Greens call for ban on animal circuses

Alternattiva Demokratika say Malta should follow Greek example of banning animal circuses.

Alternattiva Demokratika yesterday participated in the protest against animal circuses organised by the Animal Rights Coalition, in which it called for a ban on animal circuses - a proposal which it will include in its electoral manifesto.

Michael Briguglio, AD Chairperson said: "Whilst AD values circuses are sites of entertainment, these should not be allowed to use animals, due to the exploitation involved. AD's election in parliament will ensure that a bill is passed to ban the use of animals in circuses. Recently, Greece has become the first European country to ban all animals in circuses.

"The UK Government unanimously passed legislation which will lead to the banning of wild animals in circuses. Other European countries including Austria, Portugal, Denmark and Croatia have either banned or are phasing out the use of wild animals in circuses. Outside Europe, countries including Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay and China, have also banned such circuses, and the USA is considering legislation. Various city councils around the world have also followed suit in banning such circuses."

Simon Galea, AD spokesperson for Animal Welfare and Agriculture, said: "Circus animals are made to perform unnatural tricks most of which following a long cruel training process. Other factors contributing for such a life of misery include constant traveling plus confinement in limited spaces. It is unethical to permit these practices and use of animals in circuses should be banned for good."