Eddie Fenech Adami says MEPs' demands are ‘not on’

Former PN Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami says he would not have caved in to demands made by MEPs for Tonio Borg to pledge his commitment to a series of promises.

Former PN leader Eddie Fenech Adami.
Former PN leader Eddie Fenech Adami.

Former President and PN leader Eddie Fenech Adami said that he would not make the public declaration being demanded from EU commissioner-designate Tonio Borg by MEPs.

However, earlier on Monday, Borg sent a letter to MEPs in which he committed himself to fight discrimination in all its forms and abide by the principle of Article 21 of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights, Article 19 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU, and EU anti-discrimination and case law as fulfillment of his pledge to fight any sort of discrimination, after he was accused of having made homophobic statements in the past.

In his letter, the designate-commissioner also said that he will "actively support EU policies with regard to women's rights."

Borg was asked to make seven pledges by MEPs from the environment and public health affairs committee, who could not agree on the approval of Borg, following his grilling last week.

ENVI committee chair Matthias Groote said that Borg will have to deliver a public "unambiguous and full commitment" to seven separate pledges - such as treating all EU citizens equally and actively supporting EU policies on women's rights - if he is to be endorsed by a majority of the European Parliament.

Fenech Adami told General Workers Union news portal inewsmalta that if would be in Borg's place he would refuse to cave in to such pressures.

"He [Borg] knows what the circumstances are. If I was in his place, I would not sign. However I respect whatever decision Dr Borg will take. He knows what the contingencies are. However, for me its not on."

Fenech Adami also lambasted the criticism levelled at Borg's values and beliefs. "While everybody was full of praise for Borg's performance [during the hearing], the criticism on Borg's beliefs goes against the European Union's principles," Fenech Adami said as he warned that the EU's true values are being lost.

Fenech Adami was not alone in saying that Borg should not give in to such demands. Jeffery Pullicino Orlando, formerly a Nationalist MP, said the demands are "humiliating" and added that a demand for Borg to commit himself to "actively support EU policies on women's rights" will mean he will have to support sexual health and reproductive rights that will include access to safe and legal abortions.

Pullicino Orlando also said Borg was being asked to "effectively support abortion" by signing up to the pledge: "If I were Tonio Borg I would find a problem in making such a pledge, as the words 'actively supporting' also point towards supporting abortion. Abortion is recognised as a woman's right in the European Union."

@zulu7777 You are very misinformed. It is not the EU which we joined which is wrong. It is the socialists and the liberals who agree with abortion and so on. The Popular Party has family values at heart. I get the impression that you are a confused socialist who voted not to get in the Eu but now admires a leader (J.Muscat)who says that it was a mistake to have voted against the EU.
Ara mela raga qam dottore EFA!!Mela insejt kemm pingejt lil EU GENNA TA L-ART?? Iss kakkiet il-baqra [kif jghidu bil Malti] sur EFA. U il- knisja fejnhi issa? Mela fej jaqblina, ma kollox naqblu? Mela il-hazin mhux dejjem hazin jibqa? IPOKRITI KIENU, GHADHOM U JIBQU...GHAL DEJJEM, HEKK IKUN.
Nammira l-valuri sodi ta' Tonio Borg!
Sur Ex Prim Ministru U Sur Ex Predident Fid Dinja Dak Li Tizra Tahsad
Prsident Emeritus for him it is not on:Mela x'hinu "on" ghalieh. Meta ktibtlu kif kien sar il-frame-up ta' missieri, Karm Grima, dak li wehel inturtament ghall-ghomru Monte Carmelis biex ma jinkixfux il-vjolenti tal-15/10/1979, dan il-prim Ministru kien ghamel l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi fuq hekk u minn ara dari, ghalkemm kien baghatli acknowledgeement.Skond Dr. Wenzu Mintoff, li staqsa ghall tlitt darbiet x'kien fija hekk importanti li dan hbija fl-istrong room tal-parlament, dan irrispondieh li ma hux fl-interess tal-poplu,u li ghandu ordnijiet x'jobdi.Kont ktibtlu ittra u ghidtlu li anke Adolf Eichmann qal hekk meta qalulu ghaliex kien qatel 6 miljun Ludi. Befel ist befel. Ma irrispondiniex. Wara din insterqet minn Dr. A. Sant u ahna ghadna imcapsa bil-gideb li qalghu fuqna kemm il-media Lab. u dik Nazzjonalista.
Simple political math 101... New audience = new politician + new beliefs. If the MEPs believe him, it's only because they're of the same graduating class and have no real beliefs that are truly their own...
T Borg is known for his strong objections to abortion. So, he should never have signed to support EU policies regarding women's rights. EU polices on women's rights include the EU funding two of the world' largest abortion providers. http://www.europeandignitywatch.org/fileadmin/user_upload/PDF/Day_to_Day_diverse/Funding_of_Abortion_Through_EU_Development_Aid_full_version.pdf
Kemm jafu joqomsu l-faxxista, err ridt nghid nazzjonalisti, meta xi hadd imiss lilom! ... Here they play as more catholic than the pope and subject everyone to THEIR will and view on things (because of their sacred conscience!), but when others give them a small taste of their own medicine they cry foul! ... You wanted Europe Fenech Adami, so now you have it! The EU is based on mutual respect and values: if you can't take it you should leave! Yes values and respect for everyone, including women and gays, and not only the old boys' club to which you all belong. Maltese politicians take heed: your actions in Malta will no longer go unnoticed and you cannot do whatever you want with impunity anymore! Maybe one day we will be dragged kicking and screaming into the 20th century (yes we're too far from the 21 st still LOL). I suffer because I'm Maltese and do not want my nation to be humiliated, but I do not feel sorry for the fascists who brought this upon themselves! Who has been putting the brakes on the introduction of the cohabitation law??? It was supposed to be October (after how many delays?). Who but the so-called leader of the house could have had the power to constantly push it back? Now he gets a taste of his own medicine -- and we can all see him for the spineless coachroach he really is: even the laqi Fenech Adami would not have signed that paper -- because it shows Borg as a double-faced hypocrite!
As you can see ,since you left as a leader Dr Fenech Adami all the values one by one are being lost.Iam waiting to see if Mr Borg is going to support "ABORTION".
Welcome to EU Ed!
Adrian Busuttil
I disagree. Malta is not a non-aligned country anymore and has to consider the needs and sensitivities of all EU citizens when pitching for a position as important as EU Commissioner. Sadly, religious sentiments fly out of the window and are simply a non-starter from a EU-Wide point of view. Fenech Adami obviously already knows this since it was through his efforts that Malta became part of the EU. As the saying goes - "you made your bed, now sleep in it."
Adrian Busuttil
I disagree. Malta is not a non-aligned country anymore and has to consider the needs and sensitivities of all EU citizens when pitching for a position as important as EU Commissioner. Sadly, religious sentiments fly out of the window and are simply a non-starter from a EU-Wide point of view. Fenech Adami obviously already knows this since it was through his efforts that Malta became part of the EU. As the saying goes - "you made your bed, now sleep in it."