Simon Busuttil insists Farrugia was sacked because of Xarabank performance

The PN’s deputy leader insists that Anglu Farrugia has paid for the mistakes which Labour leader Joseph Muscat is committing.

The PN's deputy leader Simon Busuttil and secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier.
The PN's deputy leader Simon Busuttil and secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier.

The Nationalist Party's deputy leader insisted that Anglu Farrugia's resignation as deputy leader of the Labour Party had "nothing to do" with comments he made over the judiciary but that he "has paid the price of Joseph Muscat's mistakes".

Addressing a press conference this evening, Busuttil said that Labour leader Joseph Muscat used Farrugia's comments as "a banal excuse" to sack him.

"It is clear that Joseph Muscat had agreed and approved Farrugia's speech on Sunday. If Muscat felt so strongly against the comments Farrugia made, why didn't he take the opportunity to express his opposition during his speech on Sunday? Why did Muscat instead choose to praise hime?" Busuttil added.

He went on to add that Farrugia resignation "is intrinsically linked to the Xarabank debate".

"It is evident that the Labour Party is built on gimmicks. Everyone knows that Muscat didn't ask for Farrugia's resignation because of his remarks. It's simply a banal excuse. I reiterate that Labour poses a serious risk to society.

"Muscat has chosen to make Farrugia as his scapegoat. Muscat made one mistake after the other and Farrugia had to pay."

Busuttil went on to add that if Muscat was truly against Farrugia's comments, "then he should resign as well given that he had approved the speech".

While Busuttil said he personally disagreed with  Farrugia's comments, he however refused to state whether the PN would sack one of its own MPs if he or she were to make such comments.

"We would discuss the comments made and see what necessary action to take from there," he said.

When asked whether Muscat took the right decision, Busuttil insisted that "this version of events was not the truth".

"The only standard that Muscat has set is that you will pay if he is elected Prime Minister," he said.

