‘I am not a gimmick’, says Simon Busuttil

PN deputy leader says PN now has a ‘new leadership’, unlike any other party contesting the election.

MEP and PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil.
MEP and PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil.

Simon Busuttil believes that the Nationalist Party, as a result of his recent election to deputy leader, is the most 'renewed' party to contest the next election.

He also concedes that the party is currently undergoing a difficult period, characterised by internal bickering (some of which was directed at himself), and needs to be "changed from the inside".

Busuttil, who convincingly won the Nationalist Party deputy leadership election last month against finance minister Tonio Fenech, was interviewed by Reno Bugeja on the TVM talk show Dissett yesterday.

Asked directly if his success at the PN deputy leadership election marked the beginning of a new electoral strategy - 'SimonPN' to replace 'GonziPN'  - the long-serving MEP   insisted that while Lawrence Gonzi remains the uncontested leader of the Nationalist Party, he views his own role as offering support to overcome an uphill struggle to  win the next election.

"I am not a gimmick," he said in response to criticism of his appointment by AD exponent Carmel Cacopardo. On the contrary, Busuttil insisted that the PN now has a "new leadership", unlike any other party contesting this election... including Cacopardo's AD.

But how 'new' is this leadership, Bugeja asked, considering that Busuttil himself is perceived to be part of the 2008 GonziPN strategy? The MEP however sought to play down former contributions to the PN's past incarnations: arguing that his primary experience has been in European politics, and that he intends to bring that experience to a local setting "in which [he] will be participating for the first time."

As an example of the European style with which he intends to infuse local politics, he had words of praise for his Labour counterpart in the European Parliament Louis Grech, who lobbied with the European Socialists to support Tonio Borg's nomination to the Commission.

"Despite the fact that the European Socialists ultimately voted against [Borg], Grech still did his best to persuade them of Borg's competence for the job."

This approach, he said, was a mainstay of European politics because no political grouping commands an absolute majority in the House. "For this reason we are inured into reaching compromise positions on various issues. This is the sort of collaborative politics I would like to see enacted locally."

Nonetheless Busuttil was quick to criticise the Opposition on a wide variety of fronts: namely, its plans to vote against the Budget on Monday, and above all the failure of opposition leader Joseph Muscat to reveal his electoral programme so soon before an election.

Here Bugeja reminded the MEP that he was also the author of the PN's electoral manifesto, and yet similarly refused to divulge its contents to the public. Busuttil rebutted this, arguing that the Nationalist Party's record in government spoke for itself, and that the PN's intentions are in any case manifest in the budget presented last week.

However, Busuttil also indirectly admitted that his own candidacy at the PN deputy leadership election brought to the fore certain internal problems currently festering within the PN.

 Bugeja  at one point aired a clip in which former PN MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando alluded to a whispering campaign, orchestrated by a "clique" within the party, which had highlighted aspects of Busuttil's private life.

"In truth this is also the situation you have on your hands," Bugeja added... to which Busuttil admitted that "It is a difficult situation".

"However I would prefer to try and change things internally. I entered politics to change things, and joining a large party like the PN is an opportunity to effect internal changes both in the party and in the country."

The Labour Party was also invited to send its own two deputy leaders to participate in the same programme; however, the PL declined and refused to send any substitute speakers.

