Lawyers urge Commission to fast-track decision on impeachment motions

Chamber of Advocates says ‘current situation is undermining the public’s faith in the Judiciary’.

The Chamber of Advocates has called on the Commission for the Administration of Justice to fast-track its investigations into the claims that have led to the impeachment motions against Judge Raymond Pace and Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco.

But given that Pace has handed in his resignation earlier today, the Commission now only has to investigate the impeachment motion with regard to Farrugia Sacco who has refused to resign from the bench.

In a statement, the Chamber of Advocates expressed its concern.

"We feel that the current situation is undermining the public's faith in the Judiciary and needs to be resolved in the shortest time possible in the national interest," the Chamber said.

"We are therefore appealing both to the Commission for the Administration of Justice as well as to Parliament to conclude the investigations and decide on the motions in the shortest time possible and before Parliament is dissolved on 7 January 2013."

Luke Camilleri
What faith?
Luke Camilleri
What faith?
Luke Camilleri
What faith?
"We feel that the current situation is undermining the public's faith in the Judiciary and needs to be resolved in the shortest time possible in the national interest," the Chamber said ----- kulhadd iparla u jpacpac kif jaqbillu. Jekk il-bravi membri tac-Chamber tassew jemmnu dak li jidher hawn fuq, veru ghandhom mhux it-tajjar quddiem wicchom izda erba' passati hoxnin ta' qatran. Jekk ic-Chamber tassew tahseb li l-pubbliku ghandu xi "faith" (fiducja) fil-gusikatura, lanqas biss jafu x'qed jghidu. Il-qrati huma bejta shiha u xibka fina ta' ghazz, gamorra, mafia, hokkli dahari ha nhokklok daharek, hbiberiji, ipokrizija, kukkanja ta' nies li jahsbu li huma superjuri, li l-poplu ghandu jinzel gharrkubbtejh quddiemhom ..... hemm xi mod iehor li bih tispjega kif kaz idum ghaddej ghaxar snin, ghoxrin sena? kif imhallef ikollu quddiemu erbghin kaz biex kollha jisntemghu fl-istess hin u allura f'gurnata ta' taparsi xoghol imhallef jisma' ghoxrin kawza u jalloka hames/ghaxar minuti ghal kull wahda li ma jmurx jghejja ..... halluna tridux .... morru tmejjlu b'haddiehor .....