Simon what banal reasoning.
simon busuttil holoq panic kbir fil partit socjalista. il pn qed jiddetta l-agenda tal pl. LABOUR DELIVERS BUT WON'T WORK.
Imma dan bis-serjeta??Ta lanqas Anglu Farrugia tajjeb u hazing mar Jiffaccjah lill Simon,Hu,Simon twerwer min Franco,ghala ma Jiffaccjahx???Mela jattakka lill Anglu ghax telaq??Ara lill Franco ma harigx mill-Safe House u attakkah!!!Kellhu can tad-deheb Juri kemm Hu kredibbli,tough,kien pass boghod minnhu u baqa hemm gewwa,Protet!!!Ghala lill Franco ma ffaccjahx????????
thanks for your comments simon .. but why is your party boosting your image? Lawrence has become irrelevant?
I think you've got too high an opinion of yourself!!!
I think you've got too high an opinion of yourself!!!
Arroganza grassa. Veru umli Dr.Bussuttil. Jekk qed jahseb li hu xi superman gdid tal politika Maltija, x'zammu milli jikkonfronta lil deputat nazzjonalista bhalu Franco?
Hux qed jippretendi li kien xi stilla dan il-minfuh simple Simon Busuttil. F’dak id-dibattitu ma hareg xejn ta’ sugu miz-zewg kontendenti hlief ghal-fatt li Simon Busuttil iddikjara pubblikament li s-sentenza tal-Appell mill-Qorti superjuri kienet HMERIJIET. Jekk dan mhux disprezz lejn il-Qorti ma nafx x’inhu. Il-Gudikatura kellha tohrog u ccanfar lil Vici Kap tal-PN ghal din id-dikjarazzjoni serja. Filwaqt li l-agenti ta’ GonziPN li qeghdin kollha fix-xandir Nazzjonali jikkapparraw il-programmi tal-PBS, bhal Peppi Azzopardi, Lou Bond, Pierre Portelli u Joe Mifsud fuq din il-kwistjoni ma gabu xejn, anzi hbewa. Ghamlu kif gew ordnati mill-magna tal-PN li jaghmlu pressjoni fuq li qal Anglu Farrugia biss, li skont simple Simon issa hija skuza banali. Vera nies viljakki u jmisshom jisthu mill-hanin Alla li qeghdin jaghmlu l-politika mahmuga.
What a pathetic and comic duo. Pawlu PAPRATI and simple Simon BUSULLOTTI.
truthBtold, you have a penchant for taking the words right out of my mouth!
Sur Busuttil inti tahseb li ahna ghadna boloh nibilghu dak kollu li tghidilna? Jiena nifakar, ghax ghadni mugghuh sa issa li inti meta kont inkarigat mill-MIC kont tghidilna lilna n-nassaba li ser nibqghu nonsbu jiena dak iz-zmien emmintek l-ewwel nett ghax kont nimxi wara l-karru tieghek l-PN u emmintek ghax ghidt dan mhux bhall-ohrajn jghid haga u tkun ohra imma arrali ghax hekk kien dhaqt bina. Issa minn dakinhar l-hawn jiena kemm il-darba ma vvutajtx pero' issa l-uniku cans li hemm hu li jitla l-PL u forsi jirranga t-tkissir li ghamiltu u nergghu nibdew nonsbu. Ghalhekk il-kredibilita tieghek mieghi hija ZERO (0). Din id-darba ser nivvota ghal Partit Laburista bil-QALB. u b'ghajnejja miftuha.
Mr. Busuttil! If you are so sure that Mr. Farrugia resigned due to gis poor performance on Xarabank, may I suggest that you do the same because you performance was not that much better. To the television viewers both you and Mr. Farrugia came across as two wannabees that the maltese people should go out of their way to reject your election to the Maltese parliament. Don't you think that there are enough clowns in Parliament now?
Jaqaw Simon B sar prim ssa? kemm sar jider madoff... ga dejjaqna jamila tal qaddis.... ma gbin xi dwejaqq!!!!!!
Jaqaw Simon B sar prim ssa? kemm sar jider madoff... ga dejjaqna jamila tal qaddis.... ma gbin xi dwejaqq!!!!!!
Hallina Bussullotti. Mela qed tahseb li int xi superman ? Mela imbilli qatt toqod twarrab il-verita li Anglu beda jghidlek hsibt li ilhaqt is-sema. Ma tahsibx li int xi Messija hux ? Mela insejt kemm kont gdibt meta kellna ir-refernedum tal-EU. Insejt li kont waqajt ghac-cajt meta int qbilt mal-ACTA u kellek taghmel U-turn li qatt ma rajna bhala. Xejn ma nghidlek habib thalliex rasek tikber ghax min jghola tisbita kbira jiehu. Il-PL b'din il-mossa issahhah izjed ghax intkom lill Anglu kontu iddemonizzajtuh.
Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the brazen-est of them all!
