Updated | Louis Grech confirmed Labour deputy leader, pledges 'change' in values | WATCH

Louis Grech confirmed as Labour deputy leader with 97% of votes cast, promises to instil values of meritocracy, accountability, and transparency.

Newly-elected Labour deputy leader Louis Grech spoke of the importance between working towards economic goals without losing side of the more human approach a government should have. (Picture: Ray Attard)
Newly-elected Labour deputy leader Louis Grech spoke of the importance between working towards economic goals without losing side of the more human approach a government should have. (Picture: Ray Attard)

In his first address as the newly-elected Labour Party deputy leader for parliamentary affairs, Louis Grech said that he would strive to be a catalyst for "much needed change in Maltese society."

"I believe I can contribute towards what is most necessary in Malta. This, I feel is the concept of change. I am not talking simply about change in government, but also change in other areas."

"It is unacceptable that every time an election is held in Malta, it amounts to a trauma for half the country. It is not acceptable that half of the country's population must feel threatened by the prospect of a lost election."

He also said that Maltese values require "an upgrade", insisting that it was "high time that Maltese society absorbed the notions of meritocracy, impartiality, transparency, and accountability."

"It should not longer be considered impossible to achieve this, but it  should be understood as fundamental to the prosperity of the country," Grech said, also insisting that Maltese values require more temperance through tolerance and less prejudice.

Grech also spoke of the importance between working towards economic goals without losing sight of the more human approach a government should have.

"We are passing through a crisis, and we need to achieve a balance between a competitive economy, while at the same time being certain that we are safeguarding social and environmental rights.

"While we should not hold back from investing in research and technology, we need to ensure that we do not forget those who are lagging behind. If the people decide to trust us in Government, we will carry out reforms in all those entities which would bring more value added to people's lives."

Grech also personally pledged that if elected to government, "I will personally safeguard the notion that what we promise, we will deliver."

"We need to have the courage that if we have any problems in government, we can face the electorate honestly and admit our failures," he added. "We want an honest relationship with the country."

Grech was elected to the post of  depuyt leader with 724 votes in favour out of a total of 749 votes cast, representing 96.7%. Only 16 votes were against Grech's nomination, while 3 delegates abstained, and six votes were considered invalid.

A total of 789 delegates could vote, meaning that there was a 95% turnout among delegates. 

In his own address, Labour Leader Joseph Muscat said the voting outcome represents "a very clear sign from the grass roots of the party," Muscat said, adding that it amounts to an overwhelming support for Grech as the party's new deputy leader.

He said that Grech's appointment represents "a huge value added" not only to the PL, but also to the country. "The country today gained the services of a person that, if given the trust to lead, will be a formidable deputy leader."

"Together - him, myself, and (deputy leader for party affairs) Toni Abela, and the rest of the party MPs, party members, party supporters, and the movement we represent - we can achieve the change in the direction that will benefit the country," Muscat said.

Muscat said that Grech brings to the Labour Party "experience, and an intimate understanding of the business world," which he insisted is not the Labour Party's "antagonist" but an important aspect of society that is capable of job creation and economy growth.

"I know it was not easy for Louis to accept this invitation, so I thank him doubly for doing so," Muscat said.

Muscat also echoed Grech's appeal for wider national unity, and an end to partisan rivalry.

"The spirit that Grech brings with him is a spirit we share completely. We need to end the mentality that during an election, half the country feels it is about to be thrown to the wolves, while the other half is celebrating," Muscat said.

Fielding questions from the media, Muscat was asked to comment on how it had criticised the PN harshly when Prime Minister and PN Leader Lawrence Gonzi sought to reconfirm his leadership position through an election wherein he was the sole contestant.

Muscat insisted that Grech's election to the post of deputy leader, in which he was the sole contestant, was completely different, pointing out that while Gonzi was simply reconfirming his leadership, Grech was being elected to a recently-vacated position.

Muscat also rejected the idea that Grech was the PL leadership's "anointed one".

"I don't think that Louis Grech needs anointment from anyone," Muscat said, pointing to the strong support he received from the party delegates as "proof".

Asked whether he would be resigning from his role as MEP, and whether his role as deputy PL leader would be a short-term one, Grech was circumspect.

