Eurosceptics on a ticket to Brussels? Let’s turn it into a movie

Unsuccessful promoters of ‘partnership’ have themselves to thank if they become MEP and Commissioner.

Alfred Sant has always seen himself as a 'European Maltese' despite campaigning against EU membership.
Alfred Sant has always seen himself as a 'European Maltese' despite campaigning against EU membership.

The irony of Alfred Sant running for the 2014 European elections has not been lost on the Nationalist Party.

Announcing he will not run in the next general elections, Sant, 64, may have been the Labour prime minister who froze Malta's application to become an EU member in 1996 upon election.

But his command of European affairs and his ability to sift through the detritus of the EU's bloated budgets can still serve his constituents well.

Only the keenest of political observers would admire his assiduous carving up of the European Stability Pact in the House of Representatives, where single-handedly Sant exhausted Finance Minister Tonio Fenech with his nit-picking of yet another legislative instrument which had to painfully endure his diligent analysis.

But to many supporters of EU accession, Sant will forever remain etched in their memory as the keenest of opponents of membership - the man who threatened enlargement commissioner Gunther Verheugen to keep his comments in check lest he find his tongue snipped; the man who erroneously predicted the closure of major factories (which never materialised save for the threat of the financial crisis in 2008); the politician who said Malta's funds from the EU would amount to a mere €4 million (compared that to Gonzi's current battle to secure nothing less than €800 million) and who said a minnow like Malta would never have any influence inside a club ruled by Angela Merkel and Francois Hollande.

Whether he was an imperfect Nostradamus or a misunderstood Cassandra, this Harvard-educated, former Brussels second-secretary charged with EEC relations, accomplished playwright and novelist, and leader of the Labour Party from 1992 to 2008, may certainly be more of an ideal candidate for MEP than some other pretenders to the cushy €84,000 job.

Like him, so many other former prime ministers and Opposition leaders made a move to Brussels, bringing in their political experience to a new forum: Labour opposition leader Neil Kinnock hung up his hat to take up an MEPs' seat, and former Belgian prime minister Guy Verhofstadt is today the leader of the European liberal-democrats.

Much like the Labour electoral machine put its weight behind Joseph Cuschieri, the MP who gave his seat up for the co-option of Labour leader Joseph Muscat to parliament, for his election as MEP; the same can be expected for Alfred Sant. Whether Sant will drift to the eurosceptic wing of the Socialists & Democrats or, perhaps more unlikely, become a Maltese Nigel Farage (anti-EU soothsayer living off the Brussels gravy train), is yet to be seen.

If this tragi-comedy needs even more twists, it is that it had to be one of the supporters of Malta's accession to the EU - Tonio Borg - who had to face the humiliating scepticism of MEPs to his nomination as Commissioner for Health. Statements he made in the past that angered the gay community failed to cut the mustard with many MEPs, who demanded he make public guarantees that his conservative views on homosexuality and abortion would not interfere with his role as European Commissioner.

Borg can only last as Commissioner until 2014, if Labour gets a shot at power next year. And one of the 'papable' men for the Berlaymont building is surely veteran shadow foreign minister George Vella, the former Labour deputy leader who squirmed uneasily in his chair on 8 March, 2003: when the 'yes' vote for the EU won a historic referendum that was flatly refused by Sant. Instead, Sant - who unsuccessfully proclaimed a 'partnership' association with the EU - claimed that the referendum had been lost: adding abstentions to the 'no' voters, after having told Labour voters to shun the polls.

In the House this week, as he commented on the brusque European treatment of his right honourable colleague, Vella was measured in his words, as he conjured up a Le Carré plot in which the liberal backlash against Tonio Borg could have been authored by the same people who authored John Dalli's rude exit from the Commission.

Nothing could be further from the truth: even though Labour and its MEPs were careful to extend nothing but their full support to the Borg nomination, it was their socialist colleagues who were adamant that the conservative Borg was not suitable enough for the health affairs portfolio.

Vella has no political baggage to bog him down in the morass of so-called 'liberal' recriminations on social issues. But if in 2014 he does get to face the MEPs and sit in the hot seat that singed Borg's own behind, he may find himself having to answer one particular question: if he was so much against EU membership, why should he be appointed a prince of this same Union?

But that, as Alfred Sant would say, is a hypothetical question.