Simon Busuttil: Din id-darba mhux se jirnexxilek tghaddi z-zmien bin-nies kif kont ghamilt meta kont IL-KAP tal-MIC ! Dak in-nhar kellek ir-responsabbilta li tinforma lill-poplu Malti b'dak KOLLU li shibija fl-UE kienet se tfisser ghall-poplu u ghal-pajjizna. Int HBEJT l-effetti tas-shubija fuq eluf kbar ta' Maltin u Ghawdxin dfwar l-effett li r-regolamenti tal.-UE kien se jkollhom fuq hajjithom u d-delizzju taghhom. L-aktar meta hallejt lil Eddie Fenech Adami JIGDEB SFACCATAMENT permezz ta' ittra personali, lill-kaccaturi u n-nassaba, li fiha qalulhom li ma kien se jinbidel XEJN fid-delizzju taghhom bis-shubija. Anzi qalilhom li jekk jinbidel xi haga, din tkun ghal-ahjar ! Int u l-MIC ukoll bghattu l-istess MISINFORMZZJONI lill-istess kaccaturi u nassaba. INT kont hallejt lill-Prof. Gwido DeMarco (Alla jghatih il-genna) JIGDEB lill-poplu Malti kollu, meta qal li bis-shubija NIBDEW NIRCIEVU LM 100 miljun ( €232 miljun) FIS-SENA. U ma semma xejn kemm se jkollna nhallsu ahna lill-UE. Issa rrizulta li bejn 2007 u 2011 MALTA HALLSET AKTAR LILL-UE MILLI RCEVEJNA MILL-UE ! Ircevejna €278 miljuni(li €80 miljun minnhom ghadhom ma ntefqux u nistghu nitilfuhom jekk ma jintefqux !). Waqt li HALLASNA fl-istess zmien €306.7 miljuni !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAK HU SIMON BUSTTIL !
Simple Simon should tell us instead how he is going to solve the complex problems of power supply, unreliable bus service; a Mepa that applies rules stringitly to us ordinary citizens but close all eyes for a particular GonziPN benefactor! These are the things I am interested in, and hiding them wont make them irrelevant: PBS and 'We' must try harder!
This simpleton has hardly been a month as deputy Pinochio and he is already showing us what low intelligence he possesses .Why has he not resigned his MEP seat, scared his party going to get defeated?Thers is only one person scared of you Simon and thats Gonzi
simple simon
"Simon Busuttil insists Farrugia was sacked because of Xarabank performance."..... Self praise is no recommandation, and this idiotic statement only shows that Simon is erroneously thinking he made a good job on xarabank. It shows what a pompous piece of bamboo shot gonzipn have elected as a deputy leader who is so full of himself and inflated to bursting point which will happen soon. Gonzi did complain about the limitations in his talent pool, Simon is no better than uninspiring schoolboys that fill gonzipn MPs side of parliament.No wonder RCC and Austin Gatt wanted him as their new puppet.
@ fenea. Look who'se talking about districts. Gonzi is contesting the ex-JPO districts to try and recoup the lost sheep there. Baby face Simon will take on the Sliema district, in the hope that, by his false charisma, the forgotten citizens of the PN's best stronghold with the most defective PN Local Council will be coerced to vote. And the PN mucked up the 2008 elections by preferring Franco Debono to Louis Galea! What a wise choice indeed!
The Gimmick, aka Simon Busullotta, is happy that his counterpart of the debate on xarabank has resigned. If he had any honour he too would have resigned, but there we have it: some know when to quit and others need to be booted out ... only 3 or so more months and then the gonz and his lot - including The Gimmick, will be booted out LOL ... enjoy it while you can Simon, it will not last!
Simon is nothing but an overgrown baby, pampered by Gonzi though he has more enemies than friends in the PN leadership. He likes to think that he will be the saviour of the PN but in the next three months the PN will realise that he is a liability rather than an asset. He soon have, hopefully, Louis Grech as his counterpart in the PL, and Louis is not one to tolerate bulls…t from anybody especially Simon, whom he knows so well in Brussels.
anglu farrugia is the sacrificed party officials have been considering and planning behind anglu's back to eliminate him since jason micallef declared and forced joseph muscat to accept him as an electorate candidate in the same district of that of anglu farrugia.
I can't believe this person (Dr Busuttil). He has hardly been a month in his position and his head has already been self bolstered more than the other ministers put together. He tells us that Dr Gatt was made to resign because of 'Xarabank'. Why? Where you so good that you thrashed him so hard? Yes he was poor but at least he wasn't lying, telling us how good we've had it under GonziPN and calling him 'donkey'. Yet he complained of character assassination on his behalf. Franco Debono was right. You are another wing of GonziPN. Go on tell us 'yes' and 'how proud you are'. Despite your election programme the poor increased in Malta substantially according to E.U. statistics. And spin us a spin around Moody latest downgrade.
Simon Busuttil obviously would have liked Dr. Ang. Farrugia to remain deputy-leader as this would have given him more chance to throw mud at Dr. Farrugia since Dr. Farrugia has been demonised for the last 4 years by GonziPN and its acolytes in the media. It is going to be much more difficult to throw mud at Louis Grech and make it stick !Trying the same tactics as have been used against Dr. Farrugia, will surely boomerang on GonziPN and Simon Busuttil !