While he was categorical that he was not approaching the appointment as a short term one, he did not say whether or not he would resigning from his role as MEP.

Asked about Anglu Farrugia, and whether Farrugia was aware of Grech's nomination, Muscat insisted that while Farrugia was not aware of Grech's nomination, in no way was Farrugia excluded or cast out of the party. "He is still 100% relevant to the party."

In his own reaction, Grech said that he hopes to be " a good politician, but a good person above all", adding that he had "no knowledge of what was happening at the time."

"I have not spoken to Anglu yet. I had no problem doing it. It has not been propitious to speak to him so far. I will do everything possible to speak to him," Grech said.

Asked about which districts he planned to contest in, Grech said that he had not decided yet, amid much general laughter which the question evoked.

Grech was in the Labour general conference called in the wake of Anglu Farrugia's resignation.

Farrugia was asked to resign by Muscat over comments he expressed during a political rally in which he suggested the acquittal of a man accused of corrupt practices in the 2008 election, could have been down to the political bias of Magistrate Audrey Demicoli.

Critics accused Muscat of having asked Farrugia to resign after the former deputy leader's flop on Xarabank two weeks ago, in a debate with Nationalist deputy leader Simon Busuttil.

Farrugia had been elected deputy leader in 2008, shortly after Muscat was elected leader of the Labour Party.


