[WATCH] ‘I voted in favour’ – Simon Busuttil on Franco Debono’s election ban

After calls for reconciliation with Franco Debono, Simon Busuttil today says he voted in favour of the decision to ban the MP from contesting the election on a PN ticket.

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech and PN MEP Simon Busuttil addressing the media at the PN's headquarters. (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)
Finance Minister Tonio Fenech and PN MEP Simon Busuttil addressing the media at the PN's headquarters. (Photo: Ray Attard/MediaToday)

Nationalist MEP Simon Busuttil told the media this evening that he voted in favour of the executive council's decision to ban rebel MP Franco Debono from contesting the coming election on the PN ticket, when asked whether the Nationalist Party should reconcile with the dissident MPs.

Busuttil, a contender for the PN deputy leadership contest, said he was present for the executive meeting that banned Debono, Jesmond Mugliett and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando from contesting on the PN ticket, after having voted against the government whip's orders.

Busuttil's overtures for reconciliation with Debono had been met with a quick affirmation from the PN that its position on Debono would hold. Earlier this month, the PN MEP admitted he wasn't against reconciliation with Debono.

"I voted in favour of the decision," Busuttil stated today. "In no way did I request that the decision be reversed, or attempted to have it reversed or wish for its reversal."

Busuttil also defended statements he made earlier today on TVAM, that the PN's electoral manifesto - which he is authoring - would be unveiled only once the election is announced.

Asked to explain the inconsistency between the PN's attacks on Labour's lack of electoral proposals despite its own resistance in publishing its own proposals, Busuttil insisted the difference was that voters knew where they stood with the PN. "The electorate knows that during the past four years we created jobs and broke records. On the other hand the Labour party says nothing about the future."

He added that he was proud to be responsible for the electoral programme: "Until we publish it, you still know where you stand with us."

Also present for the press conference was Finane Minister Tonio Fenech - Busuttil's rival for the deputy leadership contest. Together with the executive council president Marthese Portelli, Fenech and Busuttil held a press conference to insist that the PL promises would only translate into "new taxes".

Fenech has already received 130 nominations for the election - nominations that also include ministers. Busuttil however insisted that he was unfazed by the open support of government ministers for Fenech's candidature. "It does not bother me that the ministers will be supporting Tonio. I would have been surprised if it were otherwise," Busuttil said.

Replying to MaltaToday's questions on what new changes will their election as deputy leader bring to the party, Fenech said: "The PN is the motor of change. In itself it brings change. That is we  focus on the economy, education, and work as the means through which to bring this transformation about."

"Obviously in no legislature can one do everything, however we remain the party of change. One must give space for this change to take place."

On his part, Busuttil said that he "perfectly agreed" with Fenech's statement. He added that the Labour Party was the party that consistently opposed change: "It opposed Malta's EU membership, the liberalisation of commerce, the setting up of local councils and the Delimara power station extension project."

Fenech also reiterated the party line on Debono, Mugliett and Pullicino Orlando's ban. "I agree with the decision taken by the Executive, because at the time when they were needed, they weren't there," Fenech said.

He added that the Executive Council's decision "sends a clear message that we are a team that provides stability and certainty... at the end of the day they were not expelled from the PN, and there is nothing stopping them from militating within the party."

