Malta slides four places in corruption index

Malta slides four places in Transparency International’s corruption perception index for 2012, placing 43rd on the world ranking.

Apart from Greece, Ireland, Austria, Italy joined Malta  on the list of eurozone member states to slide.
Apart from Greece, Ireland, Austria, Italy joined Malta on the list of eurozone member states to slide.

Statistics released this morning by Transparency International place Malta in 43rd place on the World's Corruption Index List, sliding four places from last year.

Greece, in its fifth year of recession and crippled by rounds of austerity, fell to 94th place from 80th, ranking it below Colombia and Liberia, according to the group's Corruption Perceptions Index.

Apart from Greece, Ireland, Austria, Italy joined Malta on the list of eurozone member states to slide.

"Transparency International has consistently warned Europe to address corruption risks in the public sector to tackle the financial crisis, calling for strengthened efforts to corruption-proof public institutions," the Berlin-based group said in a statement accompanying its annual report this morning.

Austria slid nine levels in the ranking to 25th, tying with Ireland, which dropped from 19th place after slipping five rungs last year. Italy, the second-worst ranked among euro-area nations, fell another three to 72rd place.

Best vs worst
Denmark, Finland and New Zealand held on to their top slots in the ranking, while Afghanistan, North Korea and Somalia remained at the bottom, in 174th place. The index has become a benchmark gauge of perceptions of a country's corruption, an assessment of risks used by analysts and investors.

In addition to its status as the birthplace of the euro- area debt crisis, Greece is ranked the most corrupt country in the 27-nation European Union. Policy makers trying to tackle the country's mounting debt have also focused on its broken revenue system as the government attempts to track down tax evaders. Total unpaid taxes in the country amounted to €42 billion, the Finance Ministry said in September 2011.

Greece in September froze bank accounts, shares and properties in 121 tax evasion cases, with Finance Minister Yannis Stournaras saying that "tolerance of tax evaders, no matter how high up they are, is over."

In Italy, probes this year toppled regional governments in Lombardy and Lazio, home to Milan and Rome, respectively. Former Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi, whose party members ran the two defunct regional administrations, was convicted by a Milan court in October on unrelated tax fraud charges and sentenced to four years in prison. Berlusconi, a billionaire media magnate, remains free as his lawyers prepare an appeal.

Austria has been gripped by a series of high-profile corruption cases, many linked to the previous government that ruled from 2000 to 2007 and backed by the late populist politician Joerg Haider. They were exposed by the financial crisis, investigative reporters and stepped-up prosecutions.

The U.S. jumped five points on the index, now ranking 19th, two points behind the U.K, which slid a slot.

Russia, which has the worst score of any country in the Group of 20 most- industrialized countries, climbed 10 spots to 133.

Egypt, where President Mohamed Mursi adopted sweeping powers last month and faces protests over a draft constitution that he approved, dropped six levels to 118th after plummeting 14 places last year. China lost five points to 80th place.

"Governments need to integrate anti-corruption actions into all public decision-making," Huguette Labelle, Transparency International's chief, said in a statement. "Priorities include better rules on lobbying and political financing, making public spending and contracting more transparent and making public bodies more accountable."

The index is an aggregate indicator that combines data from 13 different surveys assembled by independent institutions, including country experts and business leaders. Transparency International used a new methodology this year that changes the way data are handled and rates countries from zero to 100, the highest number being the least corrupt. Finland has a score of 90, while Somalia had eight.

And we attendid meetings, stood up to be counted voted for PN in 1987 to stop the corruption whnich PN used ti blame on MLP...we have been taken for a ride all along
You see Gonzi is right! We are not as rotten as Greece. Not only do we beat them in economics but also in corruption. Hurrah!
Certifikat iehor grazzi ghal Gonzi u GonziPN! Fejn hi dik -t-tfajla li harget fuq Xarabank bil-mazz ta' 'cerifikati' ghal Prim mahbub taghna?
u se tinzel iktar x'hin jaqraw kif Dr. EFA kien ghamel l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi, u hbijha ghax staha x'kixfet fuq min kien ghamel il-frame-up ta' missieri, Karm Grima. Ghal dawn l-ahhar 22 sena qatt ma qal lil poplu biex ihalluna mill-gideb li qalghu fuq missieri, ghalkemm ta' kull nhar ta' 15 ta' Ottubru dejjem ipposa li kien il-miskin li kisrulu il-bictejn ghamara dak inhar; u li kien jaf li se jigri hekk minn gimgha qabel skond l-Inkjesta u halla kollox ghaddej biex jibbustja il-personalita tieghu ghall-elezzjoni li kienet waslet, u biex xtrawlu ghamara u karozza gdida. Basta hu konvint li jitqarben u jisma l-quddies kuljum bhalma qal fuq XARABANK. Kien ta' kumpens lil hbieb tieghu PP Busuttil u Gaffarena 40,000 lira kull wiehed u lilna heba l-Inkjesta sal-1996 meta Dr. A. Sant thalla minn Dr. EFA stess biex jisraqha biex jintesa kollox.
Just four places ???????? I wonder if Transparency International’s were bribed too. Tonight on TVM and Net we will be told that we are doing much better than others since the last place is 174. Personally I think that we should have made it to the 175th place
Fraud,corruption,Transparency.Where does EU stands.It is time for the EU to have its accounts audited.
Most likely this report was done before the resignation of John Dalli, the discovery of the 150,000 euros for a maltese citizenship, the BWSC or the Rita Schembri scandals. Malta's rightful place in the fraud & corruption index should be much lower if truth be told.
Our position in the Corruption Index is worse than the maltese national football team which occassionally takes a step or two forward.
No surprise there. One just wonders if they have really managed to capture just how endemic corruption is here.
This information seems to be incorrect. Malta placed 43rd - even worse.