Residents living next to waste recycling plant to get partial tariff rebate

Residents of Marsascala, Zabbar and Zejtun to benefit from 'Sant Antnin' tariff rebate.

Minister George Pullicino has announced a tariffs' rebate for residents living next to the Sant Antnin plant.
Minister George Pullicino has announced a tariffs' rebate for residents living next to the Sant Antnin plant.

Families living within a radius of 1.5km from the waste recycling plant in Marsascala will be eligible for a rebate on their electricity bills, resources and rural affairs minister George Pullicino said this morning on TVAM.

Pullicino will today announce that families will receive a rebate of 150 units per person in that household, amounting to some €96 a year for a family of four.

The 1.5km radius will mean residents of Marsascala, Zabbar and Zejtun will benefit from the rebate.

"Attitudes towards recycling today are changing, and more use is being made of the waste recycled at the Sant' Antnin plant to generate power... the nearby swimming pool at the Inspire charity is being heated by this plant," Pullicino said.

An estimated 3,000 households, equivalent to roughly 7,000 residents, will benefit from the scheme. Each eligible household will receive a cheque to be redeemed to settle part of their next electricity bill and/or to credit the respective ARMS account. The benefit, which has been established as 150 units per person registered at the address, is being limited to permanent private residences.

The renewable energy produced at the Sant'Antnin Plant is generated through the treatment of organic waste, whereby the waste undergoes a fermentation process in closed vessels. This results in the production of Biogas which is used to generate energy, in the form of both heat and electricity.

While the electrical energy is fed into the national grid, thus contributing to Malta's renewable energy target, the heat energy is being used as part of an important project which WasteServ has undertaken in collaboration with Inspire Foundation.

WasteServ has implemented a Heat Transfer Project between the Sant'Antnin Waste Treatment Plant and the neighbouring Inspire complex. Through this project, renewable energy generated at the plant is transferred by convection to heat the Foundation's indoor pool as well as preheat the domestic hot water calorifier.

The project required the installation of a 2km pipeline and related gear including a Building Management System to control and monitor the heat transfer. This constituted a total investment of €345,000 financed through local funds.

What a coincidence Pullicino decided to give this partial rebate when on the 29th of November 2012, the case of the Sant’ Antnin recycling plant will be sentenced by Judge Mark Chetcuti on whether the process by MEPA leading to the permit was vitiated or not. The lobby group against the plant filed this case in 2007, and after 6 years of hearing, finally we are on the eve of a decision. Pullicino uses all means and tactics to influence the verdict. This meaningless rebate and the family park are all planning gains to alleviate the burdens residents have to endure. BAD ODOURS…. In this case it justifies the claims by residents that the Sant’ Antnin recycling plant is an obnoxious industry that should have never been built firstly in a protected valley and a stone’s throw away from the habitat. Shame on you Pullicino.
xi hlew , il pm gonzi hemm joghqod u tghidx kemm qed ihaffu biex jifthu l ghalqa ta quddiemu halli kif johrog fit tieqa jara gnien ...heq kulhad b xortie , il pm jaffordja l lussu jirranga quddiem id dar tieghu..u issa se jiehu rebate , insomma b 600000 il bank mhux bzonnu r rebate.
jekk forsi insejtu........dan kien imwieghed qabel ma beda jinbena l-impjant. l-energija provduta mir riciklagg kellhom igawdu minna ir residenti fil vicin. insejtu kemm gie mghajjar giddieb ma nafx xhiex aktar pullicino fil laqghat li saru. sahansitra joseph muscat dakinhar mep kien hadha qatta bla habel kontra il gvern u kien qal li se jimxi spalla ma spalla man residenti ta marsaskala u anke qal li se jghamel min kollox biex il fondi mill eu ghal dak il progett ma jigux. PROSIT PULLICINO TAJT RISPOST LILL KULLHADD.
Mela Zokk sur Pullicin, u dan ghalix!!! mela rohs ghal dawk il-postijiet hemm u ghal kumplament le...x'differenza hemm!!!! U ghal tal-Marsa ghalix le, u ghal tal-Mghatab ghalix le!!!Mela jistaw jonqsu il-kontijiet tad-dawl!!!!! L-aqwa li l-poplu mhux mignun!!
Will those who are receiving Euro 0 bills be entitles for this rebate?
Dear Hon. Pullicino: How about the citizens of Marsaxlokk who were regalled with a power station extension running on heavy fuel oil? How much rebate for them?
Lino Camilleri
What about Xghajra residents?
Why? Is it a bribe to keep their mouth shut about living next to a stink bomb? Not that I begrudge them their rebate. They deserve it - and more - but if it is compensation then call it that.
Nazzareno Pace
He He He.....who lives in a 1.5 km zone??? Only a handful will get something from this incentive. What is this a budget proposal or an election promise... seems Election Day is near.
Good lukc to all those who will benefit from thos BUT I hope that the New Commissioner for Consumer affairs who boasted of principles and said he will fight all sort of Discimination will look into this type of "Discrimination". I have a family of 4 too. I have always worked, paid my bills and all taxes, so why am I going to be discriminated because I don't live in the mentioned localities? Or is it another VOTE catching scheme?????
Paul Sammut
Big deal. What ridiculous compensation is this? €96 a year for a family of four works out at laughable 6.5 euro cents per person per day. Our health costs much, much more than that. What the people in the area effected by the recycling plant rightfully want is a healthy environment and clean air that is free from obnoxious and harmful smells.
Joseph MELI
Why only those with a family of 4?Also non-Maltese need not apply for this rebate as they apparently aren't eligible for any subsidies -just higher tariffs