I think that this is Simon`s worse U-TURN.
Jien kont wiehed minn ta' quddiem li ma qbiltx ma' Simon Busuttil meta tkellem dwar ir-rikonciljazzjoni ma' dak ta' Hal Gahxaq. Pero' b'daqshekk ma jfissirx li l-puzizzjoni politika ta' Simon inmbidlet. Forsi ried ikun daqxejn rikonciljatorju, li zgur ma ghamiltlux gid ma' l-gheruq tal-Partit kif ukoll ma hafna Nazzjonalisti. Max-xita, ma tistax taghmel rikonciljazzjoni u ghalhekk kont rajta ftit barra min lokha dik id-dikjarazzjoni ta' Simon. Kemm l-okkazjoni kien hemm biex dan ir-ribell jersaq u jkompli jahdem fil-partit ma' shabu?
Of course we know where we stand with Gonzi PN! We have an excellent power station, we have extra long waiting lists for Mater Dei, protracted unavailability of medicines of 'free' medicines, a record of National debt which will take 2 generations to pay, a number of other yet 'undisclosed' bills to pay, a record of dwellings which are empty and yet we go on extending building areas, a very efficient transport service which cost us millions, etc. Sure we know where we stand. Gonzi PN has made sure no one in his right senses could miss it.
Sure the PN have left a trail of disasters behind them. This is the motor of change that the PN leaves. 500 euro inc. per week for themselves. Higher prices for electricity and water A smart joke ghost smart city bad junk roads full of potholes bad air quality and bad energy planning A new power station extension running on heavy fuel oil MEPA giving out permits for ODZ like never before to chosen ones Massive corruption and massive promotions to blue eyed persons who do not even do half their job A disaster in school education based on inclusion Middle class destroyed I think that one can add much more to this list. In my opinion the country is worse off than it was in 2008. Playing about with statistics, moaning and groaning about numbers will not work in 2012
Tonio Fenech said that the "PN is the motor of change". He also said that changes has to be done stepped. I think he was not referring about changes in favour of the people such as reduction in income tax, because this never had happened. Neither he was referring about the increase in their salaries by 600 euro because this increase was not stepped but instantly, and secretly. Tonio Fenech will soon learn who is the real motor. The motor, are the people, PN supporters also included, fed up by arrogance, wild promises before election. and burdens of bills. Now that election is on the door step, you are trying to reconcile with those who suffered for four and half years. Too late now. Tonio, the motor will change now.
Meta Simon Busutill, induna li hadd min tal-klikka ma jrid rikonciljazzjoni, u ghal din ir-raguni mbuttaw lil Tonio Fenech biex jikkoompetijlu, biddel id-diska u qieghed jiftahhar li vvota favur il-mozzjoni biex Franco Debono u shabu u jithallewx johorgu ghall-elezzjoni. Simon Busutill, prova ukoll jiehu vantagg fuq Tonio Fenech, meta qal li waqt li ghamel l- manifest ghal elezzjoni tat-2008, kien kwazi lesta l-manifest ghal l-elezzjoni li gejja. Mela nahseb Simon, kellu wkoll sehem f'hafna weghdi, u anke ittri garanziji ta' xoghol, iffirmati mill-Prim Ministru, qabel l-elezzjoni tal-2008, biex jisraq il-voti ta' hafna haddiema biex wara li ha li ried bghatilhom ittri biex jirrezenjaw min xogholhom. Maghkhon hadd ma jaf fejn qieghad!!!!!!!!!!
Mur afdak Busu. Illum tghid mod u l-ghada taghmel iehor. Aghar minn gonzipnfrejjeg. Jekk joghgbok tista tikkonfermalna jekk siehebek hux se jgholli ir-rati tad-dawl u l-ilma. Jew forsi se jnaqqas l-income tax ? Jew forsi se jibdew jigu impjegati n-nies f'Smart City ? Qed insaqsiek ghax int ghidt li int inkarigat mill-programmm elettorali tal-pnfrejjeg. J'Alla tibqa int. Tinsiex li qabel l-elezzjoni tal-2008 il-pn kien jgawdi maggoranza ta' madwar 13000 vot. Mela biss sahha tieghek il-pn tilef mal 11500 vot. Vera m'ghandekx biex tiftahar hlief bil-frejjeg (ACTA, gideb lil-kaccaturi etc ). U issa tista tiftahar bil-U-TURNS , sur Buzu.
Ghamlulek smack u ghajtu mieghek jaqaw Simon? Ghalhekk dawwart kollox?! Gie il-babaw Austin jew il-mostru Richie jaqaw?! Morru l-hemm kollha kemm intom...bidla iva...kollox ghal butkom issa imma hux...ghalikom u ghal uliedkom! Kelli fiducja fik Simon imma ga urejtni li pinnur ma tiswa xejn il-kelma tieghek! Il-vot tieghi u tal-familja qattghuhom please!
The problem with Lou Bondì is not so much that he is a staunch PN supporter, nor even his rabidly anti-PL sentiments. Most people would even be prepared to overlook even his wet celebration of the PN 2008 electoral victory, which was immortalised in pictures splashed over many local media. What rankles, and drives people mad, is his inability to adopt a non-partisan stance when conducting a current affairs programme on national TV. Even fair-minded Nationalirs are prepared to privately admit that someone so obviously biased should not even be allowed within sight of a studio which hosts similar programmes, notwithstanding the journalistic skills he displays when the topic under discussion happens to be an apolitical one. That Maltatoday has in recent years adopted an anti-PN editorial line is unndeniable. That is entirely within its rights, since it is NOT a public entity, financed by the tax-payer and bound to maintain political impartiailty at all costs.
