Xarabank cancelled in Debono gatecrash after Labour pulls out Anglu Farrugia

Simon Busuttil does not debate Debono, ‘Labour a cowardly party’ • Labour: Busuttil refused two encounters with Farrugia

Franco Debono
Franco Debono

Updated with comments from PBS chief executive Anton Attard, Xarabank presenter Joe Azzopardi, PN statement, and comments from Simon Busuttil, Franco Debono, Paul Borg Olivier and Labour communications coordinator Kurt Farrugia.

Additional reporting by Miriam Dalli

The Labour Party has withdrawn the participation of deputy leader Anglu Farrugia in a debate scheduled for tonight's live edition of Xarabank on PBS, to allow Nationalist MP Franco Debono to demand that he is given airtime on the programme.

Franco Debono appeared at the Where's Everybody studios in Qormi, demanding that he is given the airtime on the public broadcasting station. The show has now been cancelled.

Police officers arrived on the scene where Debono was audibly making his point at the TV studios, while Simon Busuttil stayed in the green room with the rest of the PN entourage.

PBS said the debate between the two deputy leaders had been long scheduled and was already cancelled last week due to personal reasons on the part of the Labour MP. When asked why Franco Debono and Simon Busuttil were not allowed to debate so that the show goes on, PBS chief executive Anton Attard insisted that tonight's edition was strictly scheduled to feature Anglu Farrugia and Simon Busuttil. "This was not a programme for candidates where Labour could just send in some replacement. This was a debate between the two party deputy leaders."

In comments to the press after emerging from the green room, Busuttil said that Labour had "given certification that it is a cowardly party of gimmicks. It is unfortunate that this programme had to be cancelled for this reason. I am here, and I am waiting, and I am ready to debate the deputy leader. If this is the government that Joseph Muscat is promising, then we have much to be concerned about."

Busuttil was asked by a One News journalist why he had not debated Debono, but the deputy leader responded to the repeated questioning by saying: "You need a lesson in manners."

In a reaction, Franco Debono told MaltaToday: "It's the PN that are cowards. I have been waiting for ages to get some airtime on PBS to make my point, because I am never invited on PBS. If I am so irrelevant, why are they so scared of facing me?"

At 11:09pm, he told One TV: "I am telling the people to do the opposite of what Simon Busuttil. Go to your grocer and spread a message of unity... it's shameful that Simon Busuttil did not face me."

Debono was also heard complaining in the Where's Everybody saying that Xarabank presenter Joe Azzopardi had acted as a mediator between him and the Prime Minister, although he did not indicate when such a meeting had taken place.

In comments on PBS later on in the evening, Xarabank presenter Joe Azzopardi said the programme had been scheduled weeks ago after discussions had took place with the parties' respective communications coordinators. "If this had been a debate between the party leaders, nobody could have taken the place of any one of the leaders. So there was no way that somebody else could replace the Labour deputy leader."

Azzopardi also said that numerous SMSes to Labour communications coordinator Kurt Farrugia had been ignored this week. "I smelt this coming over the past week, because Farrugia was not responding to the SMSes. Phone calls to Anglu Farrugia were ignored. And it was on Thursday evening that I finally got a confirmation that Farrugia would be attending."

"Had Anglu Farrugia come to Xarabank and instead of Simon Busuttil he found Labour MP Adrian Vassallo to rubbish Labour as some party of communists, you can imagine the kind of outrage there would be at a tactic like this."

A PL spokesperson denied that it had sent Franco Debono to represent the party. "We are simply making way for Debono. Now it is clear that Simon Busuttil does not want to take on Debono."

The party has now issued a statement, saying it had invited Busuttil to debate with Anglu Farrugia on the party's TV station's Bla Agenda talk-show for tomorrow, Saturday evening.

Labour also said Anglu Farrugia has accepted an invitation for a debate with Simon Busuttil, that would be broadcast on both PBS and One TV, with a presenter that is chosen by both sides. "Labour also expects that in the coming days, PBS hosts a debate between Busuttil and Debono, after the deputy leader avoided this debate."

