POYC scheme extended to ten more localities
Pharmacy of Your Choice scheme extended to Valletta, Hamrun, Qormi, Zebbug, Siggiewi, Zabbar, Xghajra, Marsascala, Zejtun and Marsaxlokk.
The health ministry has announced that the Pharmacy of Your Choice scheme (POYC) is to be extended to Valletta, Hamrun, Qormi, Zebbug, Siggiewi, Zabbar, Xghajra, Marsascala, Zejtun and Marsaxlok.
In a statement issued on Monday, the ministry said that the scheme is open to patients who hold the Yellow Card. In addition, patients entitled to free diabetes medicine, must register under the POYC scheme after ensuring they have all the required documents.
These necessary documents include the Yellow Card, the Pink Card or the White Card for controlled medicines as well as the entitlement permit for medicines needing Health Department approval. The dates of registration will be announced shortly.

So this is just an announcement. Nothing concrete yet but simply to react to the criticism by the PL. It is very obvious that the scheme is being rushed out of convenience because the general elections are round the corner.