gonzi kien kapaci ma jcedix ghar rikatt ta franco, JPO u mugliette u ghamel il legislatura kollha. muscat ma kienx kapaci jirrezisti l-insistenza li kellu min ufficjali tal pl biex itajjar lil anglu minn nofs u jidhol louis grech minfloku. IZ ZEJT DEJJEM TELA F'WICC L-ILMA.
Fil-mument huwa GonziPN li hu nkewtat bil-kbir, tant li baqa mwahhal mas-siggu biex fl-ahhar ftit ikun jista' jaghmel minn kollox biex forsi jigbor ftit giehu ghax jaf li se jitlef u li se jtir minn kap tal-partit. La darba ittajruh kaput ghal ghomru. GonziPN u l-partit tieghu jistab tant hazin minhabba li GonziPN ma kellux il-kuragg inehhi lil dawk li qallu bir-ragun Franco. Mur ara li Joseph halla lil Anglu kif intom qed tqattawh bhalissa u mieghu lil PL. Cowc tajjeb kapaci jbiddel fil-hin propizju jekk ma jkollux lil min jindahallu bhal ma ghandu GonziPN. Ahjar tara x'qed jghidu shabek lil min iridu flok GonziPN wara l-elezzjoni li gejja.
@fenea...tinsiex li biex wiehed jirbah elezzjoni m'hemmx bzonn vantagg ta 12pts......1pt ukoll bizzejjed!!!!! Tarax kbir siehbi!!!
@fenea...mela ghaliex dan it-tbaqbiq kollu tal-pn f'daqqa wahda?? Iridu dibattitu wara l-iehor bejn il-vici-kapijiet issa li ghandhom lil Simon Busuttil. Qabel ma lahaq Simon hadd ma kien isemmi dibattiti.... issa f'daqqa wahda kulhadd iccaqlaqlu.U kemm saru jhobbuh lil Anglu f'daqqa wahda....x'jaqbzu ghalih!Ara vera ma tisthux!!!!! May we all have a happy, happy, happy NEEEWWW YEEEAAARRR!
@BETTER FUTURE........is sur muscat l-ewwel umilja lil anglu u gaghalu jirrizenja biex jidhol min floku louis grech, imbad offrielu l-id tal hbiberija u qallu li ghadu relevanti u il bieb ghadu miftuh ghalih........IPOKRESIJA U ARROGANZA GRASSA.....kif qalet ukoll omm anglu stess. franco ma baqax relevanti ghax ivvota kontra il partit tieghu stess......PERO MADANKOLLU GONZI MA GHAJJARX LIL FRANCO TRADITUR BHALL MA GHAMILTU INTOM LILL HADDIEHOR.
jien ghandi ammirazzjoni kbira lejn louis grech. pero il mossa li saret biex tnehha anglu u dahal louis thalli dubbji kbar fit tmexxija ta joseph muscat. lil louis irrid infakkru haga li meta kien f'dibattitu fuq tvm xi sena w nofs ilu kien kwazi irredikola lil jason micallef meta dan jason kien qal li il pl kien se jrahhas id dawl u l-ilma. illum sur grech ghadek tal istess fehema???????????
@Firillu Kbir.......ma kienx hemm ghalfejn noqod nisma ir rizultat ghax kulhadd kien jaf x'se jifri. kollox orkestrat. pl f'paniku wara il hatra ta simon u muscat ried lil siehbu louis grech biex jerga igib kollox f'postu. anglu spicca issagrifikat. @melissa........ il pn mhu qed jinkwieta xejn. jistenna biss lil muscat jghamel zball wiehed wara l-iehor. tinsiex li il pl ilu zmien twil b'vantagg ta 12pt. dan nizel ghal 9pt f'novembru, ghal 8pt f'dicembru........u min jaf kemm irid jinzel aktar sa marzu.
Catherine Farrugia omm ex deputat mexxej socjalista Anglu Farrugia kitbet hekk - ' joseph ghadu mhux matur ra kbir ga decizjoni maghgla zbalja hu biex jigbor giehu wehel anglu sant kisser il partit bid degizjoniet hziena u joseph ghamel bhalu u il partit rega tkisser it tnejn bla principju miskin il partit laburista mur gib il kbir mintof tana li kiem bniedem posittif u li b verita habb lilmalta u lil ghawdex jala gewwa l awstralja ma ikolkomx mexxejja din il kwalita awguri'
@ Mr Grima, of course Anglu would be saddened by the turnout of events, as was Franco on the other side. The difference being, that Muscat extended a hand to Farrugia and publicly stated that he still considered him relevant to the PL and the Maltese nation. I am sure most people are like minded. With Franco and others, GonziPN threw him out whilst taking credit for his ideas. Vast difference!
nistaqsi: Sur Grech int lest li tressaq mozzjoni fil-konferenza tal-PL li ministru tal-Parlament tkun tista tibqa tfittxu u tinvestigah sa 30 sena wara fuq korruzzjoni bhalma kien ressaq Dr. Farrugia wara l-elezzjoni tal-2008.Jien kontra kull forma ta' korruzzjoni kemm fil-parlament u kemm fil-qrati ghax batejt hafna specjalment meta iffrejmjawli lill-missieri Karm Grima u miz-zewg partiti, biex jghattu l-intricci tat-tnejn fil-vjolenza li kienet inqalghet fil-15 ta' Ottubru 1979.
