Majority view Farrugia's removal as strong decision-making by Muscat

In latest MaltaToday online poll, 53% say Labour’s decision to discard Anglu Farrugia reflects strong decision-making credentials for Muscat.

Anglu Farrugia resignation did not go down well with his mother who this week posted an online rant at Labour leader Joseph Muscat.
Anglu Farrugia resignation did not go down well with his mother who this week posted an online rant at Labour leader Joseph Muscat.

Few would have ever thought that the ill-fated performance on Xarabank by former Labour deputy leader Anglu Farrugia's would have led to his political demise, however an online poll on shows that the majority agreed with the decision to oust Farrugia.

53% out of the 7,155 users who voted believe that the resignation reflected Labour leader Joseph Muscat's strong decision-making credentials over Farrugia's comments on judiciary.

However the true motivation behind Labour's request for Farrugia's resignation could be linked to his performance on Xarabank and 3012 users (42%) said that the move was a ruthless electoral calculation by Muscat.

Farrugia's resignation just weeks before the start of the election campaign came just days after a disastrous performance on Xarabank against his PN counterpart Simon Busuttil, and a speech the day after in Rabat in which he alleged political bias against a magistrate.

Just 5% said there was no reason to remove Anglu Farrugia, who was this week replaced by Labour MEP Louis Grech.

@ Paul Azzopardi: Taking nothing away from President Obama, the reason he was re elected is because he promised the kitchen sink to Latinos if he was elected. Same thing Lawrence Gonzi and Joseph Muscat are doing to get elected. Politicians are fickle and they promise a lot of things before an election. They do the talk but they are not so eager to do the walk.
@ Paul Azzopardi. You have based your entire argument that Anglu Farrugia was removed because of his had debate on Xarabank, which is wrong. Now i have nothing against Anglu, but frankly this was not his first bad debate. Even so, the reason was not this, and if you insist on claiming that it was, you must substantiate your statement. And what do you mean by saying, 'how easy it is to have someone else do the thinking for you'? Who is doing the thinking for whom? Throwing statements like that do not give you an ounce of credit.
while agreeing 100% that mr grech is a more electorable deputy, i sincerly invite the pl to make their utmost to encourage anglu to continue to militate in the pl. ultimately his mistakes were not malicious. i also understand his heart-ache and wish to encourage him to consider returning. i am sure he will be given a role more ideal to his abilities, which with all due respect maybe are not oratorial but can take the shape in other political fields. so hand-up for mr grech as a moderate voter but also a big sincere appeal for anglu to return. ultimately although as a moderate i don't favoutr his style, i admire his courage and also his humbleness. HAPPY NEW YEAR DR FARRUGIA. SINCERELY
Our dear Leader Joseph seems to believe he would win the next general elections and become Malta’s youngest Prime Minister by promising the people he would diminish their utility bills and a million other promises. He tries to portray himself as a champion of democracy and respect for human dignity when in reality he has lost all sense of morals as a result of his excessive thirst for power. He has gone to such an extreme as that of unscrupulously firing his own Deputy Leader Dr Farrugia, who has given a most valid contribution to Labour for many years, under the pretext that Dr Farrugia had accused a Magistrate of political bias which the general public does not believe to be the real reason. In fact, many consider the real reason to be a dismal performance by Dr Farrugia on Xarabank. Had the same logic been applied a few weeks back when Barack Obama stumbled in his first presidential debate, today he would not be the President of America after eventually securing his victory for the Democratic Party. However, a more plausible explanation for what happened would be to give an advantage to one particular candidate on the same electoral district that Dr Farrugia intended to contest. One would not be too surprised if a similar fate as that befalling Dr Farrugia would sooner or later also befall those considered as adherents of Old Labour who have reached the decisive end of the line and who, according to Joseph’s New Labour, need to vacate space to make good for the more centrist blood that is needed to be infused into the New Movement's bloodlines. If Joseph were to become Prime Minister one might expect the guilliotine to fall on the neck of Old Labour faces who are still giving their valid contribution to Labour like Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, Anton Refalo, Leo Brincat, Joe Debono Grech, Joe Mizzi, Karmenu Vella, Alex Sciberas Trigona, George Vella, Charles Buhagiar and Charles Mangion to mention but a few. Joseph’s place as Labour’s Leader is certainly no longer tenable after the disgusting manner in which he has treated with a man of integrity and a real gentleman like Dr Farrugia.
@P Azzopardi, Anglu was asked to resign not because of the Xarabank debate as gonzipn want gullibles like you to believe but because of his comments on the judiciary days after Joseph Muscat said that PL would not make such comments. Anglu may have been caught in the enthusiasm of the moment and did not mean any harm but PL could not afford any backlash therefore the justified request for his resignation. Anglu can still participate in PL can be a candidate and I am sure would be elected. Look at Charles Mangion what respect he has earned because he shouldered his reponsability when as a minister resigned for the mistakes of his subordinates, likewise Anglu will earn same respect he showed the party. Well done PL and well done Anglu.
If the Democrats had abandoned President Obama just because he had a bad first debate a few weeks ago, they would have lost a great leader. I know officials who spoke under the influence of drugs, even of alcohol, and who made a mess of themselves, but were kept on by their parties, repeatedly. It's incredible how easy it is to have someone else do the thinking for you. Sorry to disappoint you: it was neither the magistrate, nor party electoral calculations. Just calculations of another kind.... It is not difficult to see how the people now in power in the PL are linked together, except for Toni who is the only one there who made it on his own.
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