Ombudsman – Judge should resign pending Commission inquiry

Former chief justice Joseph Said Pullicino calls on President of the Republic to use Commission’s moral authority unless Farrugia Sacco ‘responsibly suspends himself’

Undercover video from Sunday Times of London's undercover reporters shows MOC secretary-general Joe Cassar (left) and Farrugia Sacco discussing ticket resales.
Undercover video from Sunday Times of London's undercover reporters shows MOC secretary-general Joe Cassar (left) and Farrugia Sacco discussing ticket resales.

National Ombudsman and former Chief Justice Joseph Said Pullicino has published a letter to the President of the Republic, calling him on to use the moral authority of the Commission for the Administration of Justice to have Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco stand down from his duties, pending an inquiry by the CAJ into allegations of corruption.

Farrugia Sacco has resisted calls to resign by the Prime Minister and the Nationalist Party after the International Olympics Commission's ethics commission found that the judge and president of the Malta Olympics Commission had entertained the requests of two undercover journalists, posing as ticket resellers, as to how to skirt limits on the resale of tickets for the Sochi winter games.

In a rare statement for an office of the Parliament, Said Pullicino said that as Ombudsman he was precluded by law from expressing an opinion on the judiciary and the behaviour of the judiciary on the exercise of their duties.

"This does not however prevent me from expressing my opinion on the effects of such behaviour on the proper administration of justice in the country, all the more so when this concerns actions which are not in any way related to the recognised functions of a Judge," Said Pullicino said, calling the news that Farrugia Sacco was somehow implicated in a case of corruption 'shocking'.

"The news in itself, irrespective of any judgement as regards guilt or otherwise, severely undermines trust in the administration of justice."

In his letter, Said Pullicino called on President Abela to see that the Commission for the Administration of Justice, which he presides, uses its moral authority to ensure Farrugia Sacco "is immediately relieved from attending to his judicial duties until the charged levelled against him are finally determined in full respect of his constitutional rights, including that of the presumption of innocence."

The decision to have Farrugia Sacco step down pending the inquiry must ultimately be taken by Chief Justice Silvio Camilleri, a member of the CAJ.

Said Pullicino himself wrote that he deemed Farrugia Sacco should "responsibly suspend himself" to be best able to defend himself with the least possible negative effects on the administration of justice. 

"I am of the opinion that such action needs to be taken also in the light of the advice tendered to you by the Prime Minister to dissolve Parliament on 7 January 2013," Said Pullicino said, referring to the imminent elections set for 9 March.

Farrugia Sacco is embroiled in an Olympic ticketing controversy, following an investigation by two undercover reporters from The Sunday Times of London who posed as authorised tickets resellers. The IOC's ethics commission said this week that Farrugia Sacco had entertained the two reporters' offer by allowing them to "prove their point" on how to skirt rules regarding the sale of Olympics tickets for the Sochi winter games. MOC secretary-general Joe Cassar was said to have "tarnished" the reputation of the Games with his involvement in the same talks.

This is not the first time that the government fires a missive against Farrugia Sacco - the judge had refused to step down from the post of MOC president when the Commission for the Administration of Justice alerted him to the possibility of an ethical conflict due to the MOC's regular dealings with business sponsorships.

Farrugia Sacco has reacted to Gonzi's call for his resignation, saying the prime minister was "talking nonsense".

waqt li ma naqbel qatt jekk xi hadd ha xi haga li mhux tieghu ma nistax jifhem kif l ombudsman ta parir fuq l imhallef farrugia sacco u ma tax fuq dik is sinjura li propja kienet tmexxi l audit unit fl ufficcju tal prim ministru....two weights two measures down sur ombudsman? the mind boggles....dr debono ghamel mistoqsija investigattiva il bierah fuq il one
Why is our ombudsman getting so hot under the collar? He should be more concerned that the past government never considered any grievance he presented. If truth be said corruption, the circumstantial evidence of corruption, conflict of interest and trading in influence are now quite mundane. I never heard any gripe from the ombudsman, so, why now? From a legal point of view Farrugia Sacco is only indicted but it seems that for Dr. Said Pullicino he is already guilty. Dr Said Pullicino has committed a huge faux pas. He knows full well that there were others in the judiciary more senior than Dr.Farrugia Sacco that dragged our judiciary branch into the mire. These were treated with kids’ gloves. So why this concerted assault against Farrugia Sacco? It is evident that Said Pullicono is going out of his way to accommodate the PN. So much so that in his letter to Dr. Abela he asserts that legally it is none of his business. So much so that he is part of the legislative branch and reports and is answerable only to Parliament. But since the PN is alone in the Crusade Said Pullicino is playing the role of Richard the Lion Heart. Why all this? Farrugia Sacco is not blue and his son is on the Labour Ticket and very popular in Hamrun. Thus the Lord of Hamrun feels threatened. Franco Debono gave us the picture any it’s crystal clear
Ghaliex meta ikun hemm xi Direttur Generali jew Direttur l-Ombudsman jghidlek mur irrangia maghhom meta dan jaf li niex bhal dawn qatt ma tista tirrangia maghhom ghaliex huma ikollhom is-sahha u int tkun grad miz-zghar? u meta jaf li fuq dan il-kas ma ghandu l-ebda dritt irid jindahal? Ghaliex meta saru transfer ingusti u vendikattivi jew xi frame up hasel idu? Are veru qedin tajjeb f'dan il-pajjiz miskin.
watching the video and reading the IOC report farrugia sacco, being a judge should resign with immediate effect.
Joseph MELI
The Ombudsman should ensure that his own house is in order before making such suggestions to the President-and cant he decide for himself?.Why is the Ombudsman getting involved and ,in any event ,whoever listens to him or his recommendations(or "well-informed opinions" as he arrogantly puts it) and the Office he represents as they have no value or credence as they are unenforceable.If one has to suggest that someone does the "honourable" thing in the first place they are fighting a lost cause as the person involved is clearly dishonourable to find themselves in this predicament
Bir-rispett kollu lejn Dr.Said Pullicino u minghjar ma' nidhol fil-mertu fil-kaz ta'Dr. Farrugia Sacco. Nahseb li kien ikun aktar floku li kieku l-Ombudsman talab lill President Gorg Abela jintervieni sabiex ir-ruxxmata rakkomandazzjonijiet li huwa ghamel dwar kazi imressqa quddiemu jigu onorati mill-Gvern qabel ixolji il-Parlament. Kieku kellu jirrilivja ruhu mix-xoghol sakemm tali decizjonijiet jigu stmati kien ikun aktar kredibbli !