Commission for Administration of Justice investigating magistrate after accusations of political bias

Former Labour deputy leader’s hints of political bias lead to investigation over Audrey Demicoli’s acquittal of man accused of corrupt practices.

Audrey Demicoli's acquittal of a man later convicted on appeal - a case first raised by Anglu Farrugia - became the reason for his resignation.
Audrey Demicoli's acquittal of a man later convicted on appeal - a case first raised by Anglu Farrugia - became the reason for his resignation.

The Commission for the Administration of Justice is conducting an investigation into the allegations of political bias against a magistrate first mooted by Anglu Farrugia, the former Labour Party deputy leader for parliamentary affairs.

The investigation was initiated on 17 December, the day after Farrugia hinted that Magistrate Audrey Demicoli might have acquitted a man accused of corrupt practices during the 2008 elections, because her father Saviour Demicoli was a some-time Nationalist Party activist.

Farrugia himself was contacted by the CAJ on 20 December, the day he announced the resignation of Farrugia over comments made on Sunday during a Labour political rally in Rabat.

The news, broken by PBS yesterday evening, confirmed earlier accounts during the day that Labour officials were aware of the ongoing investigation, after deputy leader for party affairs Toni Abela hinted on breakfast show TVAM that Demicoli could be the subject of investigation.

Farrugia's resignation was announced by Muscat just four days after comments he passed on Magistrate Demicoli, a day after a disastrous TV encounter with PN deputy leader Simon Busuttil on Xarabank.

Farrugia claimed Demicoli should have never presided over the case of Pierre Bartolo, who was later found guilty on appeal of having threatened his employees not to vote Labour under pain of losing their job.

The comments cost him his job, but the Nationalist Party was keen on insisting that the reason for the resignation was Farrugia's encounter with Simon Busuttil. Muscat has denied any link.

"To me such comments are out of place, and should be made because they undermine an important pillar of our democracy. During the meeting I had with Farrugia, I requested his resignation, which Farrugia accepted to hand in out of his loyalty to the party," Muscat said of Farrugia's comments on the magistrate.

The judiciary is undergoing renewed pressure: Judge Lino Farrugia Sacco is being investigated by the CAJ after the International Olympic Committee's ethics commission declared that as president of the Malta Olympic Committee, Farrugia Sacco had entertained a request by undercover journalists as to who to skirt Olympic ticket selling rules; while former judge Raymond Pace has been charged in court with bribery.

