Wasteserv defends itself from Auditor General’s hard-hitting remarks

National waste agency says measures pushed forward to strengthen internal controls.

The national waste agency insisted that it had fully cooperated with the auditing exercise carried out by the National Audit Office, adding that top officials of the agency were also involved in talks with NAO representatives to clarify any questions that may have arisen.

"Moreover, measures to strengthen internal controls were also pushed forward," a spokesperson for the agency said.

The Auditor General yesterday presented the House of Representatives with the audit report for 2011, in which he raised several points of concern with regards to Wasteserv Malta.  An audit of capital and recurrent expenditure incurred by Wasteserv Malta Ltd revealed "long delays and substantial cost variations on capital projects".

The Auditor General said that lack of transparency and non-compliance with procurement regulations were also noted, especially regarding sub-contracted labour. He also highlighted the inadequacy of the overall internal controls as a major concern.

With regards to the delays and the substantial cost variations of capital projects, Wasteserv said that this wad due to the "complex nature of the project, many a times new for the country". The agency said that these projects would require "substantial attention".

The audit report also referred to delays and variations experienced with regards to EU-funded projects. Wasteserv said that such projects would include extensive studies and research that would have to be carried out. It added that EU-financed projected would have already been audited by the European Union.

With regards to procurement, Wasteserv said that it was highly dependent on services acquired through calls for tenders. "This process has its difficulties and takes its time. But, we have insisted for further controls and we are working hard to introduce new management systems, such as the ISO 9000, which the company is working so hard to obtain in the coming months."

Perhaps figures should have been quoted. That would have made this article so much mire meaninfull and given its readers a sorpicture of the wanton waste and gross ineggfficienvy for want of the far more appropriate word. Shame on Pullicino, Farrugia and all the cabal.