Grech hopes Labour post will be platform to push for a better quality of life

Louis Grech, the only contestant for Labour’s deputy leadership post, says he will ‘work for Malta and its citizens, not the other way round’.

Labour MEP Louis Grech.
Labour MEP Louis Grech.

Labour MEP Louis Grech, the sole contestant for Labour's deputy leadership post, looks forward for his candidature to be approved next week in order to start "serving the citizen".

Just a few hours after it was confirmed that Grech would be racing alone, in comments to MaltaToday he said that he will "work for Malta and its citizens and not the other way round".

 "Drawing from my different life experiences, as deputy leader I will hopefully be in a stronger position to give added value and improve the quality of life in our society," he said.

Grech added that this should especially apply to the "ordinary, anonymous citizen".

"In other words, a government that truly works for its citizens and not the other way round."

The 65-year-old MEP, known for his business-friendly attitude, is viewed as the perfect choice to attract the disgruntled Nationalist voter. More importantly, he is deemed a worthy opponent to the newly elected PN leader, Simon Busuttil.

As is widely expected, Grech must garner 50% plus 1 votes from Labour's delegates. The election is to be held next Thursday. Voting at the PL's headquarters in Hamrun will take place between 11am and 7pm and between 11am and 5pm and its club in Rabat, Gozo.

More on the PL deputy leadership election in MaltaToday's print edition

avatar it is too late and the way the situation was handled by joseph muscat and party officials leaves much to be desired.
truthBtold . If in your opinion an unshaven person is not clean and looks dirty , I can tell you this . It is better to have a dirty face and be honest and truthfull ,then a pretty face but a dirty mind .
........ u allura l-buzu ta' mannarinu minghalih li fuq it-TV waqt il-konferenza hu tant kien bravu, tant kien eccellenti, tant impressjonana, tant qal bravuri ...... li lil anglu tfih u minhabba f'hekk kellu jwarrab ..... jidher li dan il-principjant jinsab minfuh wahda bih innifsu tant li qed jahseb li lahaq is-sema ..... dalwaqt jghaddu jumejn ohra u jkompli jidher kemm hu vojt, bla sugu, kannol bla krema li hu mibni biss minn goznipn biex taparsi jaghti l-impressjoni li qed joffri xi haga gdida wara li xebba lil maltin u l-ghawdxin bit-tgerfix, korruzzjoni, tahwid u zdingar ta' dawn l-ahhar snin .... il-buzu tant hu mehdi bih innifsu li lanqas biss induna li nehhewlu t-tapit minn taht saqajh u jekk gonzipn immexxi minn pensjonant u minn MEP, il-partit laburista hu mmexxi minn ex-MEP u minn pensjonant iehor .... jigifieri fuq hekk gonzipn u buzupn ma jistawx ikantaw xi vittorja ... imma sa issa ghadhom lanqas biss indunaw mid-dehra li l-image taparsi gdida li qed jippruvaw jipprogettaw ga sfumat fix-xejn bil-mossa tal-partit laburista .....
Yes - we all know whose quality of life he has in mind - his own! Like when the Nationalist say - for our children - they literally mean their very own flesh and blood. I wonder to which demographic Louis plans to appeal - maybe to the selfish, grabbing, greedy, talent-less hacks this country is full off? If so, its a big demographic! No matter which way you try to spin it - Labor first slipped and rather than get up and brush itself off, are now sitting on their ass - getting ready to hack off their left foot - by nominating this self-serving hack.
There is one final obstacle before his confirmation. Has the PL changed its position on Clean Shaven Leadership?
I think that the nomination of Louis Grech is providential for the PL at this political stage. His appointment will no doubt reassure our business community that within the PL leasdership there is a person who fully understands their needs in these difficult global economic times. Mr Grech can also offer experienced advice and political wisdom to the enthusiastic but sometimes rash members of the party. He acceptance of such a daunting challenge also serves as a hope for young pensioners that they can still contribute to the development and progress of our country . Whilst long associated with the PL he carries no negative political baggage and therefore serves as a point of reassurance to those who might otherwise be influenced by media scaremongering. Louis Grech also understands the values and aspirations of that particular segment of the middleclass which has switched their vote to the PN. His appointment therefore also serves to neutralize the Simon Busuttil factor whose main objectives is to lure back PN voters who have strayed to the PL .Louis has also served most successfully the interests of Malta within the EU and his appointment together with the EU experience of the leader Joseph Muscat will create a closer liason and understanding between local affairs and exigencies and the broader external EU dynamics. Finally let us also say that the new strengthened PL line up now appears to be more balanced in representing the ideal of an inclusive progressive movement