Lawrence Gonzi hints at early 2013 elections

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi says whatever happens with 2013 Budget vote, elections will be held in early 2013.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi

In the strongest hint yet on when the general election will be held, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that whatever happens in the next couple of weeks, the country will enter an electoral campaign in January or February.

With the first budget vote earmarked for 10 December, Parliament could be dissolved in the next couple of weeks if Nationalist MP Franco Debono follows through with his consistent threats to vote against the budget. Once Parliament is dissolved, the Prime Minister is granted a minimum 5-week window and a maximum of three months to hold an election.

Signalling his intention to call the election even if the budget is approved, Gonzi said: "Whatever happens in the next few weeks, let us enjoy and celebrate Christmas in peace and then we can commence the electoral campaign in January or February, as had happened in 2007," Gonzi said.

The PN remains the party of change while Labour will take the country backwards, Nationalist leader Lawrence Gonzi said.

He said the last time Labour governed the country in 1996 it introduced 33 new taxes in less then two years and "suffocated the business community drying up their income. That is why you cannot trust them."

Speaking on the PN's Radio 101, the Prime Minister said the Nationalist Party wrote a new page in its history in the past week following the deputy leadership contest and the presentation of the 2013 Budget.

Gonzi stressed the PN's ability to renew itself and introduce important changes in the country as opposed to the "socialist, conservative and anti-reformist Labour Party."

In an interview recorded on Saturday afternoon, Gonzi said that the 12-point advantage Labour enjoys in the polls is not written in stone and expressed his belief in the possibility of winning the next election, saying "I have confidence in the people's ability to make the right choice."

Pointing out that nobody knows what Labour proposals, Gonzi said: "the Opposition has abandoned the working classes. They should be ashamed of themselves, they have attacked the tourism sector, Air Malt and the services sector and re-married the General Workers Union."

He added "The election is on the horizon and we have shown the people what our programme is. On the other hand Labour has abandoned the workers

Calling for caution, Gonzi said the decision the electorate will take in the next election will last for five years. "How can we trust Labour leader Joseph Muscat who advised us to follow the Cypriot economic model, only to discover that Cyprus is in deep economic turmoil."

Shedding doubt on Muscat's ability to govern, Gonzi said: "Where will he find the money if he drives the country to economic disaster. What guarantees do we have that Labour will maintain the same levels of investment in health and education?"

While noting that his administration is not perfect, Gonzi said the Nationalist government weathered the international economic crisis and kept investing in education, health and created more jobs.

"How can we set our minds at rest that Labour will guarantee the same levels of investment after dishing out such unsound advise?" Gonzi said.

Gonzi said the people can only have peace of mind if the Nationalist Party is in government, which has shown that it can govern during difficult circumstances.

He added that the Labour Party is not fit to be in government because it chose to play hide and seek with the people and had poor judgement.

Gonzi stressed that the PN was the party for everyone and said its "doors are open to everyone and nobody should feel excluded."

Dispelling the PN's conservative tag, Gonzi said: "We are not a government for one class or another. We do not interfere in people's life, including people of different sexual orientation. All the colours of the rainbow come together in the Nationalist Party."

"We respect the gay community in the same way we respect everybody else who makes his or her decisions. We respect whatever the people decide in a democratic way," he stressed.

Pointing out that the party had embraced both those who agreed with divorce and IVF, and those who disagreed. "We greet everyone with open arms and everybody is welcome to participate and work together with us to shape our policies."

Turning his attention to the 2013 Budget, Gonzi said: "We presented the budget because unlike the Labour Party we do not play hide and seek. We have put our cards on the table for all to see. The 2013 Budget is not the party's electoral manifesto but it is the Nationalist Party's programme for the next year."

He said that the people were aware now how a Nationalist government would work in 2013, which sectors it would assist and what it would do in sectors such as education and health. On the other hand, he said that the people were in the dark about what was in store from Labour, saying that the Opposition "is only blowing air bubbles."

Speaking on the controversy surrounding the minimum wage, Gonzi explained that the "basic minimum wage in not taxed, including the COLA increase."

He said that it is only the bonuses, income supplements and commissions which are taxed. "The law states that earnings below €8,500 are non-taxable and the minimum wage will now rise to €8,434, meaning that it does not go beyond the threshold. Only the earnings above the €8,500 benchmark are taxed."

Gonzi expressed hope that the Budget would be approved, however explained that if the Budget is not approved by Parliament, not all budgetary measures would come into force on 1 January, adding that a new government would have to take its decisions.

Labour leader Joseph Muscat has urged the Nationalist governmnet to ensure that all increases and benefits are implemented by 1 January.

