Stencil typography used to write Franco Debono’s death threat

No reply yet from Police Commissioner over request for personal protection.

The death threat sent to Franco Debono, tabled in parliament by the MP.
The death threat sent to Franco Debono, tabled in parliament by the MP.

"Bring down the government and you will go down with it forever. Signed Ku Klux Klan."

Written in stenciled typography, this is the letter that was sent to government MP Franco Debono at his office in Zurrieq. Received by mail, the letter included a shotgun cartridge in the envelope which was also tabled in the House.

An impression of the base of the cartridge was imprinted underneath the note later on, since the cartridge itself could not be laid on the table of the House.

After Debono revealed the death threat in parliament, Speaker Michael Frendo asked Police Commissioner John Rizzo to investigate the matter. He also requested the Commissioner to provide Debono with personal protection.

Meanwhile, the Police Commissioner has so far failed to reply to this newspaper's questions, requesting whether an investigation into the matter has commenced and whether protection has been granted to the MP.

GonziPNisti have too much to lose.
Il Hanzir taqtalu denbhu, hanzir jibqa. Tiftakruha lil Karen Grech? X'interess kellu min baghat l-trra bomba li jibqa il-PN fil-Gvern?
To mail a CD to someone else I had to seal it in front of a Postal Officer, who then authenticated the contents with a postal seal. An envelope containing anything like a shotgun cartridge would or should not pass through normal mail.
These threats are unacceptable in a democratic state. I suspect that GonziPN and the Police are colluding in this matter. GonziPN condemn what happened in the 80's regarding Police brutality and now they do not see that the same brutality has increased in doing nothing when a crime might be done. I say to Franco Debono, take heart the only stance a member of Parliament took against a Government was Mintoff - you have the gusts similar to this great statesman. Be proud.
tul dawn l-ahhar 22 sena ilni nitlob biex Dr. EFA jghid x'fija l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi, jien iffaccjajt dawn il-menacci u qatt ma gergirt . Irrapurtajt lil pulizija fuq korruzzjoni quddiem il-board tal-Korruzzjoni u wara baghat ghalija certu Gilio biex jitlobni bil-hniena biex nirtiraha halli l-board jghalaq b'wicc il-gid u jien irtirajtha ghax ma ghandix rankorno ghal hadd. Irrapurtajt lill-Kumm. tal-pulizija lill-Kumm. tal-korruzzjoni u mort quddiem certu Palmier, No.tal-Kas Misc. 33, u hadt il-gurament u ma gara xejn ghajr li xi hames snin wara inkitbu artikoli fuq dan il-kumm. li kien donnajolo bhalma kxiftu jien u ma min kellu x'jaqsam; u jien ma hadtx sodisfazzjon; dehert quddiem it-Tribunal ta' l-Ingustizzja ghax l-ministru ta' l-edukazzjoni nizzel nota fil-file tieghi biex jinghalquli l-promozzjonijiet tieghi ta' teacher,kont kwazi irbahta imma indahal il-ministru permezz ta' l-avukat tieghi, Dr. P.B.C. u l-Imhallef regga s-sentenza ghax dan kien barra imhallef kien fuq il-payroll tal-ministru ta' L-eduk. u kellu conflitt ta' interess. Irrapurtajtu lill-Prim Imhallef li qalli li din serja u biex nirrapurtah lill-K. GHall-Amm. tal-Gus. imma baqa f'wicci ghax is-seg. ma ridietx tiprocedi u anzi zammitli id-dok. kollha biex jien ma nirrapurtahx lill-Pulizija bhalma qalli l-Prim Imhallef. Imma din missjoni tieghi Dr. Debono biex tagharaf timxi u ma tibzax taghamel skond il-kuxjenza.
Mela lil Daphne bil-pulizija wara l-bieb biex tkompli tinsolenta u tibulija lil min mhux Nazzjonalist ta GonziPN, u Dr Franco Debono,elett mill-poplu, li gie mhedded,ghal dan noqghodu nilghabu bil-bzallu! Nissugerixxi li Dr Debono biex imur joqghod bieb ma bieb Daphne jew ma RCC: xejn xejn ikollu ghassa free! Standards Ewropej fejn jaqbel biss lill-klikka ta GonziPN?
Dr F Debono you sacrificed a lot to try to reform justice and home affairs.The party can never win without you.Your name will not be forgotten,because you are a born leader.
As far as I know postal articles sent to MPs are checked and inspected by Maltapost. So how, may I ask, the envelop containing a shotgun cartridge could have every reached Franco Debono through the post. Why is it that Franco Debono did not lay on the Table the envelope in which he allegedly received the threat? Was it passed on to the Police at least?
Il-PN tkellem hana fuq il-biza tal-passat, spara u glied u sewwa jghidu li min jobzoq fis-sema jerga jigi f'wiccu!!
Minjaf ghala ghandha interess kbir din il-persuna biex jibqa GonziPn fil-gvern? Dawn it-tip ta nies f'Malta ghandha tispicca. J'Alla biex din il-persuna iffissata fuq GonziPN ghal interessi personali taghha tinstghab u jiehu dak li haqqu tghalli mhux thalli lil haddiehor jesprimi l-oppinjoni tieghu kif irid.
Ghara Veru piccat id Demokrazija go Pajizna