Ombudsman calls for setting-up of human rights institution

Institution would ensure effective implementation of international human rights standards in Malta – Said Pullicino.

Ombudsman Joseph Said Pullicino
Ombudsman Joseph Said Pullicino

Malta's ombudsman has called for the setting up of a national human rights institution that would serve as a "tangible confirmation" of the national commitment in favour of human rights and fundamental freedoms.

In a statement marking the anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 10 December 1948, Ombudsman Joseph Said Pullicino said the creation of a national human rights institution would "be entrusted with responsibility to ensure the effective implementation of international human rights standards in the country and also to develop and promote public awareness of these rights and freedoms."

In the months ahead the Office of the Ombudsman intends to continue to take a lead in promoting this suggestion.

"This Office welcomes the assistance and support of organizations that constitute civil society, non-profit institutions as well as individuals that are interested in citizen well being and in the defence of citizen rights so that this proposal will gain ground and be implemented sooner rather than later," Said Pullicino said.

Jien naqbel maghha din l- haga wara 25 sena ta GonziPN+ issa irridu nidhru Kattolci aktar mill-Papa! Ahjar bir-rispett kollu Dr Ombudsman jibda ftit ftit, jara l-hnizrijiet li qed isiru fil-Public Broadcasting Service, min filghodu sa fil-ghaxija minn dawk li suppost ikunu l-moderaturi, kollha bi pregudizzju kontra l-PL, as if l-PL hu fil-Gvern. Rajt lil Mr N.Vella wara l-budget. Flok kien programm intelligenti u bilancjat ta kif Dr Muscat ikkritika id-diskors tal-budget, l-program dawru Mr Vella, program kontra l-PL specjalment Dr Muscat. Dan x.hasibna Mr Vella, imbecilli u kretini, u ma nindunawx bil-body language tieghu, u bl-insinwazzjoniijiet tieghu? Ghandi 75 years,haseb li ghadu z-zmien li jista ibella' ir-ross bil-labra?
Is this another DREAM like the "Whistle Blower's ACT" Should Dr Marthese Portelli be the first President of the "Human Right's Watch". Before you throw more stones on your foot, let me tell you that since 1987 I have been through Hell because of my Political Belief. There are quite a few who took part in making my life HELL and frequent your Headquarters. I hope that sooner or later I will have the opportunity to meet anyone of you to show you all the emails, papers, affidavits,witnesses, etc etc which I have. Its usless throwing stones if you're iving in a glass house.
Is this another DREAM like the "Whistle Blower's ACT" Should Dr Marthese Portelli be the first President of the "Human Right's Watch". Before you throw more stones on your foot, let me tell you that since 1987 I have been through Hell because of my Political Belief. There are quite a few who took part in making my life HELL and frequent your Headquarters. I hope that sooner or later I will have the opportunity to meet anyone of you to show you all the emails, papers, affidavits,witnesses, etc etc which I have. Its usless throwing stones if you're iving in a glass house.