I expected nothing less from Louis Grech. He is integrity personified. For the Labour Party and Maltese politics as a whole he is what in football is termed as a marque signing that is signing a star. Louis Grech’s main predicament will not be the substance of his message, rather the method he will have to face from the opposition. He will be in the fry with an adversary unfettered by any concept of rule, with no qualms to getting down and dirty. I would like to remind Louis Grech that people who had a similar vision did not fare well. I am referring to Alfred Sant who albeit his faults tried to drag Malta screaming and crying into the third millennium. To say he ended up like Caesar would be an understatement. Still I have faith in Louis Grech. I believe he is shrewd enough and more than capable to navigate the treacherous waters of Maltese politics.
Now their heart bleeds for Anglu after having called him all sorts of names. Hypocrisy at its best. But alas, I forgot that the web of evil will do anything to remain in power. Ask Franco he has a lot to recount on oligarchies, cliques and the cobweb of friends of friends that has grown a hard skin. God forbid us to see the same GonziPN people ruling over Malta! Poplu iftah ghajnejn qabel ikun tard wisq. Tafdax lin-Nazzjonalisti ghax ghal poter lesti li jaghmlu kollox!
Grech's acceptance speech demonstrated two things. The first being how right Muscat was to change supporting horses for this coming race, as well as completing a sound investment decision for the future governance of Malta. The second being how worried GonziPN must be with this new spearhead within the new social democratic centrist Movement, as well as how hollow and void Busuttil sounds. I can clearly hear death knells ringing!
Mr Grech delivered a speech worthy of a deputy leader within a progressive national movement. It was sheer pleasure listening to his acceptance speech. The PL is now ready to tackle the most difficult and defining task ahead which is to win the general election. From now on, when the both parties come under starter's orders on Jan 7th this must be the sole focus.
Veru Nazzjonalisti mahruqin! Le ma tellaqx wahdu kif kien ghamelGonzi. Il PL kien maqghud wara Louis Grech u ma kellux bzonn piki kif gara fil kaz ta Sinon li hu stess qal li kien dispjacut li kienu attakawh (in nazzjojnalisti) perzonali. MAQSUM il PN. Inharqu kemm triedu ghax fid 9 ta Marzu ser tinharqu izjed. Jien ex nazzjojnalist li ma niflahx aktar
minn mindu il PN sar jaqbez ghal Anglu Farrugia?!! u minn qed jitkazza li Louis Grech tellaq wahdu, infakkarkom li dan ghal vici kap tellaq wahdu , u mhux ghal KAP bhal ma ghamel Gonzi f Jannar. Come on. Is-Sur Farrugia zbalja u JM kien serju fid decizzjoni li ha. U ghalkemm ma nixtieq inxejjer l ebda bandiera.. bejn Dr.Farrugia u Dr.Grech, fil Politika ( mhux avvukat jew personali imma Politika u image ) naghzel Loius Grech..... Ghaliex?? Anglu Farrugia kien Spettur fil Pulizija u dejjem kien fil mira tal PN u issa il Pn jridu jfasslu kollox mill gdid. Louis grech minn naha l ohra ghandu track record tajjeb hafna, Air Malta, Central Bank , MEP of the year etc... Jien konvint li il PL ghamel Gwadan kbir
Jar,Jar.... fenea......yan.....LesserEUCitizen.....qiskom inkwetati!!! Dan ghaliex????
Prosit PL. Prosit Louis; Anglu keep it up for the party and for malta ghax ghandna bzonn nehilsu mill kankru li jismu PN. Il-marda kixfuha JPO, Franco Debono (prosit), Mugliette,JPF, Dalli etc.... Kull min jovvota PN ikun qed jivvota ghal barunijiet...
Luke Camilleri
Now that's the way forward ! Now that's the WINNING TEAM, A TEAM OF WINNERS that don't fear or escape from challenges , with a Leader that Leads, and not that is led, a LEADER that takes decisions that need to be taken and not sleep over /postpones / and takes breaks to delay the inevitable!
It is evident that Joseph the Leader’s head has grown out of proportion. We owe it to him that this time Dr Farrugia will not be there to shield the Labour Party from electoral corrupt practices like that where Papillon Caterers’ Director Pierre Bartolo had exerted tremendous pressure on people to vote for the Nationalist Party before the last general elections. Joseph don’t you forget that ALLA MA JHALLASX BIN-NHAR TA’ SIBT. J’ALLA INTI WKOLL TGHADDI MILL-ESPERJENZA KERHA LI GHADDEJT MINNHA LIL DR FARRUGIA META WARRABTU MINGHAJR EBDA RAGUNI VALIDA.
