Outrageous Camilleri orders workers to brush teeth after lunch and dump oversize wallets

Malta Enterprise supremo Alan Camilleri, a former right-hand man to the Prime Minister, creates outrage with his ‘excellent grooming’ memo

Alan Camilleri, the executive chairman of the public investment promotion company Malta Enterprise and Malta Industrial Parks, has enraged an entire workforce – and now inviting industrial action on Monday – with an outrageous memo demanding trimmed moustaches, no dangling earrings, light make-up, regular showers, fresh breath, and a maximum of ‘one bracelet’ per wrist from workers.

Nobody has been spared from the memo, so much so that Camilleri this week reportedly sent home the ME’s human resources manager, Elaine Bonello, twice in one day for not adhering to his ‘commandments of appearance’.

A former spokesperson for Lawrence Gonzi, Alan Camilleri was until recently chairman of the Dhalia real estate group before landing at Malta Enterpise and MIP with a €70,000 salary that includes health cover, paid mobile, landline and internet fees, a chauffeured car and other hospitality allowances.

Now he has told all ME employees they must meet his “high standard of excellence in grooming and appearance” in a memo issued this week. In a nutshell, Camilleri wants employees to be more like himself – a clean-shaven business operator with an over-inflated sense of self-importance.

While Camilleri runs ME from his office at MIP headquarters in San Gwann’s industrial estate, where he reportedly invites friends over to spend the day, his employees must goose-step to his fashion bible: “Grooming and hygiene are very personal subjects. However, guidelines must be set and met,” the memo starts.

The memo says ME employees must project a professional image of themselves. But while workers are told not to wear sexually provocative or offensive clothes that draw undue attention – a basic requirement in a professional workplace – Camilleri goes a step further by telling workers to clean their teeth regularly, “especially after lunch. Odorous breath needs to be well controlled.”

But this is the least of Camilleri’s minty-fresh revolution, who has declared war on bulging wallets carried in back pockets.

Here is the full list of demands the ME chairman has issued in the memo:

No objects, such as large combs or oversize wallets, should be carried in pockets if they are visible.

Hairstyles must be “neat, attractive and not extreme. If hair is coloured, roots of different shade may not show.”
Hair longer than chin length “must be controlled … so that it will not hang or fall forward on the shoulder or over the face.” Moustaches must be “neatly trimmed and extend no lower than the upper lip.”
The same goes for beards, while sideburns cannot extend below the ear and be “well trimmed, of uniformed length and not bushy.”

Camilleri wants women’s make-up to be “tastefully applied and not excessive, particularly eye shadow” and that light-make-up “is encouraged”.

He told female employees that nail colours cannot be “loud or garish and must be free of jewellery and patterns.”

Inside Camilleri’s investment promotion gulag, only a maximum of two single rings on each hand is allowed, with “wedding and engagement rings considered one ring.” Also on the jewellery quota is: one bracelet/chain/wristwatch on each wrist only; and no “large, dangling or extreme” earrings and necklaces. Men cannot wear ear jewellery at all.

Camilleri also warns women to wear “support and undergarments” at all times, no strapless tops, halter necks, “tops exposing undergarments and tops with potentially offensive words”, and to keep skirts not shorter than1.5 inches above the knee and no longer than mid-calf.

And he wants polished shoes that “blend with and complement clothing”.