Luke Camilleri
What the Nationalists and Simon Busuttil seem to forget to mention is that with all their PRO-EU promotion , stuffing the EU DOWN OUR THROATHS - The PL have 4 MEPS and the PN 2 MEPs!onzi can say he has in the Malta Parliament Get the message? The PL can boast of a majority os seats at teh EU Parliament more than Gonzi can say he has in the Malta Parliament ! PL 33 PN 32 + 1 SPEAKER Ind 1 Franco Debono 1 : )
Luke Camilleri
What the Nationalists and Simon Busuttil seem to forget to mention is that with all their PRO-EU promotion , stuffing the EU DOWN OUR THROATHS - The PL have 4 MEPS and the PN 2 MEPs!onzi can say he has in the Malta Parliament Get the message? The PL can boast of a majority os seats at teh EU Parliament more than Gonzi can say he has in the Malta Parliament ! PL 33 PN 32 + 1 SPEAKER Ind 1 Franco Debono 1 : )
Matthew, Franco really has you on very slippery grass. If Sant were against the EU as your tone seems to imply, he would never have suggested that vital first step towards membership, this being partnership. Don't you know that you first get engaged, and then after a period of refection you marry. Unless, that is, you are reckless, don't care about your relatives (the Maltese citizens), as the girl sizzles heat just for you, or there is a lot of buqxixh in the deal.
So Dr Sant wants to be a Mep representing Malta in Brussels. Nothing wrong with dreaming because you take away the dream and we have nothing left. We all want something we cannot have, that is human nature. like for instance we all want to be rich but alas that is mostly a dream. Too bad the next two available Mep positions are of the PN kind. Good luck in pursuing your dream Dr Sant.
An excellent candidate as is pragmatic,has the experienced, was never in awe with Europe as were other europhiles who must support europe at all cost not to appear foolish.Therefore, best man to defend our rights in Eaurope.
Le Carre movie my foot, dear Matthew. If ever there was a Maltese intellectual who is abreast of what goes on in Europe, then it is Alfred Sant. If he is elected - which i very believe he will - then he will make Malta proud. How i wish all six Maltese MEPs could have Alfred Sant's intellect! Also, your article shows that you do not know what the word Eurosceptic means, so I would suggest you seek urgent assistance in this matter.
Matthew, during our first 7 years as EU members, we got about €800 million in aid. But we also had to contribute €5 or €6 million every month to the EU's budget. We also had to spend about €72 million each year to implement EU laws and countless other millions to finance the uncontrolled illegal immigration of which the EU is so fond. We also had to lend/guarantee €1.3 billion to shore up foreign incompetent/corrupt governments/banks. So, in all honesty, I also think Sant's original estimate of €4 million was not correct but not for the reasons you have outlined.
I challenge you Matthew to provide excerpts of Dr Sant either talking against the EU as such and not what is wrong with the system and excerpts of Dr Sant ever saying that Malta should never join the EU. In the absence of such I will consider you a second class journalist.Also explain how the Partnership bid made Eurosceptics out of the labour party. My friend you have no idea what you are writing about and have only echoed other articles with the same line of thought.
A Maltese/EU movie plot should be very interesting with three intertwined plots to make the movie a block buster. A Health Commissioner forced to resign due to an investigation into an alleged €60 million bribe request. The OLAF investigation, launched after a complaint by Swedish snus producers Swedish Match in May 2012, according to the EU anti-fraud office to seek a reversal on an EU retail ban of snus tobacco. The plot thickens when these allegations became the responsibility of the Maltese Police Crime Investigation Unit whose integrity should come to the fore in a screenplay full of questionable motives of political interference. The second plot exposes the selection for an alternate Health Commissioner whose conservative beliefs and flamboyant statements copied from medieval Christian’s morals are the grave concerns of liberal and socialists politicians alike. An appointment under great duress, by a clan of right wing enforcers who are trying to put their seal of approval on European Health and Family issues with corny medieval thinking. Amidst a formidable tide of progressive liberalism in Brussels and Strasbourg, this assigned mission is surely headed for disaster. Conservative views that are also under investigation for an allegedly bribe of 150,000 euros to issue a Maltese/EU citizenship to one of the most wanted European criminals. Last but not least, the emergence of another ambitious political dinosaur who has switched his attention to the EU gravy train after years applying his political mishaps in the Maltese parliament and had his turn at becoming a Prime Minister for a short period of time to the detriment of the Maltese people and most of all turned his party into a disarrayed opposition for the last fourteen years. One would think such a movie would make this Maltese Island very proud of its political affiliations, but most of all keep the island in awe as to who would play these leading roles with so much at stake to collect an Oscar.
Alfred Sant is the ideal candidate and could be an important asset if he had to take up some EU post and its roles and responsibility. AS is a true European in substance in his assimilation of culture, historic understanding of Europe and in vocation. Being a sceptic about the current structure of the EU or believing that a micro state is not necessarily best served in being a EU member is not being against the EU. If one goes back to the Churchillian or De Gaulle model of a united Europe we see how much we strayed for that concept. Those of us who have regular contacts with a range of EU members and administrators know how many insiders are worried about the current direction the EU is taking. It would for example be a disaster if Britain decides to leave because of the current Brussels power grab which threatens sovereign rights and transfers power to the EU often unelected structures. We have had a wake up call and sobering lesson in the way Tonio Borg was treated.
It seems that the term 'Eurosceptic' is being loosely used. If one is against membership of a country in the EU, it does not necessarily mean that one is against the EU project. The EU needs more people who are willing to question its policies and practices, in order to make it more efficient, relevant, and democratic. The difference is in how such people voice their opinions. As one who voted for membership, I belive Sant has a better understanding of and shows more interest in the EU than any of the 'pro-EU' PN MPs.