@fenea. Taghkhom tixtieq ittieh lilna. Ghalxejn habib. ipprova ghada isa....
Ma tifilhux tkunu aktar psataz .........u l-kilba ghall poter li ghandkom hija tal-blieh. Hekk tahseb fenea li l-maggoranza mhux ser tafda lil Partit Laburista? Il-poplu huwa wisq interligenti u mhux ser jahfer lil Gonzipn il-fatt li hu zdied Euro 500 u ahna laqx, arriva, ic-cilindri tal-gass, dawl u ilma , extension tal-powerstation.....in-Nazzjonalisti kienu imlew rashom li l-kammpanja elettorali ser jamluha Simon u Anglu .....imma Joseph besqilkom is-sunnara
@ fenea. Nahseb li x'hin smajt ir-rizultat u l-ewwel diskors ta' Louis Grech hassek xi ftit hazin. Ghax ma ndunajtx li l-qasma kienet fuqek. On the 'ides of March' lil min se tahtru flok Gonzi. Ga bdejtu timmanuvraw.
@ yan : omm Anglu Farrugia ghandha 82 sena u illitterata - allura dak li qeghdin tghidu li-kitbet mhu xejn hlief qlajjat ta' GonziPN - ahjar tghidulna x'qalu l-ommijiet ta' Mugliette, Pullicino Orlando u Franco Debono. @ fenea: halli l-maggoranza tafda il-pajjiz f'Gonzinu ghal biljuni ta' dejn li ghamel, l-gholi tad-dawl w ilma, , ghall 500 li shabu u hu hadu min wara dar il-polu, froga wara froga.....issa naraw x'taghmnel il-maggoranza fid-9 ta' Marzu
David Bongailas
@yan........eh tajjeb....sa jumejn ilu kontu twaqqaw kull ma jghid anglu ghac-cajt. Issa mhux biss importanti x'jghid hu imma mhux anke x'tghid ommu. Mhux ahjar niffukaw fuq x'qalu JPO u Franco Debono fuq Gonzi fl-ahhar sena ?? @jar jar..........hadd ma ghallmel li fid-dinja mhux kollox abjad u iswed ? mhux kollox ahna vs huma ?? @fenea.......ahjar ma nahlix hin mieghek.
I'm expecting PBS to give the same publicity to Louis Grech that was accorded to Simon Busuttil when the latter was elected PN deputy leader. Perhaps I might be mistaken, indeed I wouldn't be surprised as PBS has become a liability to fairness and impartiality. It will continue to stoop low to serve its political master.
@yan. Mhux ahjar tghidilna xqalu l-ommijiet ta Franco Debono, Jesmond Mugliett, u Jeffry Pullibino Orlando dwar Il-qdusija tighu gonziPN?
joseph muscat id decizzjonijiet dejjem jehodom skond ic cirkustanzi, skond kif jaqbel, skond meta, skond ma min...........pjan ta xejn u dejjem decizzjonijiet zbaljati. kompli sejjer hekk sur muscat.
Anglu Farrugia did not realise it was time for him to go. Now that he has left the PN is groaning and moaning. Sorry, you can't have everything your way. This isn't state television!
Irid ikollok wiccek infurrat, biex tohrog titkaza li l-PL maqsum meta ghaddejna min 5 snin legislatura bi glied intern kontinwu bejn il membri tal PN, tant li wiehed rama ghal rasu, ligijiet ma baqghux jaghddu mil parlament u l-iehor WAQQA l-gvern tal Gonzi PN.
yan, Jiddispjacini ghal omm Anglu jekk hi ddispjacuta!! Imma Allahares biex ma naghtux dispjaciri lill-familjari naghlqu ghajnejna. Ma nahsibx li Gonzipn ghalaq ghajnejh u infatti wegga' hafna nies !!
please ibdlu dak ir ritratt ghax qed ihammar wicc il laburisti.
Time for a change from good to better ! Thumbs up
Luke Camilleri
Seeing these comments , one can now be certain that Louis Grech is the RIGHT CHOICE! Now we can continue to move forward at a faster pace! Mr. Grech's TRACK RECORD is proof enough!
tal lejber maqsumin imma nazzi ramel halluna kolla ejra staqsu lildr bebono kemm intom maqudin congratulations sur grech
@fenea. Chi parla wara li Franco Debono u JPO dakhhku l-Malta bikhom. Intom sejrin ghall-elezzjoni b'partit imharrak ghax ilu bil-glied fih sa minn 48 siegha wara l-ahhar elezzjoni meta Gonzi baghtilhom l-SMS li mhux se jappuntahom ministri. Sewwa jghid l-qawl li l-qahba milli jkollha taghtik! Tghid l-maggoranza ma nghatuhiex lill-PN halli jerga jgholli l-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma, terga tghola l-hajja u d-dejn nazzjonali u jkomplu jizdiedu l-familji f'riskju ta' faqar. Dawn ta' l-ahhar ga qabbzu t-80,000. Dak gid, eh?
Congratulations Mr Grech. So what is your position on the EU? After your pleasant stay there, are you a euro phile or a euro sceptic?
haga tal ghageb........moviment gdid diga maqsum qabel ma beda. il maggoranza mhux se tafda il pajjiz f'idejn nies bhalkom li akkost ta kollox tridu tahtfu il poter f'idejkom.
tal lejber itelqu wahedhom ukoll? mhux ahjar tghidulna x qalet omm anglu farrugia fuq joseph muscat?
Fools! Dr Muscat just got conned!