Luke Camilleri
SINCE when is what SIMON SAYS relevant? H'd like to believe he was the cause for Angelo's resignation BUT ALL MALTA saw him sweating it out in XARABANK's aquarium scared shitless just because Dr. Franco Debono , was about and challenged him to a debate! If Simon is scared of a debate with an "IRREVELANT" like Franco , HOW will he fare out with more valid and RELEVANT OPPONENTS especially when their is the country's interests at stake? BTW no one saw Anglu sweating iwhen he was on Saturday, the only one sweating was Simon on Friday waiting for the get away signal to flee from Xarabank's aquarium!
I can't believe this person (Dr Busuttil). He has hardly been a month in his position and his head has already been self bolstered more than the other ministers put together. He tells us that Dr Gatt was made to resign because of 'Xarabank'. Why? Where you so good that you thrashed him so hard? Yes he was poor but at least he wasn't lying, telling us how good we've had it under GonziPN and calling him 'donkey'. Yet he complained of character assassination on his behalf. Franco Debono was right. You are another wing of GonziPN. Go on tell us 'yes' and 'how proud you are'. Despite your election programme the poor increased in Malta substantially according to E.U. statistics. And spin us a spin around Moody latest downgrade.
I can't believe this person (Dr Busuttil). He has hardly been a month in his position and his head has already been self bolstered more than the other ministers put together. He tells us that Dr Gatt was made to resign because of 'Xarabank'. Why? Where you so good that you thrashed him so hard? Yes he was poor but at least he wasn't lying, telling us how good we've had it under GonziPN and calling him 'donkey'. Yet he complained of character assassination on his behalf. Franco Debono was right. You are another wing of GonziPN. Go on tell us 'yes' and 'how proud you are'. Despite your election programme the poor increased in Malta substantially according to E.U. statistics. And spin us a spin around Moody latest downgrade.
I can't believe this person (Dr Busuttil). He has hardly been a month in his position and his head has already been self bolstered more than the other ministers put together. He tells us that Dr Gatt was made to resign because of 'Xarabank'. Why? Where you so good that you thrashed him so hard? Yes he was poor but at least he wasn't lying, telling us how good we've had it under GonziPN and calling him 'donkey'. Yet he complained of character assassination on his behalf. Franco Debono was right. You are another wing of GonziPN. Go on tell us 'yes' and 'how proud you are'. Despite your election programme the poor increased in Malta substantially according to E.U. statistics. And spin us a spin around Moody latest downgrade.
Ic cajta tas seklu. Mela ghal hekk Busuttil ma iltaqax ma Debono ghax beza li jekk jaghmel fjask jispicca jitnehha minn deputat kap. Jista Busuttil jejdilna x ghamel sa issa u meta kien fl Europa. Sa fejn naf jien kien qalilna li tal Europa se jtuna l ghajnuna fl emigrazzjoni irregolari. Kulhadd jaf kemm tawna ghajnuna> Hallina Dr Busuttil ghax min joghla malajr jiehu sabta kbira u jitwarrab.Meta se narawh id dibattitu bejnek u Franco Debono? Min xix qieghed tibza? T
xtigbirlek rasek simon, taf li min jola hafna jihu tisbita kbira. int laqi ihor ta gonzi
irgven, simon disonest ghax hareg ghal elezzjoni tal MEPS? MELA GHAL SANT XI TGHID? DIK KBIRA
Paul Sammut
Who knows, perhaps Dr Farrugia handed in his resignation because he did not take his i-pad to be told wath to say as Dr Busuttil did.
ghax ma narawx debate bejn anglu u joseph issa fuq xarabank? min jitkaza jaqa fil kaza
WHAT A DISHONEST POLITICIAN!! Mr.Busuttil is too much lost thinking of how good he thinks he is.His words are all full of "I did this" and "I did that" What he fails to mention, though, is the fact that while he was the main person promoting the EU way back in 2003 and 2004, he did not express his intentions to contest for an MEP should we join. I bet Mr.Saviour Balzan knows something about this...
Zack Depasquale
