Air Malta chairman calls for privatisation

Air Malta chairman Louis Farrugia tells MHRA annual general meeting that airline can only expand through private capital injection.

Air Malta chairman Louis Farrugia (right) said the airline can only move forward if it is privatized.
Air Malta chairman Louis Farrugia (right) said the airline can only move forward if it is privatized.

The only way to expand the national airline's operations is from private investment, Air Malta chairman Louis Farrugia said today on the airline's restructuring process.

"Some players believe that Air Malta must continue to lose money on some of its routes. Let me make it clear. We have no option but to become profitable. It is only once we achieve this that we will be able to attract new capital and funding," Farrugia said.

Explaining that under state aid rules Air Malta can no longer receive state funding for the next ten years, Farrugia said: "The only way to expand is through private capital injection which will only be forthcoming if profits are made."

Addressing the Malta Hotels and Restaurants Association annual general meeting, he added that it would make perfect sense for private capital to be represented on the Board of Directors and ensure that in the future "good commercial thinking" prevails. In July, Air Malta announced a €30 million operating loss at the end of its financial year in March 2012, registering an improvement of €4.3 million over 2011.

The airline had said that the target for the current year was to reduce the loss by half, to €15 million and break even by 2015. It also outlined its intention to return to profitable by 2016 and in September, Air Malta's chief executive Peter Davies had claimed that the airline is planning to register a profit of €8 million in 2016.

Farrugia explained that the current record numbers of tourist arrivals is down to the success of the airline's restructuring and the arrival of low-cost operators.

"I wish to conclude with a word of caution. Our tourism success is clearly due to the competitive efforts of Air Malta and others. Air Malta must continue to survive for this winning formula to succeed. It is therefore in our interest that Air Malta succeeds. I do detect that not all stakeholders understand this.

"Some players believe that Air Malta must continue to lose money on some of its routes. Let me make it clear. We have no option but to become profitable. It is only once we achieve this that we will be able to attract new capital and funding. As you know under state aid rules, Air Malta is not able to ask for further state aid within the next ten years and so the only way to expand is through private capital injection which will only be forthcoming if profits are being made. Besides it would make perfect sense for private capital to be represented on the Board of Directors and ensure that in the future good commercial thinking prevails."

The Air Malta chairman warned that the successful tourism model could collapse if "too many more airlines are encouraged to serve Malta."

"We all know that if, God forbid Air Malta stopped trading, other airlines would move in and increase fares as they attempt to take our space... By encouraging too many more airlines to serve our island we could be tipping the balance against Air Malta's sustainability. Let's ensure that we succeed through sensible management in allowing competition to set the market prices at sustainable levels which will allow our current success to continue."

The neoliberalism of GonziPN is alive and kicking. I hope that the electorate has now comprehended how GonziPN acts.
X'tmur l-quddiem l-Airmalta bil-promotions li nghataw ...Mela Airline qed tfalli u jinghataw aktar minn 100 promotion hafna minnhom godda jobs krejati godda .F'hafna sezzjonijiet naqqasna ftit nies u zidna managers bi 3 darbiet (ezempju car ground operations ) .hafna min nies kollha maghrufin ghal kulur politiku taghhom.!!1
Ghaqlaha mela Wigi. Kxieft idejk fl-ahhar?
Mr Farrugia, you are telling us nothing new. Some of us bloggers have been predicting this move for quite a while, while our government, not the "CWIEC" buried their head in the sand. Honestly, I think Mr Davies, the CEO of Air Malta saw the corruption that helped to bring Air Malta down to the brink of bankruptcy. The first thing he did was to take away the Freebie Tickets "Perks" away for the politicians and their families. But alas this is a bit too late to stop this runaway bus. The damage is so deep that our Finance Minister hired an outsider so as to have somebody else take the blame for the incompetence of others. Now they might put the blame on Mr Davies and his Merry Men, but I think the damage was already beyond repair and they wanted a scapegoat to take the blame. Mr Davies doesn't mind because he will be paid in full and sent on his merry way laughing all the way to the bank. Mr Davies has been down this route before. And with all due respect some want Tonio Fenech to maybe someday run this country after they make him Deputy PM. Be careful what you wish for. In the meantime please,please try to convince our government to take off the Historical Selmun Palace away from being sold with the sale of the Selmun Hotel. This Historical Palace belongs to the People of Malta and not to a private party. Heritage Malta where are you?
Joseph MELI
Hey Cicco Given that Capt Azzopardi is so forthcoming and willing to attempt to save money for Air Malta why not ask Dominic what happened to the Air Malta probe lodged against him which has for some inexplicable reason taken a back-burner since he signed the collective agreement on behalf of the Pilot's union .FYI I have asked him and Air Malta for their input regarding this PROBE but silence and the ignoring of such requests reign supreme.
after the list of privatized state companies like drydocks,lotto,malta com,midmed bank etc etc,next in line is airmalta!!!
Mark Fenech
Dan is-Sur Farrugia taf kemm jemmen fil-kompetizzjoni. Ara naqra l-Multigas qabel ma twaqqfet il-Poligas, halli tara kemm kien "customer oriented". Irid jixtri l-Airmalta wkoll milli jidher u ma jridx airlines oħra jersqu l-hawn. Tajba w tgħali l-kawlata. Nħallsu dawk il-flejjes kbar għalxejn lill barranin meta dak ix-xogħol segħta għamlu wieħed Malti mingħajr ħafna daqq tat-trombi.
I saw this comming two years ago! Everyting is being prpeared for some Blue eyed boys. We could see from the start that the people on top did not want Air Malta to be profitable by cutting waste and obtain more revenue at least from cargo as Dominic has been telling them all the time.
Air Malta can no longer receive state funding "ONLY MEPA CAN".
Joseph MELI
Really! Who would ever know this privatisation was needed what geniuses they are and if enactioned will inevitably ,first and foremost,result in even more job losses.Also what nonsense is this as claimed by Farrugia that if Air Malta stopped its operations "this would have devastating effects on our tourism industry as the cost of travelling to Malta would rise substantially" when clearly the positively opposite will happen with the only really negative effect being on him and his gravy-train,straw men management cronies and the MIA whose sacred cash-cow Air Malta clearly is!
Waqa lass, basta kemm sejrin sew u bdejna naraw dejn beda jonqos. jekk jitla gonzipn min hemm taghdi l'air malta.