Kun INT , Xmun iċ-ċirinew , Għin lill-partit jerfa is-salib ta Gonzi f'dan il-mument . Yes Simon , you are no gimmick , you are a potty leader .
briffy, of course the Maltese nation is interested in inward flowing funds, especially after the hash your GonziPN made of the country's national finances. briffy, ruhi, a trifling amount of €6.5 Billion in national debt for your information. And this they ably managed from a zero position, and after selling all the nation's "silver"! Perhaps you would like to pay your share by selling your investment in Malita? That is, if you trusted your own party and invested therein.
Is this a gimmick or not? Mr Busuttil true, you were elected as Deputy MP for your know how and your charisma and I like that but I think you were elected as Deputy MP mostly to smooth out or cover up the errors of your Party. The biggest error was made by Austin Gatt and I think Tonio Fenech is a close second. The main cause for the downfall of this administration is going to be Austin Gatt. Everybody, including many PN supporters agree with that statement. Austin Gatt should have resigned after the fiasco he created, first with Arriva and then the Cirkewwa project from start to finish. He should have taken the lead but instead he let the PM embarrass himself by taking over the project of the Arriva scandal. Now Mr Busuttil you were chosen as a party saver and expected to help win the election for the PN. Good, luck because you have an uphill battle to do all that, and you have very little time to do it.
Very funny comments from the usual half-a-dozen Labour contributors who have been waiting in the wings to witness the coming of the Messiah. When speaking of no change in the PN camp following Busuttil's election to deputy leader, they conveniently forget the Labour's team of Mintoff/KMB ministers and activists that Sant had sidelined and JM accepted with open arms or, more likely, he had to lump them. There is a funny reference to Busuttil's attempts to highlight the financial gains to Malta if we joined the EU; but aren't a good number of the Maltese only interested in how much money they'll get, typical of Mintoff's style, always with cap in hand? So why should one be surprised?
you may not be a "gimmick" but you are certainly a LIER ! you lied when you said that if the PN want to return electricity bills to what they were before they were raised, the Pl government would have to find another €75 million (to subsidize the bills) ! Dr.Muscat NEVER said that A PL government would return electricity bills to their original level before they were raised tremendously by Dr. Austin Gatt. Dr. Muscat always said that he would "REDUCE" electricity bills in a sustainable way ! Not a very auspicious start Simon !
No Simon, you are not a gimmick but a joke - an old joke I must add. Remember when Josie Muscat upstaged you on Xarabank when you had no idea how many refugees are in Malta? Remember the glass bottles Simon? Remember how you campaigned to bring plastic bottles, then for a derogation for the big cola companies, then you went to the other side and defended the importers who kept importing glass bottles without a refund scheme? You made a mess in regards to Malta's waste management and now everywhere you go you see more litter in our streets. Thank you Simon
Does Mr Gimmick think that a party is renewed simply because of the election of a new deputy leader??? Not even the election of a new LEADER is enough to completely renew a party mister! Are you playing the fool or do you take your listeners to be fools??? ... Also you were the self-proclaimed author of the 2008 pn manifesto and to be also writing the manifesto for the next election! Can you please reflect and tell us your electorate HOW MUCH OF THE 2008 MANIFESTO WAS ACTUALLY IMPLEMENTED AND HOW MUCH NOT? AND WHY??? ... Simon, dear Mr Gimmick, it may be important for you to know and understand that manifestos mean NOTHING unless they are then implemented! ... I have one simple question: was the this most basic cohabitation law not introduced??? WHO WAS BEHIND IT BEING LEFT BEHIND AGAIN??? May we remind the PN that it was in PN electoral manifesto since 1998??? Do you really think we can trust you anymore??? HOW CAN YOU SAY YOU WANT CHANGE WHEN YOU HAD 25 YEARS TO CHANGE ANYTHING YOU WANTED AND STILL DID NOT DO ANYTHING??? NO dear Mr Gimmick we do not trust you and your ilk anymore - we want real change and it seems the only party that can do it is the PL! ... If you truly loved your country you would know that what I am saying is true and that it is in the interest of a healthy democracy that no party stays in power after maximum 10 years or at the very most 15 years, after that it is simply out of sync, out of energy and simply depleted of any new ideas. ... It is also in the interest of the country that the government has a strong opposition to cross-check what it is doing - and now you will have a nice new role doing exactly that: learning how to be a good opposition party :-) ...
Too many denials in such a short period of time. GonziPN denied workers on the minimum wage will be paying income tax. Marthese Portelli denied four times the PN sent those shameful leaflets to government employees. Now Simple Simon denies he is a GIMMICK. GonziPN & co have lost all credibility. More gimmicks to come... we are expecting them.
What do you expect Simon to mouth? Apologies for his dodgy EU entry contribution? Apologies for the 2008 electoral manifesto riddled with Santa Claus wishes, that similarly, are nothing but myths? Of course, Simon Busuttil is a late in the day gimmick, and absolutely nothing else. He was dreamed up by the PN strategy group to recoup some losses via Simon's perceived "clean boy" image. Something, he mysteriously still manages with PN voters, especially with the elder and the younger sections. I agree with all the reasons given by commentators below. However, Simon might do good, when the PN are in opposition, and he would help cleanse the party from the filth that has enveloped it.
Luke Camilleri
If not a "gimmick", he is most certainly a "GADGET"... AND NOT A NEW ONE, just more of the same, writing again another book of fables like he did in 2008 and called it "GonziPN Electoral Manifesto"!
Of course that you are not a 'gimmick'!!! Ask the hunters and many others who received a letter full of broken promises prior to Malta's entry into the EU!!!!! Well, one pinocchio goes , and another brilliant one comes! You are try to give a new boost to GONZIPN, but you choose the wrong time to do it! People are so very fed up with arrogance of this government! We can't forget the statements by the prime minister in parliament when there was the opposition's motion against the increase in the utility bills, or the Euro 500 wage increase to cabinet, which was TEMPORARILY SUSPENDED, and the Arriva fiascos. I'm sorry but this government has got us into a similar situation of the 80's, which the PN then really fought against! See you at the polls! Good luck, anyway!
Bla Bla- same as when he was an alleged independent when head of MIC-promises the world in order to get what he wants and then conveniently forgets us all.
Simon Busuttil is the author of the GonziPN 2008 electoral manifesto, the 'gheruq taghna' update of 2011 and the PN manifesto of 2013. What's so 'new' about him? He's been contesting elections on the PN ticket since 2004 and prior to that he was the chairman of MIC. While being pro-EU I have to state that MIC under the helm of Simon Busuttil was not impartial in the way it delivered the information on EU membership. The EU membership debate was reduced to how much funds we will get out of it without looking carefully at all the implications which the EU membership entails. Who would have thought that since we are EU members we would end up bailing other countries like Greece or Portugal? Certainly somebody from MIC should have mentioned that membership means BOTH giving and taking.
You do not change a party by changing its deputy leader. A deputy leader cannot exert control or influence on the other senior members of the party. True change only occurs when the leader is changed and a clean sweep of the party secretary and delegates takes place. A cosmetic addition to the inner leadership only creates envy and division for it is effectively a vote of no confidence in the present members even those deserving consideration as future leaders and who might have the support of a new crop of forward looking change driven delegates.
How can Dr Simon Busuttil be looked upon as a new face when he self- praised himself for writing the 2008 electoral manifesto for GonziPN and is today writing the new one (secret) too? Dr Busuttil was also the one who did not want Dr Abela to be President: inklussiv u modern ukoll! He was also (this new face of GonziPN) against divorce and gay rights! As far as I am concerned he is a gimmick and a fake.
Wrong Simon, Gonzi is still the PM, RCC and AG still run the party, you are just a pawn to be used, What do you think you are, the second comming? Because Simon is now Deputy Leader the party is renewed? Simon the party is still the same and you have joined the clikk or you would have taken the stand to reunite with Franco and not back down so quick your feet didnt touch the ground, Sorry Gonzi pn has no credibility nor any of its members.