issa irid li PN jerga jkun fil gvern wara li salbu lil poplu bit taxxi. U wara kollox kif irid Simon Busuttil li il PL jippublika l programm elettorali tieghu meta huwa ghadu qieghed jiktbu!!!! Dr Busuttil kien Brussell meta l poplu kellu jhallas ghal kontijiet esagirati ta dawl, ilma , gas, petrol, diesel u issa anki l posta. Hallina Dr Busuttil
Mhux wara li tliftu kull Kredibilita imma
Poor ole Simon, he STILL doesn't understand that the GonziPN tribe has shafted him.
You seen to forget that you lost the MEP elections.
Simon isma minni keep the benefit of your excellent reputation to yourself! Don't mix with the dirt of the PN in Malta. You are their ONLY chance to hint at being competitive at the elections BUT until certain top brass the likes of AG, RCC, LG, GP, u bella kumpanija disappear from the party, you would have no voice or control therefore your good intentions will be choked by their corruption and your good reputation tarnished by their oligarchy! Save the golden arrow (yourself) when it is not wasted, career-wise for now you are much better of as MEP than in the opposition seats!!!!
Simon Busuttil is the biggest asset the PN has to win the next election.
I can bring these people back. saimon ha terga tithaq bil kaccaturi u nassaba bhal ma ghamilt qabel thalna f'EU.
Simon isma minni keep the benefit of your excellent reputation to yourself! Don't mix with the dirt of the PN in Malta. You are their ONLY chance to hint at being competitive at the elections BUT until certain top brass the likes of AG, RCC, LG, GP, u bella kumpanija disappear from the party, you would have no voice or control therefore your good intentions will be choked by their corruption and your good reputation tarnished by their oligarchy! Save the golden arrow (yourself) when it is not wasted, career-wise for now you are much better of as MEP than in the opposition seats!!!!
Dear Simon. Yes indeed the PN is still the best tool bla bla bla. Dont be so naive. Do you think that the people have forgotten when your beloved Gonzipnfrejjeg voted heartily for the exhorbitant rise in the utilities tariffs? Do you think that the thousands that you have mentioned would ever forget the 600 euro weekly rise and the meagre 1 euro 16 given to them? Do you think that they would forget the BWSC scandal or the Arriva fiasco? Would the people forget that the PN is not the PN of yesterday? With all the factions, oligarchy. klikek and quarreling within ? These among several other frejjeg. Even on your part I have repeatedly blogged that you deceived the people when you stated that very few outsiders would come to Malta as the trend was for them to go to Northern countries. That is when the EU referendum was about. And what about your flop as regards ACTA. And now I see you flopping again. Because you have no chance of reconciling the various factions in the PN . And mark my words Tonio will beat you hands down because he has always towed the line and is a much better candidate than your goodself.
Hail the second coming of the saviour in the person of Simon Busuttil, a 'johnny-come-lately' and o'ne who prefers sitting on fences' if there ever was one. Superman, Superwomen and Batman all rolled into one! Amazing. Tick tock... tick tock...