u ejja dik FLASH NEWS !!!!!
Ma, x'babaw !!. Taf x'jonqsu jaghmel Gonzi biex juri kemm hu veru rigressiv u ghadu jghix fi zmien id-dlam?. Jimita liz-ziju ta' missieru, il-famuz Arcisqof Sir Michael Gonzi, qaddej u laghqi tal-Gvernijiet Inglizi, u jwahhlilna l-Interdett u li min jivvota Labour, jaghmel DNUB MEJJET u jmur l-infern. Id-emm jigbed. Il-gideb ta' dak iz-zmien baqa' ghaddej fid-DNA tal-familja. X'ipokresija ta' bniedem !. Ma jafx Gonzi li diga qeghdin nghixu fl-infern ta' din id-dinja bil-pizijiet fiskali li wahhlilna?. Dan jipprova jbezza' lin-nies ghax jaf li ghad hawn injoranza grassa u hafna nies jibilghu il-gambli jintnu ta'GONZIPN. Basta joqghod jiftahar kemm imxejna 'l-quddiem fl-edukazzjoni, u b'ghemilu juri li l-poplu ghadu injorant u jibla' bhall-imzazen.
.....We respect whatever the people decide in a democratic way," …. Did you in the Divorce Referendum ....."We greet everyone with open arms and everybody ….. You didn’t even met my wife who was a Nationalist when she came to talk to you just because you knew that her husband was a Labour Supporter. That includes one of your ministers who used to live next door to her when he told her “I would have helped him if he was a Nationalist”. An parliamentary secretary insulted me in my own home telling me that “you labourites are all the same”, after allowing him in during the 1980 elections. …..Gonzi said the people can only have peace of mind if the Nationalist Party is in government….. Am I one of those less fortunate because I have been discriminated from the first day of the 1987 election., when I was told that because I worked with that Chairman and with the Labour Government I had to suffer. I was framed up, haressed, humiliated, threatened with charges, arrest and not to talk about what I heard and saw in a particular department, deprived of overtime, promotion and humiliated till the very end, since I was told to do duties well below my grade, that of a Labourer when my grade was that of middle management. I was even charged for late attendance when in all my civil service life I have never been late for work. ….."I have confidence in the people's ability to make the right choice."….. Probably you’re more than sure that people haven’t made the right choices during the last elections especially the last two since you’re reminding them every minute and second of the day. The people have to keep in mind that if you’re re-elected you will regain those 500 euros weekly while you gave us the miserable 1.16; 4.16 and 4.08 which adds up to 488.88 euros in 3 years i.e (52 x 3 =156 weeks) while God forbids you will be getting 78,000 euros for the same period. ….Gonzi stressed that the PN was the party for everyone and said its "doors are open to everyone and nobody should feel excluded."….. as I stated above I was excluded for 25 years. There are other thousands and thousands who were also excluded, do you think we’re a bunch of “cwiec” like Tonio Fenech said. You can open the doors wide apart at least the stale air inside will change and the mould that’s in there will dry up, then you can repaint and start all over again hopefully not under your command since you will hopefully be changed by someone who the people cam trust and have a little peace of mind. ….."We are not a government for one class or another…. The is only one class you’re interested in “The Clique” as said on various occasions by the Hon Franco Debono and a couple of others. You always managed to get ride of those who are worthwhile both inside your circles and well as those in the Civil Service. ….."We greet everyone with open arms and everybody is welcome….. You should have said this on “1st April”. Then people might have believed you. Probably the only one who believe in this are John Dalli, Franco Debono, Jesmond Mugliett and JPO. …..the minimum wage will now rise to €8,434….. i.e 162 euros per week. How come you increased you salary by 500 if this 162 euros is good enough for a single person or for a family for that matter? ….."Whatever happens in the next few weeks, let us enjoy and celebrate Christmas in peace…. How can we have peace and enjoy the festive season when we can’t even make ends meet. The workers are living in an Austerity ERA which the past Nationalist Governments have brought about. One thing I am sure off, and this is we’re back in the sixties. When the dockyard workers used to retire they use to go back to beg charity from their friend who were still in employment. I am one of those who made sure to do away with everything because quite soon I have to live on a pension after working without a break for over 45 years. Mintoff has put and end to all this in the 70’s and I am sure Joseph Muscat will put an end to this in 2013.
warrab minn hemm illum qabel ghada gonz!!!!!
Luke Camilleri
THE EARLER THE BETTER, we just cannot afford you and your gang of Ministers any more! What a nice way to start December thanks to you and your MINISTERS, with increases in the price of fuel! Thank You Mr. Prime Minister for being continuously in my thoughts!
By investment in health, does the Prime minister mean owning 40,000,000 to Medical importers in the Health sector? Can he tell us how many cosumables are out of stock? What provisions have been taken for the 'Waiting time directive' by the EU which comes into vigore in October 2013? Who's going to pay and what money will be voted in the Health sector budget to make up for this? Dr. Gonzi...too many lies!
The same old story, the same old song. Scaremongering is their only useless, senseless strategy. PN never learns and persists in stupid tactics. And the bottom line truth is that people are fed up of this administration.
The PM is not revealing anyhting out of the normal. The elction has to be carried out in the early months of next year - so he did not reveal anything.
The writing has been on the wall for more than a year now, and DR Gonzi still thinks that people are not noticing his procrastination to hold on to power at their costs!
Dear Dr Gonzi, Once, as a PN supporter I had total confidence in you. Not any more. No matter who is your deputy you have managed to detroy my confidence in the PN. You are not trustworthy any more. Franco Debono might be wrong on many things but not the one concerning the CLIQUE. You have endorsed it by the way you managed Tonio vs Simon. Good luck to you, any way.
Igor P. Shuvalov
"The PN remains the party of change....." Meanwhile the same Gonzi who wants us to believe this, continue ranting about the past...contradicting his new deputy by stating that people know what's in PN programme when Busuttil states that he is still drawing this programme.
Completely in agreement with falzonalfred6.
"We respect the gay community in the same way we respect everybody else ..." -- really??? so WHERE IS THE COHABITATION BILL YOUR PARTY PROMISED IN 1998??? WHERE IS IT??? It is the end of 2012 and still not here from what I can see ... If it takes you this long to introduce a very simple bill to show your respect, one can only imagine what you do to those you don't respect! ... Your government has been in power 25 years - what change can you possible bring??? If you wanted change you had your chance 25 YEARS LONG!!! The only change the Maltese now want is for you to step aside -- and the sooner the better!
The quicker we go to the polls the better. I, for one, have already decided who to vote for. My decision was taken following the clear message that the PN councillors sent re-Tonio Fenech and the Cabinet.
"We respect whatever the people decide in a democratic way," he stressed. Sure....we saw that when you insisted on voting against divorce in parliament when the absolute majority of the people of Malta voted in favour. We can no longer trust you Lawrence Gonzi!!