PBS has refused to change presenter Joe Azzopardi.

Labour also said it had asked for a right of reply on PBS, through the Broadcasting Authority.

The matter is now the subject of special editions on the party stations: the PL's communications coordinator Kurt Farrugia said Simon Busuttil has refused to appear with Farrugia on the PBS talk-show TVAM and Realtà. "What should be discussed is PBS's unwillingness to allow Debono to air his views on state TV. He has already described PBS as a 'Nationalist party każin'. Farrugia on his part has already featured in a debate with Busuttil on on church radio RTK. PBS are part of a cover-up to deny Debono airtime."

In a statement, the Nationalist Party said that Labour had "hidden Anglu Farrugia because it fears pitting him in a debate with Simon Busuttil. This is the third time that labour has not sent its deputy leaders in a debate with Simon Busuttil. Labour is bereft of any arguments or policies. Muscat is using other people instead, and today he has come out as a coward."

PN secretary-general said later on NET TV that this decision was single-handedly authored by Labour leader Joseph Muscat. "This gimmick has all the hallmarks of a 'media man' like Joseph Muscat. Labour lost an opportunity to present its ideas to the public."

The unprecedented decision took place within the last hours, with the PL announcing that it had received a request from Debono to participate in the debate that originally pitted Farrugia with PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil.

"After evaluating this demand, in the light that the MP was not given the possibility to express himself, Labour accepted this demand for Debono to represent himself and be given the chance denied to him to explain why he voted against the budget this week," the PL said in a statement.

The long-awaited debate between Busuttil and Farrugia on Xarabank was arguably an opportunity for the PN to deploy its new political 'weapon' against Labour's deputy leader on the stage of the popular Friday night talk show, which has one of the highest ratings on Maltese television.

But in more ways than one, the snap decision is redolent of the PN's tactic in 2008 to send its MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando with a fast-tracked press card to the PBS studios, to participate in a Broadcasting Authority political debate against Labour leader Alfred Sant.

Pullicino Orlando had demanded that Sant faces him after not having been given the chance to face him, over the Labour leader's accusations against the MP on a controversial planning permit. Sant walked out of the PBS studios, fatally affecting the perception that Pullicino Orlando was not as guilty as Labour portrayed him.