And please do not forget that the g-string is in place. Colour - Blue. Red is definitely out. What's this? A parade of beauties!
joan schembri
The problem is in peoples`/workers` mentality. When we go to work it means that we are going to give a service not going to have fun at PV, so we have to present with a smart appearance....... minn rasna sa saqajna. This type of dress/image code should enter in schools where our students are getting their education. Li tibdel il-kultura ta certi nies mhux haga facli imma nies bhas-Sur Camilleri li jafu fejn iridu jaslu jirnexxu huma u nirnexxu ahna bhalha pajjiz! Lm30,000 + allowance - taxxa mhux somma zghira Biss nahseb li r-responsabiita`u d-dettal jiswew hafna iktar mill-flus Keep up the good work Mr. Camilleri. Alfonso A. Rossi
Deborah Grech
and the problem is ??? all companies whould have these policies well done to you mr camilleri
We could really do with someone like Mr. Camilleri as our Police Commissioner. I can already envision him in a smart uniform waking the bloody hell out of our Police Force and get them to arrest and convict some of the moron drivers we have on our roads for starters. I bet he would solve the Nation’s deficit with the money raked in from driving infringements and make our roads much safer in the process. Mr. Camilleri, I would be the first one to support you should you opt to become our Police Commisioner, hell, I would even support you to become the Country’s Dictator as long as you instil some badly needed discipline in this tiny Island of ours .
Leave the man alone. He's doing one fine job, and yes, representatives of MALTA paid by OUR TAXES to bring FDI amongst other need to be well groomed and of a nice appearance. After all they represent you and me. Businessmen (and women) do their utmost to appear top shape with foreign inverstors, and businesspeople receive no salary from the goverment. So why shouln't people who are actually paid to do the job be as smart. Well Done Mr. Camilleri, keep it up! Hopefully one day others will follow especially those in direct contact with tourists, customs and other key sectors..... On the other hand most people I know from ME and MIP are nice, dedicated well presented people and I'm preety sure they will take this directive as an enhancement for their profession rather than something negative.
I agree wiyh Mr.Camilleri in everything he is asking for. People like him should be leading the country, because he leads by example. The case of his 70,000+Euro salary, I think, for a good manager you have to fork out good money
Excluding the 70k salary which I am sure there are other employees in Malta who should be asked the same question..why that wage?? BUT I agree with the condition he imposed...it is no new news that some people simply do not have a clue about office wear. Maybe yes Mr Camilleri was a bit over by certain details but it is funny to hear people saying they wanna strike because of this. MAY THERE BE MORE PEOPLE like Mr Camilleri who are not afraid to impose unpopular rules! well done!
Jospeh Attard
Certainly you don't need to be paid with a €70,000 salary to know it ... it's called personal hygene.
Jidher naqa eccentriku zzejjed dal-bniedem. Nista nkunu nafu x'ghamel ta gid ghal Malta biex ikun haqqu 70 elf Ewro fis-sena. Mux bhala fashion show imma bhala rizultati plawsibli. Jekk ikunu se jiltaqghu ma rapprezentanti barranin naqbel li ghandhom ikunu nodfa u 'smart' imma jekk ezempju ikunu fuq telephone 'customer care' m'hemmx alfejn dan l eccentricizmu kollu. Lol@ trimmed moustache. Bhal ta Hitler tajjeb Sur Camilleri
Wake up-Call. Well done to Mr Camilleri for having the courage to get his employees to project the image his entity deserves. It is high time that we act and look more professional. These are the type of managers/CEO's/head of departments that we need in malta both in private and government entities. What one has to look at is the scope and the principle and not the details. Mr Prime Minister these are the type of people you need to lead the country, people who make us proud, act professionally and deliver results. Mr Camilleri as head of the organisation has every right to set the standards required by the organisation. Anybody who does not agree is free to work on the monti stalls as a hawker and not in an organisation that needs to project malta's image with new investors both maltese and foreign. Keep it up. Oliver Gatt.
Albert Zammit
Some people are dumb enough as to think that by pushing a uniform down people's throats, it's going to help them achieve a high level of smartness. Rubbish. If it were for that, our students would be the smartest asses on the island - which they are not. You can be as shabby as anything, uniform or not.
Some people have commented on the importance of good appearance, and I can only agree with them. However, who is the judge of what a good appearance entails? There are, of course, some social standards that are understood by all, but th details, when you really think of it are subjective. And this is where Mr God Almighty Camilleri has made his enormous mistake. He is trying to impose what for HIM is a good appearance onto his employees. Next thing you know he'll be saying that blond hair is not professional, or striped ties, or brown shoes, or whatever does not please him. That is very wrong indeed. What he CAN do is have his HR department create a unifirm that employees must wear, for example. This is what hotels do, because they want every employee to look equally smart. This argument does not even begin to touch the argument that issuing such notices should not be done by the CEO, but by the HR department. Such an act is an insult to the HR personnel, implying that he has no faith in their capabilities. I believe that the fat that he has even discplined his HR manager shows that he is arrogant and also a very, very bad manager. Managing means putting the right people in the right places, and delegating jobs to the right people. He seems to want to do everything himself so he has neither the right people nor do they have the right assignments. I do not know Mr Camilleri, but I'd say he is a control freak. I believe his inflated salary is only a waste of taxpayers money. I wonder... is it only chance that the prime minister no longer wants him around him?