Sa kemm tibqa Dr. Deborah Farrugia segretarja ta' din il-Kummissjoni, ghalija ma hi xejn ghajr isem biss. Araw ir-report li kont ghamilt fuq l-Imhallef Farrugia Sacco u fuq parir tal-Prim Imhallef, u li Dr. Deb. Farrugia qalet li prima facie ma hemmx konflitt ta' interess fil-kas tieghi Dir. Of Educ Vs. Carmel Grima. Qalli ukoll l-Prim Imhallef biex nirrapurtah lill-Pulizija imma Dr. Deb. Farrugia ma riditx tibghatli id-dokumenti lura biex nirrapurtah lill-Pulizija u kelli nieqaf hemm, xi hames snin ilu. araw dok. ghand il-kumm.
The Administration of Justice should also look into those Notaries who indulge in land speculation, using their office of Public Trust,in order to gorge into millions of euros. My family had to take 'our' Notary to Court because he wanted to buy my uncle's share of land, competing with other members of the family and threatening that unless he buys it, the monies left by the grandfather would not be shared! Unbelievable but true. We took him to court,-wasting hundreds of Euros- we had the means and the brains; we won the case but the Notary was not reprimanded or anything, and he is still probably indulging in the same practices! These are the serious things the Commission should look at first and not the joke of whether a Judge should be a member of the Malta Olympic Committee: serious things first!
Issa nispera li ma jghidux li min bidel is-sentenza ghandu tendenzi Laburisti! Kemm qal sew Joseph li hemm bzonn riforma radikali fil-qrati. Is-sena t-tajba.
Meta l-kaz kien se jinstema quddiem il-magistrat in kwistjoni, oggezzjona Dr. Farrugia?
Maybe the CAJ should be investigating every Judge, every Magistrate and most of all every Politician in office. As long as I can remember and that is for a long time, most authorities in Malta operated under the who you know and not what you know ordinance. We probably can each mention a dozen cases where there was some sort of injustice done within our courts. Unfortunately this has been going on for so long that we took bribery, favoritism and mostly politics for granted. We were always under the impression that when we are told to sit, we sit. When we are told to stand, we stand. That is no more, because we are not such a bunch of CWIEC anymore. We always put Politicians, Judges and Magistrates or anybody else in any sort of power up on pedistals with no questions asked. Now it has come a time to ask WHY and What for. No more politics, No more favours and no more Neputism. Laws are not made to accommodate certain individuals but to be observed by all. We need an overhaul of our archaic laws and archaic old ways. Stop the business as usual accommodation and let us try to put some respect in our Juditiary System. We need new leaders that would stop the corruption that behooves our country and start earning the respect we deserve. Most maltese are honest and hard working people but they cannot survive in this corrupt atmosphere. Let us make our leaders stop doing all the talking and make them start doing the twalking. Yes our vote can do that.
Hemm bzonn li jkun hemm skrutinju aktar serju ta'kif jinhatru l-magistrati u mhallfin u jghadduhom sew mill-arbir qabel jappuntawhom. Hi tal-misthija li diga tnehhew tlett imhallfin. Tnejn diga wehhlu l-habs fuq tixhiem. Ifisser li l-korruzzjoni f'dan il-pajjiz ghanda gheruq sodi.
Perhaps the CAJ or any expert body would give a plausible explanation for the striking Appeal's overturn of the Magistrate's original sentence?
Though-generally speaking -I trust the judiciary in cases of civil and commercial cases I have not even one iota of trust when it comes to libel cases or cases of political nature. The results and the different 'punishments' given, that is sometimes the laws are interpreted sometimes they are simply applied' it depends on the political party!
Now what will Joseph the Leader do if it is proved that the Magistrate had acted in a politically biased manner when she acquitted the Director of Papillon Caterers Pierre Bartolo from Swieqi of corrult practices after he had instructed and threatened two of his employees that he would sack them from work unless they voted for the Nationalist Party in the last General Elections held on 8 March 2008 and informed them that if Labour were elected they were not to turn up for work? By the way Papillon Caterers is the company that operated the canteen of Mater Dei Hospital and supplied meals for hospital staff at a time when a nurse working at the same hospital reported finding the head of a mouse in her food. The nurse concerned was subjected to extremely rough police interrogations after which Papillon Caterers’ were allowed to continue operating all the catering outlets in the hospital while its services continued to be used by ministries and government departments. The fact that this Magistrate's judgement was onverturned by a court of appeal already shows that Dr Farrugia was right all the time. Dr Farrugia you are a real gentleman and you have given your heart to Labour. You have every reason to hold your head up high. You certainly deserve a lot better. But as the Maltese saying goes: L-AZZJONI L-HAZINA TA’ MIN JAGHMILHA, MHUX TA’ MIN JIRCEVIJHA.
It's good to have such investigations. But the people are still waiting for the Authorities, including the Ombudsman's Offide to investigate the serious allegations made by the ex Mayor of Sliema N., Dimech, alleging that the PN Secretary P. Borg Olivier had phoned him up to persuade him awarding the waste contract worth more than a million euros to GreenMT Company. How the other ex Mayor Joanna Gonzi had awarded the same contract, according to the allegation made by 2 Sliema Councillors, to the same company, GreenMT without the conract being discussed in the Local Council meeting.
No one should be surprised by such collusion, bribery and corruption. It has been going on for the last quarter century with an administration that remains in power by its own web of deceit.. Malta has become a European State run through oligarchs, cabals, organized crime and state appointed collaborators standing at the National trough, slowly draining the country’s assets and EU funding in disgusting and shameless fashion. MAYBE NOW THE ELECTORATE WOULD UNDERSTAND WHAT FRANCO DEBONO HAS BEEN TALKING ABOUT FOR THE LAST 2 YEARS AND WHY THERE WAS NO ROOM FOR HIM WITHIN THE GONZI ADMINISTRATION. The question now is how the electorate is going to stand up for their rights and regain their country before it goes into receivership. (1) The Constitution cannot remain in its present form where those in administrations in collusion with the Judiciary to fabricate or resolve their own interpretations. (2) Elect new faces with new ideas irregardless of the party. Out with the old and in with the new. Let’s eliminate the spiders’ web that is chocking the country. (3) Insist that government appointments are through elections starting from the President, the Judiciary and Justice on the recommendation of the Maltese parliament. While parliament nominates, the people will vote and decide the outcome of the appointments. (4) Eliminate that discriminatory amendment of the popular vote. The constitution states 65 members of parliament and the party that wins the majority directly or through an alliance will govern. There cannot be any more comical appointments of 4 members of parliament that were rejected by the people, suddenly sitting in parliament because their party had several hundreds of popular votes more over 13 districts and which were already counted through outdated inheritance laws. a) At present there is a Foreign Minister who was elected by such a system while members of parliament that were elected by the people and some from 2 districts are irrelevant sitting on the back benches. Twenty five years of brainwashing and media manipulation must stop and only the Maltese people can stand up and say, ”WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH” Together remove every obstacle to Maltese democracy and consider the last five years as the worst political history of the Maltese Islands.
anna calleja
The Commission for the Administration of Justice is conducting an investigation into the allegations of political bias against a magistrate; COMPLETE AND UTTER HOGWASH, BUNKUM!!!!! “Dr. Farrugia claimed Demicoli should have never presided over the case of Pierre Bartolo,” and rightly so due to possible conflict of interest. But what will come out of this investigation by a constitutional castrated Commission. I know the details of an outrageous case where a female Magistrate signed an official contract to purchase a property in Msida in partnership with a lawyer while presiding a court case involving this same lawyer. AT THIS STAGE THE MAGISTRATE WAS ETHICALLY BOUND TO RECUSE HERSELF FROM FURTHER HEARINGS OF THE CASE. On the contrary, just a week after the signing of this official contract, she gave court decrees ACCEPTING this lawyer’s request which he had lodged before this same Magistrate to sell a property at an inferior price (by Euro 460,000) of other third party offers,TO SELL IT TO ANOTHER ONE OF HIS BUSINESS PARTNERS. I ask, wasn't this a clear case of conflict of interest or perhaps, worst still, trading in influence!? What’s good for the goose should be good for the gander! I hereby give permission to the editor to pass on my details to any person wishing to get more information about the outcome of this matter or if anyone wishes to take action against me.
Our prime minister has told us that malta has a democratic judicial system then why is it that so many judges and magistrates have been arrested for corruption? how can we still have faith in the system when there is so much corruption around us. Both parties have to agree to form a fundamental change which is not just a makeover.