Opposition leader expects police investigation in IT clean-up at IAID office

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat ‘expects’ the Police Commissioner to investigate reports that emails from Rita Schembri’s computer at the IAID offices were deleted.

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat.
Opposition leader Joseph Muscat.

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat has called for a police investigation on reports that crucial emails have been deleted from the computer of Rita Schembri, the director-general of the Internal Audit and Investigations Department (IAID).

MaltaToday has been reliably informed that IT experts have visited the offices of the OPM's Internal Audit and Investigations Department (IAID) to delete emails from the computer of director-general Rita Schembri, ostensibly related to various communications that could include the IAID's anti-fraud office's investigation into the John Dalli case.

The IAID's Afcos unit was involved in the investigation of bribery allegations against former EU commissioner John Dalli that was launched by the EU's anti-fraud office OLAF earlier in May 2012.

On Thursday Schembri absented herself from work on long leave, as the Auditor General started an investigation into a possible breach of ethics revealed by MaltaToday.

Schembri is believed to have provided business advisory services, undeclared to the head of the civil service and in breach of the public service management code, when she used her government office to discuss the acquisition of a 60% stake in the Casinò di Venezia for the company Far East Entertainment.

A whistleblower who unveiled Schembri's role in the casino also said she described lawyer Pio Valletta - formerly a lawyer for the Kazakh multi-millionaire Rakhat Aliyev - as her "representative". This newspaper is now informed that several highly-sensitive investigations spearheaded by the IAID never achieved fruition: amongst them, an investigation into the foreign ministry's issuing of visas, which were aborted.

Schembri's role in the casino bid is now the subject of an investigation by the Auditor General, while the IAID director is out on long leave pending the inquiry.

In a statement from the Department of Information, the government said that anybody with any such information of alleged irregularities, the Opposition included, should report them to the police for investigation. "The government's position is a consistent one: every report or allegation must be investigated by the responsible authorities, the Police included."

"I now expect that it is not only the Auditor General who investigates, but also the Police. It is shocking that crucial emails have been deleted and the Police cannot ignore this report," Joseph Muscat said on Sunday. "Something like this intolerable in a European country."

Schembri's name resurfaced in the news on Saturday when a man she was involved in court litigation with, was denied bail on criminal charges of harassing her.

Magistrate Consuelo Scerri-Herrera remanded in custody Joseph Borg, 75, after he was charged with threatening Schembri by an email on 19 November, saying he would report her to government authorities if she failed to pay monies she owes to third parties, in litigation she has on her sub-leasing of his restaurant to them.

Borg is owed €22,000 by Schembri after the latter was found guilty by a civil court of breaching a lease agreement on a restaurant she rented from Borg. Schembri is also involved in court litigation with another sub-lessee, over who has to pay Borg further monies for a breach of the lease agreement.

Borg pleaded not guilty to the criminal charges instituted by the police on a complaint by Schembri, who was represented in parte civile by Pio Valletta.

Borg did not deny sending an email reporting Schembri to OLAF, the EU's anti-fraud office of whom Schembri is a member of its supervisory committee. Borg, who pleaded not guilty, was denied bail and remanded in custody in Corradino Correctional Facility after prosecuting police inspector Chris Pullicino said he feared Borg would contaminate evidence.