fenea, you may enjoy your foolhardiness all you want. But do it on your own time, with your own money and assets; and do not recklessly bring the rest of us down with you. Dear commentators, here is a clear example of nonsensical, naive, bahbuh that are so loved by all politicians from whichever party. Fortunately, Malta is producing less and less of them.
@better future......... we are proud to be fools and fidili after our everlasting PN. can you tell with what are you proud? with the labour party?? with the partit mintoffjan?? with the partit socjalista?? with the partit tal haddiema?? or with the last version of moviment popolari liberali?????
Drewsome, Oh yes, that's right no connection to the GonziPN eyyyyyyy? Just who do you take the Maltese citizens for, fools and "fidili" like your blindfolded fellow travellers in the GonziPN WWW arena?
the pl are trying to minimize the capacity and importance of simon. this was another gaffe by the pl. who knows how many other gaffes will occurr. the time is in favour of the pn. KEEP IT UP PN.
Mela xmun iċ-ċirinew ried lin-nisa jirrispondu lill min jitkellem għand tal-grocer kontra il-gvern u hu ħarab milli jirrispondi lill-Dr Franco Debono fuq Xarabank.
Issa nistenna li Peppi, dak li jghid li hu id-difensur tad-demokrazija, jistieden lil-Franco fuq Xarabank kif kien ghamel meta Mintoff waqqa il-gvern tal PL. Possibli Peppi ma jafx li dan hu kas simili... Tiskata kif ftit taz-zmien ilu, Peppi kien Coach ta JPO u Anton Attard kien Team Manager ta JPO biex dan jghamel Gate Crushing lil Afred Sant. Illumn it-tejn li huma Ghamlu min kollox biex jiccensuraw lil Franco....... Tal-Misthijja.....
il-labour iboss b’sorm franco debono
il-labour iboss b’sorm franco debono
Xarabank is looking to be another Arriva catastrophic situation the two of them have lost time and direction and are both subsidized by Gonzi pn. Gonzsimonpepp are having tyre problems and are starting with a slow puntcure which is going to explode after January 7th .
Dan il-kaz ikkonferma li l-istazzjon nazzjohnali mhux wiehed indipendenti u mparzjali. Issa inkixef kollox. Debono kien car ghal aktar minn darba li Peppi, prezentatur ta Xarabank u persuna li flimkien ma tnejn ohra jiddominaw il-programmi tal-istazzjon nazzjonali kien agixxa bhala medjatur bejn il-Prim Ministru u Debono. Ghalhekk zgur li ma jistax jipprezenta ruhu bhala prezentatur indipendenti kif trid u titlob il-ligi tax-xandir. B'hekk jirrizulta li l-PBS qed jikser kontinwament il-kuntratt l.i hu ghandu mas-subscribers tal-Istazzjon tan-Nazzjon. Nifhem ghalhekk, li legalment is-subscribers ghandhom id-dritt ma jhallsux il-feee lill-istazzjon.
Sur Peppi Azzopardi, x'differenza kienet li minnflok lill Anglu Farrugia konna naraw lill Franco Debono, nahseb li kien ikollok id-dibattitu tas-sena, ftit jekk qatt mhu ser ikollok dibattitu bhal dak, dibattitu ikkargat bic-cirkustanzi. F'kul sitwazzjoni jkun hemm il-bezzieh u l-kuragguz, biss inti bhala presentatur ta' kalibru missek hadt l-okkazzjoni biex thallieh isir u mhux issib kull skuza immaginabbli biex thassru. Mhur gibek f’listess sitwazzjoni minn flok Bruno Vespa jew Simona Ventura fil-programm Porta-a-Porta, jew lill Jay Leno, David Letterman, Mentana, u jewwww Beppe Grillo kieku zgur li ma kontx thassar il-programm . Veru marjonetti spiccajna ghawn Malta. U dan ghaliex il-PBS baqa jxandar lill-Peppi u lill Ruth Amaira jirrepetu il-hin kollu l-istess tema. Wisq probabbli biex ma jintilifx il-hlas tal-programm!! Li hu wiehed konsiderevoli.
George Zammit
