Cyrus Engerer’s homosexuality ‘put off’ minister

Former PN activist says minister refused to employ him within his ministry due to his sexual orientation.

Labour activist Cyrus Engerer.
Labour activist Cyrus Engerer.

Former Sliema deputy mayor and PN activist Cyrus Engerer says that three years ago he was refused employment with an unnamed minister because he is gay.

In an interview with Sunday newspaper Illum, Cyrus Engerer recalls resigning from his original job to start working within the particular ministry.

"But when it was time for me to start the new job he said he changed his mind because of my 'lifestyle'. He told me that gays and non-Catholics don't go down well with the rest of the electorate and so he didn't want to be associated with me," Engerer says.

During the interview, Engerer doesn't exclude contesting the European Parliament elections on a Labour ticket.

He also says that, if given the opportunity to contest the coming general elections with Labour, he would refuse as he wants to help out the party on several districts rather than limiting himself just to one or two.

Patricia Marsh
Well done Cyrus and keep up the good work. Without any doubt you will be a success in the European Parliament.
ma tridx tghid li gejt vittimizzat ukoll hux?????????? issa jidher aktar car li certi nies qalbu mal labour ghax ma hadux dak li riedu mal pn. il partit laburista - mintoffjan - socjalista - tal haddiema - moviment popolari u ma nafx x'sejhulu izjed spicca jaccetta nies opportunisti. KEEP IT UP PL.
talk is cheap, and cyrus just like joseph muscat is very good at it
Wonder why ? as one minister is a homosexual, at least he sounds like one.
il problema sur engerer mhux li inti onosesswali izda li inti ahbu! Stajt kont straight imma il-lifestyle li kien qed jirreferi il ministru huwa li thobb tiggerra.
Lino Camilleri
U int tahseb li ma hemmx gays mal partit nazzjonalista. Anke int nahseb taf min huma. U anke Gonzi nahseb li jaf. Imma mhux ma kullhadd jimxi l-istess. Hatar nies li huma gays imma lilek forsi ma jiffansjakx hux. Ma hemm x'taghmel. Suppost f'pajjiz demokratiku maghndux wiehed jigi ddiskriminat minhabba il kulur, razza jew orientazzjoni sesswali.
"He told me that gays and non-Catholics don't go down well with the rest of the electorate and so he didn't want to be associated with me," Mr Ungerer if the Minister said that to you, you can sue him for defamation of character. An employer cannot discriminate because of faith, colour or lifestyle of a person because he is gay. That idea is very archaic. I don't think the qualification for the job excluded gays and lesbians, did it? Somebody has to explain the facts of life to that Minister. If it happened like you said, that is what we call discrimination, and it is against the law to discriminate..