Joseph Borg
@Michael: A good CEO replaces a weak HR manager, not plays dictator and specifies panty viscosity. Whatever the case, one needs to respect the work roles of others and not trample upon their areas of competence. It more seems like a control freak who does not trust others' work and fails to understand one of the basic qualities of a good manager: empowering colleagues.
I can't understand why many are against Mr Camilleri's actions. It is true that Mr Camilleri's memo is unconventional but the real issue is Why did it have to be the CEO? Couldn't the HR Manager bear his / her responsability. It very much looks like Mr Camilleri had the balls to step in the HR manager's shoes. I have worked with Mr Camilleri in the past glorious days of the CHOGM and had it not been for Mr Camilleri's balls such event would have been an utter failure. Thank God the ME is being run with though hands. Our industry has is passing through though competition worldwide and unless we have professional looking staff on the frontline then we are doomed to failure. I for one would be proud to work in any Mr Camilleri's environment
Phillip Martin Micallef
does this guy has three balls???..........ara vera aw min m'ghandux x jaghmel ta!!...............u Eur 70,000 !!!!!!!!!...............x arroganza ta' gvern!
Joseph Borg
It is not a matter of whether employees turn up to work well groomed and meeting basic standards of hygiene that is wrong with this whole issue, but that Mr Camilleri has a demanding job to perform at Malta Enterprise but it does NOT include the micro-management of his employees undergarments. HR staff are there for a reason. It is most alarming and indeed amateurish for Mr Camilleri to even consider spending time on such matters and a breach of respect for the capabilities of those within the institution that are charged with such duties. This is aside from the fact that the details set out in the memo are clearly excessive and a signal of serious obsessive compulsive behaviour and an unhealthy need to control those in one's power not befitting the manager of such an important institution in the country. Such institutions work only when the various sections operate in harmony and when everyone knows their place, including the person up top having the basic managerial wisdom to engage in conversations befitting their (organizationally) elevated perspective. Aside from all this there is also the worrying issue of the impudence of a manager to think they can control their employees in such a dictatorial manner. Once again the managerial incompetence of Mr Camilleri is obvious when one considers that a basic function of the manager is to facilitate and empower the employees that form their unit or institution, not treat them like primary school children. The dis-respect this shows to ME employees will scarcely secure their confidence or support. This is a public institution, not your private kingdom, Mr Camilleri. Respect your co-workers as you expect to be respected and please leave the little princess crown at home before walking into a serious work venue.
Franco Attard Trevisan
My God!! If Mr Camilleri does this to his employees, then one could only imagine what he does to his wife and kids, that is, if he is married with kids!
maria aquilina
Can we be informed of what are the academic qualifications of this inexperienced manager. I would be surprised if he is qualified in management.
i totally agree with Mr. Camilleri... sometimes you have to spell it out, to get people to do something! and being flabergasted about this memo is insane! after all its in the employees INTEREST to look good, be healthy and moreover hygienic! employees should have self respect and that of others... or would they rather smell, be shabby, and have stuff stuck in their teeth!!! so irritating working with people who have no idea of mouth hygiene!.... and i admire Mr. Camilleri for having the guts to send this memo! keep it up.... should have more like you out there!!! wish we could recieve a memo like this at work! as so far our the one we have, really no one abides to it, and our superiors are just not bothered it seems!!
Lino Bonett
While I understand the need for dress codes, I certainly do not think an employer should be instructing women to wear a bra.
Albert Zammit
'For him to have issued this memo to his employees, he must have had a very good reason.' Well, that's another issue. Indeed.
Albert Zammit
Raphael, please don't try to show us more how bright you are - this time by quoting a sentence of mine, out of context - and in the meantime showing off your tolerance. Yes, if you go to work at a firm, or at an agency, or with the government, for the time you are working for them, you are at their service. You are not free, then. You cannot do what you like. As simple as that. Yes, indeed, if you want to be personally free, in this case, .... stay at home. And work from there.
Albert Mallia
There is nothing wrong with looking in top shape at work. I worked all my life in the hotel business and without doubt appearance makes all the difference. What's wrong with requesting males not to wear earings or for females to have the right make up at work? Or not to have bad breath? I think this is fundamental for keeping high standards. I totally agree with Mr Camilleri. For him to have issued this memo to his employees, he must have had a very good reason.
carmel duca
"if you want to be personally free, stay at home." That's the most original definition of freedom I've ever heard...
Albert Zammit