Yesterday evening I settled down to watch what had been extensively promoted as a debate between 2 opposing Deputy Leaders. Instead, in walked the circus plus Super 1 cameras, mikes and hacks galore, led by a loudmouthed, bitter and rude clown. What on EARTH was the PL thinking? Here's a chance to get your message across in prime-time TV, on the (let's face it) most popular discussion programme in Malta and you hide your Deputy Prime-minister-in-waiting and replace him at the last possible second with that egocentric and incoherent man. Not only that, I followed full coverage on One as well as TVM, and the fact-twisting and blatant stupidities were awesome. Kurt Farrugia and Anglu Farrugia gave us an exhibition of verbal hoop-jumping that is so classic. Their comments and interpretations are an insult to anyone with a brain and an IQ higher than room temperature. They have AGAIN managed to portray the PL as a bunch of clueless dilettentes, unprofessional in the extreme, and who work hard to screw up every occasion to their detriment. If this is the shape of things to come, the PN will NOT win this election. Labour will manage to lose it. And to pre-empt the stock replies - got no personal axes to grind; am not some blue-eyed boy, have no connections to either party actually. Just another voter.
Lawrence Covin
Simon was not ready to confront Franco because he ONLY had the answers for the questions HE KNEW Peppi was going to ask him. I am sure the coach prepared him beforehand. By the way, Anglu did not have that privilege. Yes, as someone said, Peppi's cover is blown: he is a PN agent. If you have a problem with Gonzi, ask Peppi to fix it.
The lust for power is all consuming and can be for way too many politicians, a deep-seated obsession or compulsion. The objective being, stay in power at any cost, or by any means to feed the obsession, not unlike a drug or alcohol addiction. Corrupt power is contagious and can infect those around the corrupt ones. Many new politicians, consumed by the desire to do good by getting elected to office, soon find when they get to their post, they have no power at all, other than what is dolled out to them by the senior ones. If a new politician makes any attempt to change the system or to weed out the corruption, he is immediately ushered off to some non-de script area where he can do no more harm. If he is ineffective as a politician, he soon loses his seat to a more aggressive politician who is eager to “play ball.”
(1) I had believed that Simon Busuttil had it in him to be different. (2) I had believed that Simon Busuttil had the capability to re awaken the Nationalist Party from the deep pitiful depths it has descended. (3) I had believed that Simon Busuttil had the guts to form part of the regenerated PN after the disastrous electoral loss next March 2013. >>>> I WAS WRONG! <<<< Moreover, I apologise to any readers that might have raised their hopes when they might have read my comments. SIMON BUSUTTIL is nothing more than an electoral gimmick used and abused by the PN strategy group and ruling clique. He would have served himself and his country better if he had stayed in Brussels, enjoying oysters and civilised polite conversations. That would be more in tune with his capabilities. Whether this incident was a repeat of the Sant/JPO incident in 2008 or not, is irrelevant. Whether the PN were craftily and ably, outmanoeuvred by Joseph Muscat in this incident is irrelevant. The important conclusions to be drawn are that (1) Simon Busuttil WILL NOT make a difference. He just does not have what it takes. (2) Franco Debono needs to be heard on PBS as this station runs on money from all our taxes, not just Nazzjionalistis’ taxes. (3) After this performance, one should expect the worse from official sources, PN remunerated spinners, collaborators and sycophants. Independent Maltese citizens must make their voice heard even at the risk of reprisals; yes even though, we know just how vindictive Dark Age Inquisitors and the PN can be. Labour be warned. (4) The PN is a tried and dying party, a shell of the once proud, great party belonging to the middle ground. It will be losing so much of the unbiased, intelligent vote that the electoral loss in March 2013 will be historic.
