Christmas time a period for solidarity - Gonzi
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi emphasises the importance of solidarity during Christmas-time, cites Nationalist Government’s achievements over 2012.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi dedicated his Christmas message to emphasising the importance of solidarity to Malta as a country, and said that solidarity emerges in various ways in a given country or society.
He also said that aspects of a country such as its education, its healthcare, its role in international relations and events, and especially its governance, are proof of how much it adheres to the principle of solidarity.
Gonzi also took the opportunity to run through the events of 2012, and reiterate his administrations' track record in job creation, employment, investment in education and healthcare, and also Malta's role in the Libyan crisis.
Gonzi said that 2012 was also particularly difficult, insisting that during this time, "we saw our country being hit by the international economic crisis," adding that during 2012 "we had to make various choices to allow the country to keep creating jobs." He warned that "one wrong decision can endanger all that was achieved and throw workers into disarray."
With regards to education, Gonzi said that every parent seeks to make the best choice for their children. "With the choices we make in education, we are strengthening the future of your children. It is a privilege as much as it is a responsibility. The Government shares this responsibility with you, by choosing how best to invest the financial resources of the country."
He added that with the decisions that his Government is taking today, younger generations will be assisted across the board: children at day care levels, at secondary-school levels when they are choosing what subjects to study, or when they are going into MCAST to study, or even when they are completing University and are on the threshold of their first job.
Gonzi insisted however that "the biggest sign of solidarity within a country is its health service," emphasising that "despite how there is room for improvement, anyone who touches upon our country's health service knows of the high quality of preventive services, exams, and care that is given in our country."
"The free health service in our country is a gem that few countries can boast of," Gonzi said, adding that medical personnel work around the clock. He said that these deserve gratitude, and praised them for a career choice that "has a wide impact on anyone who in some way comes into contact with you."
During his address, Gonzi also referred to the Libyan Crisis, and Malta's role in how it unfolded. He said that "Malta showed its solidarity concretely" when Malta stepped in to assist the Libyan people.
He also noted Malta's role in the 5+5 Summit, insisting that "it was the first meeting since the historic transformation during which peoples rose up for their rights against the dictatorships they were living under."
"We are proud that the Maltese people made the right decision and gave our contribution to the historic development of the region," Gonzi said.
Gonzi concluded his address on an electoral note:
"Next year will be a year during which you will be making a choice of which Government you want to lead the country for the coming five years," Gonzi noted. "Every election is an important event in a democracy, where you make your own decision for yourself, your family, and your country."
"During this period, our country shall keep showing its democratic credentials in a lively debate regarding the choices for the coming five years," Gonzi pledged. "
This is the time during which we'll discuss how to build upon what we're achieved, and make those choices that will benefit your future and that of the country."