L-istess ghandha taghmel il-pulizija fil konfront ta' Pawlu Borg Olivier u l-kugina tal-PM, Joanna Gonzi, specjalment din tal-ahhar li ffirmat kuntratt abbuziv mal-GreenMT ta' €1.2M minghajr l-approvazzjoni tal-Kunsill ta' Tas-Sliema. Biex il-pulizija tkun kredibbli ghandha taghmel investigazzjoni mal-Kunsilli Lokali kollha ghax sar hafna tixhim u ghandhom jittiehdu l-passi kontrihom. Ma ninsewx li dawn huma flus pubblici.
Let me guess ... Claudio Grech again? Why is it that the people who should be in jail are in power and the people who stand up for their rights are in prison. And Gonz - you tell me that you are NOT A DICTATOR ? How many times have they been caught deleting or reading emails now? Dr. Muscat - why not come out and say clearly that justice will be done and the people responsible will go to prison. Including the head of police himself if need be - he is part of this organization of criminals and should have resigned if not imprisoned at least 40 times over his career. Its seems to us citizens that there is NO consequence to illegal behavior in Malta. The criminals have TOTAL immunity. In these circumstances only a fool would not start to abuse his power and fill his pockets. The lack of a direct threat of retribution by you Dr. Muscat, tells me that labour, once in power will behave in the same way.
Bhas-soltu Fenea, zlaqt fin-niexef. Il-pulizija tinvestiga kull fejn ikollha suspett li qed tinkiser il-ligi. Iva anke f'din il-kustjoni ta Rita bqajt laghqi ta Gonzi?
Of course it didn't take the dirty tricks brigade to start sweeping the evidence under the carpet. But isn't deleting evidence, of a case under investigation, a crime unto itself? NO, this simply proves that morals and ethics abandoned GonziPN's tribe many years ago.
And these ba**ers have the cheek to remind us of Mintoffian misdeeds. This lot is far worse, because they are supposed to be Catholic, and clean, and upright, and honest, and conscientious, as well as well-bred. SOME JOKE!!!
sur muscat inti suppost li taf aktar min kullhad li il pulizija tibda tinvestiga meta din tircievi xi rapport. ghalhekk jekk il matatoday jew inti ghandkom il provi ta dak li qed tghidu irrapurtaw lil pulizija u din tibda tinvestiga.
Luke Camilleri
Biex jghamlu investigazzjoni il-PULUZIJA li jghaqaw taht il-Portafol ta' Gonzi innifsu trid L'ID IL-MOHBIJA tghafsilhom il-buttuna! GONZI JIDDETTA X'JINVESTIGAW U X'MA JINVESTIGAWX IL-PULUZIJA TIEGHU!
anna calleja
Nikkwota lil mtvmalta: ' Is-setghat jinsabu f'konkubinagg, f'horma oxxena, flok ighassu lil xulxin. Jinhtieg niftakru li hafna mill-ghar dittatorjati kienu lemini.' I can, with full responsibility, state that a VERY SERIOUS REPORT (regarding a Magistrate MALadministration of justice) was lodged months ago with the Police Commissioner with copies to the Prime Minister. Some of the incriminating statements made are supported by affidavits made by a European Judge and a lawyer who is presently one of the government spokesman and chief ministers. Despite the incontrovertible evidence presented to the Police Commissioner, and the acceptance that the matter is very serious by the investigating officer, no action has been taken. It is obvious that members of the judiciary wield incredible power and as yet there is no government mechanism to restrain their outrageous lack of discretion. The editor of MaltaToday has my contact details and if he is interested to follow this coverup I am willing to supply the full details. HOW CAN THE MALTESE JUDICILARY HAVE CREDENCE BY THE SHENANIGANS TAKING PLACE IN OUR LAW COURTS? Is Malta dominated by the MASONS, the MAFIA or the ILLUMINATI!?
What about Joseph Borg sur Dr. Muscat? What about him? Herrera is your mess and now a 75 year old person justly asking for his money back is in prison. Is this what we will be getting voting labour - changing one corrupt regime for another? Herrera's are your party's 'Austin Gatt'. What's more, they are more loyal to your enemies than to you.
Hawn theddida qawwija kontra d-demokrazija, ghar minn dik tal-bidu tat-tmeninijiet. Dik kienet sfaccata u bid-deher, waqt li din sfaccata u bil-mohbi; intejjen taht oqbra mbajda. Ilha tinhema hamsa u ghoxrin sena u issa l-materja li trabbiet f'gisem marid, qed tohrog fid-deher. Is-setghat jinsabu f'konkubinagg, f'horma oxxena, flok ighassu lil xulxin. Jinhtieg niftakru li hafna mill-ghar dittatorjati kienu lemini.
Hawn theddida qawwija kontra d-demokrazija, ghar minn dik tal-bidu tat-tmeninijiet. Dik kienet sfaccata u bid-deher, waqt li din sfaccata u bil-mohbi; intejjen taht oqbra mbajda. Ilha tinhema hamsa u ghoxrin sena u issa l-materja li trabbiet f'gisem marid, qed tohrog fid-deher. Is-setghat jinsabu f'konkubinagg, f'horma oxxena, flok ighassu lil xulxin. Jinhtieg niftakru li hafna mill-ghar dittatorjati kienu lemini.
Hawn theddida qawwija kontra d-demokrazija, ghar minn dik tal-bidu tat-tmeninijiet. Dik kienet sfaccata u bid-deher, waqt li din sfaccata u bil-mohbi; intejjen taht oqbra mbajda. Ilha tinhema hamsa u ghoxrin sena u issa l-materja li trabbiet f'gisem marid, qed tohrog fid-deher. Is-setghat jinsabu f'konkubinagg, f'horma oxxena, flok ighassu lil xulxin. Jinhtieg niftakru li hafna mill-ghar dittatorjati kienu lemini.
Hawn theddida qawwija kontra d-demokrazija, ghar minn dik tal-bidu tat-tmeninijiet. Dik kienet sfaccata u bid-deher, waqt li din sfaccata u bil-mohbi; intejjen taht oqbra mbajda. Ilha tinhema hamsa u ghoxrin sena u issa l-materja li trabbiet f'gisem marid, qed tohrog fid-deher. Is-setghat jinsabu f'konkubinagg, f'horma oxxena, flok ighassu lil xulxin. Jinhtieg niftakru li hafna mill-ghar dittatorjati kienu lemini.