[WATCH] Francis Zammit Dimech appointed foreign minister

Zammit Dimech returns to Cabinet after former foreign minister Tonio Borg stepped down to take up Brussels post.

Francis Zammit Dimech takes his oath of office. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday
Francis Zammit Dimech takes his oath of office. Photo: Ray Attard/Mediatoday

The President of the Republic George Abela will today administer the oath of office to a new government minister.

Former minister Francis Zammit Dimech is to be appointed foreign affairs minister, after Tonio Borg was appointed Commissioner for health and consumer affairs.

Zammit Dimech has also been appointed Leader of the House.

A casual election will have to be held to fill in the seat vacated by Tonio Borg.

Zammit Dimech underwent medical treatment recently, and is said to be recovering. He previously chaired the foreign affairs committee in parliament.

Zammit Dimech, a lawyer by profession, was a minister in several cabinets during the 1990s and 2000s, having taken under his arm the environment, resources, infrastructure and tourism portfolios. His constituencies are the ninth and tenth electoral districts.

One of the 'old guard' Nationalists, Zammit Dimech was president of the PN's youth wing MZPN in 1985, when he published 'The Untruth Game - Broadcasting under Labour', detailing the government bureacracy that stifled public broadcasting and freedom of expression.

He was also president of the University of Malta's student representatives council (KSU) 1979. In 1969 he fouinded the Teens' and Twentie's Talent Trust, one of the first youth organisations.

Let us all hope that Malta's Foreign Policies will not fall victim to the same degraded results that the Tourism Industry experience under the incompetence of Francis Zammit Dimech. This nation is enslaved with a Short Memory and th capacity to inflict damage to its reputation by appointing these political dinosaurs to continue mismanaging Maltese policies abroad. rest assured a scandal in Foreign Affairs will soon be exposed under this appointment.
Luke Camilleri
Watch? What's there to watch????? : )
mela min telgha minn zewg distretti ma ha xejun(arrigo)u min ma teghlax isir ministru ghal 10 days. u hallina gonz,mur bellahha lil loooooo bindi
May it be a short lived appointment.
dawk li jobdu jigu ippremjati, veru daqxejn xortih hazina ghax ma ha xejn mill 500. juzawwhom l anzjani huma.
The Prime Minister was for once consistence !!! true to what he confided with the US Ambassador some time ago that he hasn't a good pool of talent to choose from , he had to revert to an old face in the PN camp. I gather that the new blood sitting pretty on the back bench are a very happy bunch!!!!. Forget Franco as he is standing tall in this tragic comedy. Well, loyalty comes first and foremost, so says those who are eating with a a lot of mouths. Incredible....Pathetic !!!. The good news is that very soon this pathetic show at the taxpayers expense will soon be over. Looking forward for the smarties thrown at us during the budget speech this evening.
Possibly one of the shortest ministerial positions to be held in the local history. A few days [possibly some 10 days] and then caretaker minister for a few more weeks!!!
A real Jack of all trades…...
U ghaliex Zammit Dimech x'ghandu hazin Robert Arrigo li ma waqafx jahdem tul din il-legislatura u zgur li dan bix-xol tieghu qed ikun wiehed mill-aktar deputati b'appogg lejh. X'nahseb, hu, li Zammit Dimech li apparti li l-Prim Ministru kien diga nehhieh, dan aktarx li mghandux cans fl-elezzjoni li gejja u allura jista' jkun biex itieh imbuttatura. U ghaliex ma poggiex lill Demarco minflok Borg u biddlu ma Zammit Dimech li dan kien jokkupa it-turizmu. Hawwadni ha nifhem!!!!
This is one of the former Ministers who has made a mess of every appointment he had. In fact he was removed by GonziPN and labelled as lacking in talent by the Prime Minister himself. Now he is to be appointed as Minister once again and I am sure he will repeat the same results as his previous appointments. Malta is so lucky to be near the general elections as he will not have enough time to inflict more damage on our island. And I wonder, is the bill board showing Dr. Muscat with old faces still effective after this appointment?
Dan gdid qisu. Gawdi Frans sakemm tista. Around the world in 80 days qabel l-elezzjoni issa. Tajba Gonz....2 jobs ohra ghal mal 20000 dawn? Kummissarju Ewropew u Ministru.