Update 2 | MEP Louis Grech expected to be the only contestant for deputy leader
Labour MEP Louis Grech is believed to enjoy the backing of senior Labour officials.
Last updated at 9:30pm to add Facebook comments by Labour MPs Chris Cardona and Owen Bonnici.
Labour MEP Louis Grech has submitted his nomination for the election of the deputy leadership post to take place within the Labour Party next week.
Grech is expected to be the sole contestant. His candidature is backed by the highest echelons within the party who see his moderate and business-friendly views an asset with the floating voters.
On Facebook, Labour MP Chris Cardona confirmed that he nominated Grech, while Labour MP Karmenu Vella seconded the nomination.
"I will give him [Louis Grech] my full and unconditional support," Cardona said, adding that Labour will be "a united team to guarantee a uniting future".
Other potential candidates started to shy away from submitting their nomination after it was clear that Grech enjoyed widespread support of the Labour HQ. His choice is being perceived as an attempt to woo the floating voter and disgruntled Nationalists.
The 65-year-old MEP from Hamrun was immediately touted as the Labour delegates' preferred choice for a deputy leader that will match Joseph Muscat's aspirations to win government in the 2013 election.
With vast experience in the tourism industry, Grech's involvement in Air Malta dates back to 1973. He was then appointed Chief Executive Office of Air Malta in 1997.
Considered to be business-friendly, Grech has in the past provided consultancy in various sectors ranging from industrial relations, to tourism, manufacturing, and financing to marketing.
Nominations for the PL's deputy leadership post for parliamentary affairs open today Friday after Anglu Farrugia tendered his resignation yesterday, which fuelled different theories as to why he was asked to resign.
While Labour leader Joseph Muscat has insisted that Farrugia's resignation was a direct result of comments he passed over a member of the judiciary, the Nationalist Party has claimed that he was sacked over his "poor performance" in Saturday's Xarabank debate when he was faced off against Simon Busuttil.
Meanwhile, Labour MPs Evarist Bartolo and Owen Bonnici chose to remain mum over their intentions, insisting that this will be known after the nominations close tomorrow.
But posting later on in the evening on Facebook, Bonnici said that he believed that "Louis Grech is the best choice in the current circumstances to complement Joseph Muscat's responsible work".
"Louis Grech enjoys my full respect," Bonnici added.
He went on to thank those who encouraged him to contest the election.