Allow me to pass a few comments on what has been offered below: First, I completely disagree with what BIDLAFILGVERN ... well, his pseudonym says it all, does it not? ... said. The reason why Malta is becoming more insular IS due to EU membership BUT for reasons different than what he offered - mainly that a good section of the MT population is afraid of the winds that should be coming over to the island from mainland Europe and so ARE DIGGING IN THEIR HEELS. But it will pass, sooner or later. It is not a question of personal freedom - if you want to be personally free, stay at home. But once you are in the employ of someone or of some entity, you have to rise to the occasion. Secondly, I agree with SAMMYBOY MBA. If anything, the CEO should NOT have been the one stooping low enough to send such directions. Other, more sensitive means of approach should have been sought. That, in itself, gives rise to doubt about how much he deserve the salary he reportedly gets. Thirdly, I also agree with DANNY ATTARD's comment about the CEO's 'army hair cut'. Indeed, it does not fit that formal attire. But as DCG says ... , anyway! Fourth, at OZZIE, I somehow don't think that people doing business will be wearing the kind of attire HE thinks they would. They would have more self-respect, I assure you. Fifth, PAUL VELLA, this has nothing to do with 'religious studies'. How absolutely and downright narrow-minded and shallow can anyone be, is beyond me. Sixth, I agree with MITROVICH. And furthermore ... I have nothing to add. For now! :-))
Mario Calleja
It is quite startling that most of the reviews are against a man who is encouraging smartness and hygiene. Most of the comments must come form people who never worked in a large/ish company or people who are comfortable with the hideous way they look. This man might be a bit drastic, but you have to aim to a 100 to get 85 or 90. I am not one to take sides, and definitely not political ones, so my comment is wholehearted and definitely unbiased. This man has got balls and wants to get things done the right way, and he gets shot at. Funny!!......try......slobsareus.com.....all you have to do is prove yourself and membership is free....
Victor Grech
I have to say to a certain extent I agree with his memo. First impressions are extremely important and when companies/organisations in business invite people for meetings to their premises it is important to give the correct impression and to show they are professional. However, it is beyone extreme that dyed roots are not to be shown, tashes trimmed to a certain length etc..
Charles Caruana
Ah, so this CEO at Malta Enterprise is a graduate in religious studies, and not in economics or business studies?
All the Richard Branson of this world will certainly no be inrtereted in doing any business with Mr Camilleri. He needs to relax and get out of his antiquated approach to life - If I was doing a business deal with anyone wearling torn jeans and chocolate al over their face - if the deal was a good I would sign up to it. Mr Camilleri needs to grow and recognise that we are no longer living in the 17th century
inform employees that they are not allowed to die at their desk. That army haircut is a no go and is a terrible mismatch with his formal attire.
Angele Deguara
Clearly, the guy is either under-employed, or is focussing on the wrong priorities. In forty years of business life at pretty high levels (all in an international context)I have never seen such detailed crap written by a CEO. If such messages need to be delivered there are other, far more effective ways of doing so. And going through HR is the first rule of the road! Actually, it sort of looks like something out of the Hitler Jugend rule-book!
No offence, but the more I read stories like this, the more I thank my lucky stars that I have left Malta. And even more shocking than Camilleri´s orders are the comments of some people here. Seems like that the Maltese WANT to be bossed around. They have no idea about personal freedom. Sure, a boss can give guidelines about a dresscode, but never such nonsensical orders. As if he wants to impose some uniform. Believe me, ever since Malta joined the EU it seems that it is getting even more insular and backward! No way would such an order be tolerated in continental Europe.
that women are not wearing undergarments?
Monique Cauchi
Why does he say that workers should clean their teeth regularly, especially after lunch? Any dentist will tell you that for good mouth hygiene it is more important to clean your teeth before lunch!
John Camilleri
A bit extreme but he does have a point. Too many people here go to work looking like bums.
Albert Zammit
Ah, now that the Police are mentioned ... isn't it about time that the Commissioner of Police starts rounding up those officers and officials who have too much flab and give them a good talking-to, and force them to follow an exercise regime? Some of the Police officers we have in Malta are far from smart.
Jessica Chetcuti
Frankly, I don't find anything wrong with people taking pride in their appearance, I really wish more people would do just that. Okay Mr Camilleri may have gone OTT, but I have to say that if I was in a position of employing anyone I would certainly not employ anyone that doesn't meet my standards. That would include men wearing ear-rings,(I find it so feminine) no visible tattoos, especially on women. And definately no bling whatsoever. As an afterthought, I have often wondered if our police force is ever inspected when going on duty?........I have noticed that many uniforms need pressing and boots could do with a good polish. There doesn't seem to be much personal pride with the men and women who are always in the public eye.
Joseph Randolph Camilleri
Women working at ME should not worry if they abide by a strict dress code. It's the men that should really worry with the new regulations.
alfred mcewen
I fully agree with this policy in such an institution where image is a very important. When you visit local firms in the private sector such as GO, Voda , Melita, Gasan etc. that is what you see. Why should a public organisation have lower standards.
Patrick Calleja
Good luck to all the models taking part in the cat- walking parade at Malta Fashion upps Enterprise!
Albert Zammit
Ehmmm.... excuse me ... but what's wrong with appearing neat and tidy, at one's place of work? Fine, I agree, the guy is OTT but hey, we, in Malta, need to get a really good make-over in order to 'sell ourselves' and our services. How many times do you see workers and civil servants that make you wonder where he came from?