Speaker rues unfinished Parliamentary business
Speaker Michael Frendo admits that despite rediscovering some dynamism, Parliamentary autonomy is the next step for the next legislature.
As the current legislature is coming to an end, Speaker Michael Frendo augers that the next legislature will complete the job he commenced in regards to granting Parliament more autonomy.
While confirming that he will not be standing for elections, Frendo, a former PN minister and Speaker of the House for the last 2 years, pointed out that since taking over the post he witnessed Parliament recovering some of its dynamism however he insisted that the House needs to make an extra leap forward.
Since being appointed Speaker, Frendo presided over one of the most tumultuous legislatures with an unprecedented number of votes of no-confidence in government and its ministers.
Read the full interview in tomorrow's edition of MaltaToday on Sunday
LiSpeaker ghamel bosta affarijiet siewja fiz-zmien li serva f'din il-kariga .... infakkar pero li xi gimghat ilu kien waqqaf lil Ombudsman milli jkompli jaghmel xoghol partime ta' arbitragg ghax fil-fehma tieghu b'hekk kien qed jikser il-ligi .... pero liSpeaker messu f'dan il-kaz kien aktar sod u missu talab lil said pullicino li jirrizenja u jwarrab minn din il-kariga minnufih ghax bl-ghemil tieghu kien kisser il-prestigju ta' dan l-Ufficcju .... MHUX SEW LI JKUN HEMM TRATTAMENT DIFFERENTI GHAL MIN JIKSER IL-LIGI .... SAID PULLICINO KISER IL-LIGI DARBA DARBTEJN U GHALDAQSTANT MISSU GIE MGIEGHEL LI JWARRAB .... DAN SUPPOST LI HU L-PROFESSUR TAL-KONTABILITA WARA KOLLOX TAFUX .... IMMA QISU MA GARA XEJN U BAQA' GHADDEJ IPAPPIHA .... ma jistax ikun li l-istituzzjonijiet jaghmlu li jridu .... dan zgur li mhux accettabbli .....
Luke Camilleri •
Now he "speaks" about unfinished Parliamentary business ?
Where has he been all this legislature, approving parliamentary breaks as DICTATED by Dr. Gonzi to avoid Parliamentary Votes?????
Shouldn't MR. SPEAKER at least have commented if not speak?
I think that the Speaker realized that he is continually banging his head against a brick wall and he is starting to develop a big headache. I don't understand why somebody wants to stay in politics if they have to show their dirty laundry to all, but that is politics these days. When you and or your family gets exposed to certain elements because of politics, then it is time to quit. I know I keep referring to Kenny Rogers song. You must know when to hold them, you must know when to fold them and you must know when to walk away. Those are some very wise words. No political assignment is worth ruining your health for. To that I say Amen.
"recovering some of its dynamism" What!! A whole year on holiday, and this guy goes on and on about accomplishments. Raphael, give him a shake to check if he's awake.