Tkellem L-oraklu Simon Busuttil, kif kien fiha l-istilla ta'GonziPN setgha qalilna ghalfejn il-Partit tieghu m'ghadux jismu GonziPN, tghid ghax jisthu jsemmghu l-kap taghhom. L-oligarkija li hatfet il-pajjiz u l-Partit Nazzjonalista ghandhom maskla u din il-maskla jisimha Simon Busuttil.
Zack Depasquale
Tkellem L-oraklu Simon Busuttil, kif kien fiha l-istilla ta'GonziPN setgha qalilna ghalfejn il-Partit tieghu m'ghadux jismu GonziPN, tghid ghax jisthu jsemmghu l-kap taghhom. L-oligarkija li hatfet il-pajjiz u l-Partit Nazzjonalista ghandhom maskla u din il-maskla jisimha Simon Busuttil.
SIMON CHICKEN! Face Franco. Your face was waxen pale that day in the aquarium, afraid to go and face your colleague Franco. And about the Xarabank programme, i cannot understand how you can say that you won the debate. You took most of the time talking and talking, and nothing of substance emerged from your mouth, except hatred for Labour. Now you mention Joseph's mistakes. What mistakes? Are you dreaming?
Simon Busuttil jaghmel tajjeb u jhares madwaru, l-aktar dawk it-tnax il-xahar mohlija minn Gonzi jtawwal il-hajja tal-gvern xahar b'xahar minhabba glied intern fil-partit tieghu. Sewwa jghidu li xi hadd milli jkollha ittiek.
Milli jidher diga bidluh lil Gonzi ghax hlief lil Simon Busuttil m'ahniex naraw dan l-ahhar. Jekk Anglu Farrugia intalab jirrizenja fuq il performance ta' Xarabank, fuq l-istess skala l-istess misshom ghamlu GonziPn lil SB ghax hlief hmerijiet ma qalx. L-aktar wahda tkun li l-pilloli qeghdin 'out of stock' ghax issa f'daqqa wahda kulhadd qed imur ghalihom minghand l-Ispizzjar. Kulhadd jiblahhom bl-amment issa qieghed Alla jibierek l-aqwa li minghand l-Ispizzjar
Milli jidher diga bidluh lil Gonzi ghax hlief lil Simon Busuttil m'ahniex naraw dan l-ahhar. Jekk Anglu Farrugia intalab jirrizenja fuq il performance ta' Xarabank, fuq l-istess skala l-istess misshom ghamlu GonziPn lil SB ghax hlief hmerijiet ma qalx. L-aktar wahda tkun li l-pilloli qeghdin 'out of stock' ghax issa f'daqqa wahda kulhadd qed imur ghalihom minghand l-Ispizzjar. Kulhadd jiblahhom bl-amment issa qieghed Alla jibierek l-aqwa li minghand l-Ispizzjar
Ahjar jghidilna why Franco and not Austin was sacked: Franco ma kellux x'jaqsam mal-Power Station : u f'San Pawl il-Bahar kulhadd bix-xema. Mela toqghod taljena mill-problemi - averitable mess- li kissruna!
Mark Fenech
The only standard that Muscat has set is that you will pay if he is elected Prime Minister," he said Nothing new in that - as we have been paying from our pockets for mistakes by politicians. Take the case of the €600 weekly increase after the 2008 elections by the gonzipn cabinet. Only the people paid for that mistake, which even Dr. Busuttil acknowledge that it was a mistake. This is one example. There are many many others, like overuns in contracts,the auditor's reports; accountability non existent; ministers' never responsible; the new parliament, city gate without a gate, the theatre without a cover and so on and on. I prefer to try a new government instead of having more of the same.
It is Simon who is doing one mistake after the other....go totmthe grocer is one that will stick with him. Simon was not a shining politician in xarabank and whatecernthe reason for Anglu resignation it shows that Muscat means business and capable of taking decision contrary to Gonzi
what right does Simon Busuttil have to belie Joseph Muscat. The declaration of Dr Joseph Muscat and that of Angelo Farrugia are evidence that the issue was Sunday's speech re the judiciary. so much so that Dr Farrugia was not apologetic about his speech but declared that Dr Muscat admonished him for it. Since Dr Farrugia was abroad since Sunday it is clear that the time lapse was due to Dr Muscat waiting for the written resignation on Dr Farrugia's return. Trying to make political capital that Simon Busuttil was some superhero during the Xarabank debate is mean, wrong and despiteful for Dr Busuttil himself made many gaffs during the televised debate and was not much better, if that, than Dr Farrugia.
jekk baqalkom zejt fwickom isthu kissirtuna
Ara lilek sur Busuttil,ma jistawx jkeccuwk ghax bzajt tafrontah lil Franco Debono!!!Nifmek ta ghax bejn Anglu Farrugia u Franco Debono hemm bahar jaqsam!!! L-aqwa li ghidtilna bix inmorru niggildu ghand tal grocer u meta inti gejt a si u no,mort tistahba u kont qisek fellus imxarrab!!!Fakkartni f' CALIMERO!!!
issa isbah, anglu farrugia jistqarr li ma ghandux akter fiducja f muscat!!!!!!!!
kun ragel u sfida lil franco .
kun ragel u sfida lil franco .