Labour insists George Pullicino should hand in resignation
Resources minister George Pullicino must resign over WasteServ’s widespread mismanagement, Labour insists.
Labour MP Leo Brincat has insisted that resources minister George Pullicino shoulder responsibility for shortcomings at the national waste management agency WasteServ and resign.
Following the Opposition's initial calls for his resignation, Pullicino chose to attack Labour's credibility in the waste management sector without making direct reference to the calls for his resignation.
"The minister's statement strengthens our conviction that Pullicino must hand in his resignation," Brincat said.
Labour insisted that resources minister George Pullicino's position is untenable following the revelations of widespread financial and technical mismanagement at WasteServ.
"Resources minister George Pullicino knows he cannot justify the €1 million contract signed by WasteServ increasing to €29 million over a span of four years," the Labour MP said.
The MP added that Wasteserv did not attain the approval of the contract's extension and changes from the Ministry of Finance as was shown in the Auditor General's Annual Audit Report for 2011.
"The Finance ministry was not aware of the substantial changes, including the period of extension, the value or the total number of persons to be employed," Brincat said.
"The Minister [Pullicino] must realise that Labour was only reacting to the strongly worded statements in the Auditor General's report, who has also decided to carry out further investigations on WasteServ's financial management, especially its capital and recurrent expenditure," the MP added.