Security company says airport layoffs part of 'tourism realities'
G4S director says uncertainty which security workers at MIA are facing 'caused by realities that every company working in tourism have to face'.
(File photo) Malta International Airport.
According to G4S director Paul Busuttil, the uncertainty which security officers at the Malta International Airport are facing was a reality that every company working in tourism have to face.
In comments to Sunday newspaper Illum, Busuttil spoke about the issue which G4S has with the 57 aviation security who work at the airport. The compay is currently trying to reduce the number of workers stationed at the airport during the winter months and transfer them to other sites administered by G4S.
A number of workers lamented with Illum over the unacceptable working conditions, that could endanger their security work.
Read more in Illum

Lawrence Covin •
More of 'hawwadni ha' nifhmek'! Wasn't this a record year for Tourism?

Weren't we loudly and proudly informed that tourism cannot keep its trousers buttoned up due to the record upon record number of goodies its members are gorging on??!! And all due to GonziPN!

Daqs kemm ilna nisimgħu kuljum b'xi rekord differenti fit-turiżmu!!!!! Allura x'sejjer ħażin, għax bis-suċċessi li jsemmi GONZIPN, għandu jkun hemm ħafna nies jaħdmu, u mhux nies b'xogħolhom mhedded!! Iż-żejt ikompli jitla' f'wiċċ l'ilma, u l-gideb ta' dan il-gvern kollu qed jinkixef bi stqarrijiet bħal dawn!