Jien mhux se nikkummenta dwar id-dibattitu li kellu jsir bejn SB u AF ghax dak li gara wara u aktar gravi u nahseb li l-Awtorita` tax-Xandir ghanda tintervjeni halli ma tigrix il-hnizrija ta' lbierah fejn il-PBS irreducewh ghal-Kazin tal-PN. Arakuza presentattrici d'domandi mqanzha halli timla l-hin u tirrepeti l-istess mistoqsijiet u Peppi jaghmel kummenti barra minn lokhom fil-kontront tal-PL u l-oghla dirigenti tieghu. Iridu pajjiz b'dittatura fina bil-PBS jghati palata u jmexxi l-agenda tal-PN. PBS b'CEO campaign manager ta' Gonzi u xandara ex-NET. Dik demokrazija u fairness eh! Dak Xandir Pubbliku (sic) bilancjat!
IL-BUZU mpghandux il-kuragg jiddibatti ma' Franco Debono, ghax jaf li Franco jaf il-QOHOB ta' GonziPN u jista jesponihom fil-pubbliku. U jrid jiddibatti ma Dr. Farrugia BISS fejn jemmen li r-referee jkun se jghatih lghajnuna tieghu: Ghalehkk BEZA jiddibatti fuq TVAM , minkejja li jkun hemm Pierre Portelli. Izda mieghu ikollu l.-Dr. Joe Mifsud. U allura jibza li Dr. Mifsud seta jghamillu xi mistoqsijiet imbarazzanti. U beza jidher f'dibattitu fuq Realta , ghax il-prezentatur hu Brian Hansford ! Irid jilghab biss fil-grounds ta' Lou Bondi u Peppi Azzopardi fejn isib il-protezzjoni tar-Referees !!!!!!!!!!!
The lust for power is all consuming and can be for way too many politicians, a deep-seated obsession or compulsion. The objective being, stay in power at any cost, or by any means to feed the obsession, not like a drug or alcohol addiction. Corrupt power is contagious and can infect those around the corrupt ones. Many new politicians, consumed by the desire to do good by getting elected to office, soon find when they get to their post, they have no power at all, other than what is dolled out to them by the senior ones. If a new politician makes any attempt to change the system or to weed out the corruption, he is immediately ushered off to some non-de script area where he can do no more harm. If he is ineffective as a politician, he soon loses his seat to someone who is eager to “play ball.” keep up the fight Franco we need a change in this country.
The lust for power is all consuming and can be for way too many politicians, a deep-seated obsession or compulsion. The objective being, stay in power at any cost, or by any means to feed the obsession, not like a drug or alcohol addiction. Corrupt power is contagious and can infect those around the corrupt ones. Many new politicians, consumed by the desire to do good by getting elected to office, soon find when they get to their post, they have no power at all, other than what is dolled out to them by the senior ones. If a new politician makes any attempt to change the system or to weed out the corruption, he is immediately ushered off to some non-de script area where he can do no more harm. If he is ineffective as a politician, he soon loses his seat to someone who is eager to “play ball.” keep up the fight Franco we need a change in this country.
On Euro News, BBC, CNN Al Gezira,they all celebrate and air the views of Russian,Chinese Arab,and Burmese dissidents,but in Malta Peppi Azzopardi shuts them up! PBS, with a little help from Where is EveryBody, only shows one side of the coin, the other side is censored! PBS censored the speech of a member of Parliament because Gonzi does not want us to get to know what mess GonziPN is in! Censorship,does not, has never worked!
Luke Camilleri
You smelt it Pepp and you still ended up as a Caoch without Players , ALL HUDDLED UP INA AN AQUARIUM! You transformed your XARABANK just like a PUBLIC TRANSPORT VEHICLE with you or your agenda CHOOSING WHICH PASSENGERS YOU WANT ABOARD1 SHAME ON YOU -PBS IS OURS , it is PUBLIC Broadcasting Authority not PEPPI'S!
Id-Demokrazzija w id-Drittijiet Human huma irrelevanti taht il-Gvern u l-Partit Nazzjonalista. Id-deputy Leader tal PN Simon Busuttil huwa chicken. Dr Debono ghandu x'jikxfilhom lil tal-Gvern Nazzjonalista u lil-tal-Partit Nazzjonalista. Tassew irrelevanti Dr Franco Debono Hon Dr Gonzi. Jaqaw ghalhekk iridu jifqu ghall-Festi tal-Milied halli Dr Debono jilhaq jikkalma??????
Zack Depasquale
