19-year-old man injured in traffic accident
A young man from Iklin suffers injuries after crashing his car into a parked vehicle in Santa Venera.
A 19-year-old man from Iklin was seriously injured early on Wednesday morning following a traffic accident in Santa Venera.
The man suffered serious injuries, however the police said the man was not in a critical condition.
The incident happened in Triq il-Ferrovija, Santa Venera at around 2:30am when the man crashed his Mercedes into a parked car.
The 19-year-old was assisted by members of the Civil Protection Department and was then taken to hospital by ambulance.

Mr Murray I cannot agree with you more. Both of us have been telling the police to give follow ups of such weird accidents, but like you say, here in Malta we like to keep everything hush, hush, of course sometimes it depends on who you are. Except we are running out of excuses because so far we have blamed everything and everybody under the moon about who and what is causing these accidents, but never, ever the driver. Knowing what causes such accidents might save lives.

Joseph MELI •
We will all undoubtedly jump to our own conclusions(and if this was an Olympic event we would for sure win a Gold medal)as to how or why this road traffic incident occurred-given the drivers age and the time it happened.However,we will never know why or how this RTI occurred as all it will be is another meaningless addition to statistics.I would argue that if the root cause of these RTI's were made known -the majority of which,lets face it,are caused through driver recklessness ,irresponsiblity or contraventions of road traffic ordinance (or a combo of all 3)-and if these were made pubic perhaps -just perhaps-it would serve as a deterrent or at least offer some form of an awareness exercise to possible prevent repeats.