Biddel id-diska...m'ghdux issa jghid kemm kellu laqgha ma FD gewwa l-Belt Valletta biex forsi jergghu jaslu x'imkien...mur afda fihom
How much more proof do we need that Simon has now joined the clikk, Yes Simon we know where we stand with the PN, Nothing for the people and all for the Government and their friends. Nothing changes with the pn its just all lies lies and more lies.
"The electorate knows that during the past four years we created jobs and broke records" -- indeed! So much so that you're already SOUNDING like a BROKEN RECORD ... And this pinnur is supposed to be the new hope??? LOL
"The electorate knows that during the past four years we created jobs and broke records" -- indeed! So much so that he's already SOUNDING like a BROKEN RECORD ... And this pinnur is supposed to be the new hope??? LOL
My impression is that Simon is walking in Gonzi's footsteps. First he came out with the strange claim that if Labour is elected, Malta will ask the EU for a bailout in two years. Now he says he voted in favour of banning Franco Debono to contest the elections when just two weeks ago he tried to mend fences with Franco. It would have been appropriate for Simon Busutill to show some consistency. Better still if Simon had some foresight, he would have abstained on Franco's ban so that he would be more credible about his reconciliatory posture.
Nahseb aqta' x'jitqalleb gonzipn jara li l-kandidat li ghazel hu biex taparsi jaghti laqgha zebgha gdida lil PN jaghmel qassata wara l-ohra ..... issa la bezaqgha, allura ghandu hu wkoll jghidilna x'qed jinhema fil-programm elettorali ta' gonzipn wara li tant ilhom inewwhu li jridu jafu x'hemm fil-manifest tal-partit laburista .... imma ga beda jidher car li hawn ukoll hemm cans kbir li l-pjan ta' gonzipn ifalli ghax tonio fenech, l-abbati ta' birkirkara, issa qed jgholli rasu hu wkoll u minkejja l-arsenal, il-villa ta' hal balzan, borg hedley u l-biki tal-madonna ..... ghandu cans li johrog rebbieh ....
Franco Debono's intense but brief political adneturs is over. A pity, in a way. http://thaxwix.blogspot.com/2012/11/notragic-hero-there-was-timebefore-now.html
Ara lil Labour triduh juri il manefest eletoralli tijew per inthom le ghax forsi andkhom li privileg gej mis sema li jghamilkom ahajar min nies normali
Just don't write the mess you wrote in 2008.
Paul Sammut
"Until we publish it, you still know where you stand with us." Oh yes, we surely do. In the ...t.
Lawrence Covin
Skyfall, Simon, skyfall. With the present fuel bills, MALTA WON'T WORK.
Luke Camilleri
Ma tantx hu nghixu nghixu Dr. Simon Busuttil! Nahseb issa hadhu il-messag Dr. Franco Debono, MA JRIDUHX - OLIGARCHY RULES ok!
Sur Simon Bussuttil wisq nibza li qed tghara kbir wisq meta qed tajtilli jek jghazlu lilek trebahom l,elezzjoni mahasibx li qed tkun sincier malpoplu Malti jien nissugerilek sabiex ma thalliex mohhok jigri bik il hsara li saret mill Partit tijak inkluz int issa tard wisq ta min ifakrek li il Hazin kollu li ghamel il partit tijak inkluz int qatt ma jista iregga Larlog lura Ohlom Simon u ibqa Ohlom NB E Billhaq mela qed tahseb li il Poplu Malti CUC
Rikonciljazzjoni a la Simon Busutill.... Id wahda bl-istallett u l-ohra bl-ingwanta tal-harir. Int m'hawnx bhalek Simon. Mhux ta b'xejn Franco imwerwer minnkom.
PN motor of change when historically the PN voted against all the social changes we are reaping the benefits from today?...not to mention that it voted against divorce, gay rights, quota for genders! Indeed, many Europeans are afraid of what GonziPN stands for, otherwise they would have accepted out Deputy Prime Minister without hiccups! They even want written assurances cause they do not trust local conservatives!
Dawn iz-zewg toddlers jafu x'qed jghidu? Min kien kontra il-penzjoni tax-xjuh? Min kien kontra l-edukazzjoni obbligatorja? Min kien kontra li l-edukazzjoni obbligatorja titla ghal 16 is sena? Min kien kontra l-bonus? Min kien kontra kontra l-vot ta' 18-il-sen? Min kien kontra l-vot tan-nisa? Min kien kontra l-maternity leave? Min kien kontra li l-omosesswali ma jibqghux jintbaghtu l-habs minhabba l-orjentazzjoni taghhom? Min kien kontra l-istand li Mintoff ha kontra Gaddafi? Min kien kontra d-divorzju? Ir-risposta dejjem l-istess. Il-PN.
He added that he was proud to be responsible for the electoral programme: "Until we publish it, you know where you stand with us." ......... IN HELL Simon.