Il-Kandidat Stilla ta'GonziPN Xmun Busuttil, dak li ried li jinqalhgha l-inkwiet ghand tal-grocer, meta gieh ic-cans biex jiddefendi il-Gvern tieghu ta'GonziPN harab u bezgha. Dan l-ipokrita nesgha meta fl-1998 siehbu Fenech Adami kien ta mill-hin tieghu fit-twegiba ghal-budget lill-Mintoff. Forsi nesgha ukoll meta JPO zied mal-profesjonijiet tieghu u sar gurnalista biex jiffacja il-Dr Sant.Xmun Busuttil komdu li jmur f'Xarabank tal-kunduttur Peppi ghax jilghab home. Ta' min jghid li l-istess kunduttur Peppi mar jilghaq l-Franco Debono biex jirrangah ma Gonzi altru hux newtrali Peppi. X'inhu jzomm lill-Xmun Busuttil li jmur f'Dibattitu ma Dr Anglu Farrugia b'chairman tad-debate li jkun maqbul bejn iz-zewg nahat?
L-opinjoni tieghi hi li l PL zelaq fin-niexef fuq din. Iridu joqghodu attenti hafna biex lil PN ma jaghthx opportunitajiet bhal dawn (mis-sema nizlet din). Dawn huma biss kummiedji u intizi biss biex jaghmlu hoss u lattiraw lil kull hadd lejn dawn il-hsejjes. Pero lil PN ma TISTAX tilghabilhom din l-loghba ghax huma Masters taghha. Ara kemm iddefindew tajjeb u zammew it-truppi taghhom trinkati u ma hargux all out fejn ma jaqblilhomx. Fuq nota ohra n-nies solljev mit-tbatijiet iridu u mhux paprati bhal dawn.
Luke Camilleri
PEPPI AZZOPARDI spicca Kowc Bla Players! Ma nizzel hadd fil Ground - TWERWRU, IMMUTTAW! Il-PBS stazzjon tal-Poplu u mhux ta' Peppi! Mhux sew li ghax Peppi ma rnexilhux idawwar il-Franco , anki sahansira mar ghandhu MA JHALLHIEX IL-FRANCO ISSEMMI LEHNU FUQ L-ISTAZZJON NAZZJONALI! Ahna il-Franco Debono irridu nisimghu u mhux il-Peppi jitkellem wahdu mal-portavuci ta' Natalino Fenech Ruth Amaira...... bla right of reply tal-PL u ta' Franco!
Just when we thought PL had become a serious party, they go back to their Mickey Mouse games.
Lawrence Covin
Hawn min jahseb li d-domandi li kellu lesti Peppi ghal Simon, Simon ma' jkunx jafhom minn qabel, u jkollu r-rispoati lesti. Dak ghalhekk beza, ghax ma 'Franco sorpriza' ma' kellux risposti!
B'unur nghid li jien ex PN. Illum il-PN, permezz ta' Simon Busttil u bil-ghajnuna ta' Peppi, inqabbdu sew fuq sieq wahda. Minghajr ma' riedu, komplew kixfu wicc il-klikka li tant iddeskriva car Franco Debono. Ghadni ma' ddecidejtx li nivvota lill PL imma issa ninsab aktar cert minn qatt qabel li PN ma' nivvotax.
Fenea u Karl Gouder. Mela insejtu meta Alfred Sant daqq l-irtirata. Kemm ghoxejtu . Issa ghax dak il-coward Bussuttil qad f'rokna imwerrwer minn Franco Debono, ghankom il-wicc tghidu li il-PL qed jibza. Jien zgur li gonzipn ghandu x'jitlef minn dawn il-konfrinti avolja dejjem jilghab home. Tinsewx li Franco Debono hu deputat tal-PN ghalhekk Busuttil twerwer minn wiehed minn shabhu. U mela tigi tghid li qed tahseb li il-PL qed jibzaw jiddiskutu il-policies maghkom. Cowards.
Malta Today “Azzopardi also said that numerous SMSes to Labour communications coordinator Kurt Farrugia had been ignored this week. "I smelt this coming over the past week, because Farrugia was not responding to the SMSes” One does not have to be a genius to understand where the PL are at a great disadvantage. Their weakest link is the Communications Coordinator Kurt Farrugia and this moron alone could prove to be their downfall in the coming election. Inexperienced, unimaginative and absolutely without any courage, a political party that is supposed to be a government in waiting cannot afford to depend on such a witless lackey.
Il-PL ghamel l-istess bhal meta qabel l-ahhar elezzjoni il-PN baghat li Dr. Pullicino Orlando ghad-dibattitu ma Dr. Sant. Kemm jinsew il-PN li tista tigi msawwat bl-istess qasba tieghek? U dan il-biza' kollu li ma jiridux jikkonfrontaw lil Franco Debono ghaliex? Mela veru li ghandhom x'jahbu u veru li Franco Debono fadallu l-balal x'jispara!!!!
Ma nafx ghaliex dan il plejtu kollu. L-argument kollu kien wiehed familjari, bejn id-deputat nazzjonalista Franco, il-vici kap nazzjonalista Simon u l-kazin nazzjonalista tal PBS.
simon il bezzieh stahba fil green room.miskien. x milied se kolln minhbb gonzi pn
This is almost the same what happened in 2008 between Dr.Alfred Sant and JPO! The difference is that in 2008, all GonziPN's media called Dr.Sant a chicken, and now they are shifting a totally different and opposite position. Assuming the same line of reasoning, them Dr. Simon Busuttil is a chicken too! Or as usual, GonziPN thinks that they are always right! Just to point out one important fact that no one from PL, or any other person TRAINED Dr.Franco Debono! What goes round comes around. GonziPN is just an illusionist, always creating lies to try to brainwash the people! But it seems by now that the big majority of the Maltese and Gozitan electorate, have realised these gimmicks, and don't believe anything anymore! These type of gimmicks where used by far-right parties in Germany and Italy in the late 30's and in the early 40's! No need to add anymore comments!
Tonight we were eagerly waiting for a debate between the two deputy leaders. Instead we were offered another PL gimmic. What a disappointment! The PL is losing credibility!
The Great Saviour of GonziPN has shown that he is nothing but a spineless wimp. After the bashing he received from Anglu Farrugia on the RTK debate on Wednesday Simon Busuttil had a golden opportunity to show us all what he is made of by taking on his colleague in politics and party Franco Debono. But he chickened out and locked himself with his goons safely away from Franco Debono. You see, Simon Busuttil only comes out of his shell in his comfort zone. That is the nature of the man! And what is there to say about the COACH that goes by the name of Peppi Azzopardi? Hot air galore! No amount of intense glaring, head shaking and the rest of his theatrics give any credibility to the man who by now has become a bad political joke.
Xarabank were going to allow Franco to comment, by all means, but to expect the entire programme to be changed at the last minute just for franco, who is no more important than the next man on the street now, is ridiculous. The show advertised to have the two deputy leaders. But Labour chickened out again because they know that Anglu will look like an old wagon from the times of the cowboys and indians and simon a new Mazerrati.
I don't think it was the right move by the PL this evening. But I was very surprised to see Peppi Azzopardi comment in such a blatant partisan fashion against the PL so soon after it all happened. I think it would have been better for him to not say anything today, think things over a bit and make his comments when the commotion had somewhat died down. He has blown his cover - he is a PN agent.
PBS and Peppi Azzopardi censor Dr Franco Debono! Imbasta dhalna fl-Ewropa u ghad ghadna xandir manipulat mill-Partit fil-Gvern! Il-PBS suppost hu imparzjali mhux kazin ta GonziPN. Simon Busuttil chickened out!
Franco debono hu uniku, mela ma ghandux id-diffetti tieghu! tieh ix-xoghol u hallih jahdem.
the pl has nothing to offer and not policy. so they are afraid to discuss it with the PN. simon was scheduled to meet anglu farrugia and not franco for a debate.
Mr Busuttil can never debate with Mr Debono. Mr Debono is more intelligent,he sacrificed a lot to try to reform justice.He's got what it takes to be a leader.
Mr Busuttil can never debate with Mr Debono. Mr Debono is more intelligent,he sacrificed a lot to try to reform justice.He's got what it takes to be a leader.
Mr Busuttil can never debate with Mr Debono. Mr Debono is more intelligent,he sacrificed a lot to try to reform justice.He's got what it takes to be a leader.
Seems like SB is afraid to face Debono, and hes calling LP names when he cancelled two meetings already, Needs to change his name to Simon Chicken Busuttil. Why wont you meet them Simon,
What goes round comes round. Remember JPO and Sant? Got cold feet Simon? Do not worry you will still get your chance to debate with Anglu. What makes you think he is afraid of you? Mela qed tbezza n-nies issa!!
Simon aghmel bhal Alfred Sant.
What goes around comes around. TVPN and Simon are scared of Franco. That is the whole story.