Veteran broadcasters irked at exclusion from PBS's 50th anniversary

Veteran broadcasters take to social media to vent displeasure at being excluded from PBS 50th anniversary inauguration.

Many were those who work or worked in national broadcasting over the years were irked at not being invited to attend the inauguration and the 50th anniversary celebration.
Many were those who work or worked in national broadcasting over the years were irked at not being invited to attend the inauguration and the 50th anniversary celebration.

Various veteran broadcasters who have worked with the Public Broadcasting Service over the past decades have vented their disapproval and disappointment at not being invited to the 50th PBS anniversary inauguration event, held last week.

The common feeling among the side-lined broadcasters is that despite their decades-long contributions to Malta's national broadcaster, they nevertheless were either forgotten, ignored, or side-lined in favour of more recent broadcasting figures.

On Friday, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi inaugurated the PBS Creativity Hub, sited in the building formerly known as Xandir Malta before it was shut down in the early 1990s.

The event also marked 50 years since the establishment of Malta's national broadcaster in 1962.

However, many were those who work or worked in national broadcasting were irked at not being invited to attend the inauguration and the 50th anniversary celebration.

Many of them took to Facebook to vent their displeasure and disappointment.

Veteran PBS broadcaster Joe Vella remarked: "The 12 years I spent working with PBS were not appreciated. I would have liked to have been alongside other broadcasters who gave their contribution (even during difficult times) to the national broadcaster. But no invite was forthcoming."

Veteran actor Mario Micallef echoed a similar sentiment, and called for an explanation on the basis upon which the guests for the event were chosen.

"I sympathise. Same as you, I also feel is truly incredible. One sees people who started out yesterday but were invited, while many others were forgotten," Micallef said.

"It seems that, like me, there many irked people. People who gave a contribution far bigger than mine in broadcasting, and despite this, were nevertheless not invited. For this reason, for the sake of transparency, I believe that whomever was responsible for the choice of guests should give an explanation as to how the guests were chosen," he added.

Among those missing from the event were also labour-leaning TV presenters Norman Hamilton and Joe Grima.

Hamilton in particular was vocal about his exclusion from the event:

"I wish to thank Sirs Anton Attard, Joe Mizzi and Joe (Peppi) Azzopardi for this evening having, in a premeditated manner, attempted to obscure from the public that, for the past 23 years, I formed part of "PBS's 50 Years"... shame on you."

Other veteran broadcasters, among which are Lino Mintoff, James Catania, Charles Flores, Marlene Abela, similarly expressed their displeasure at having their contributions to public broadcasting forgotten or ignored in comments or statuses that followed.

Frederick Cutajar
@antoine vella First get your facts right. Than please understand that two wrongs don't make one right.
@Antoine Vella ...... imma kif mohhok imwahhal mal-passat!!!! uff kif dejjaqtna!!! Hares 'il quddiem. Ghax in-Nazzjonalisti qatt m'ghamlu xejn. Kissru lil kulhadd psikologikament bizzejjed!!!!
Luke Camilleri
Just pathethic attempts by Gonzi & Co. ( Coach and all) to re-write history as ONLY HE , the mighty Gonz wants us to see! Just who does he and We? think they are?
Jien kieku ma nhossniex onorat immur ir-riceviment tal-PBS ghax dan ta' l-ahhar sar magna ta' propoganda f'idejn il-gvern tal-gurnata. Xandir SUPPOST pubbliku li jqallak. Sewwa qal Franco Debono li qatt daqs illum ma miss il-qiegh il PBS. Litteralment sar il-mouthpiece tal-PN.
Patricia Marsh
@Antoine Vella. titbaqbaqx Sur Vella ghax jaghmillek id-deni lejn l-ahhar sena shiha ta' GonziPN!! Jekk mhux sejjer zball jew forsi hlomt,Deputat Nazzjonalista prezenti li wara li ghasartuh indunajtu li huwa rrelevanti, deputat nazzjonalista iehor li min jaf kemm kontu qeghdin tinqdew bih bhal lum 5 snin ilu, iddikjaraw li zmien il-PBS tal-lum huwa wisq ghar minn Dardir Malta. Kazin nazzjonalista ddeskrivewh. Mhux ta' b'xejn lilek u lil shabek isibukom bhala x-xibka tal-hazen!!
Unfortunately, this re furbish is all part of the gonzipn propaganda.... They did it in six months time... To be able to launch it in good time. Which other project was done and finished in six months time.... None ... Yet so many promises still not even initiated... But gonzipn knows how to fool around the locals.... Watch the tvm 8pm news it is all full of propaganda ... Already... Beware of what is to come in the coming two months... Keep eyes open
Vincenti, it would be better if you stick to what you understand, and I do not mean "life"!
Peppi Azzopardi also left out a significant period: the dark ages of DARDIR MALTA with Wistin Abela's decision to use broadcasting to bring up a socialist generation of sheep. Charlie Flores was the man who misreported the burning down of The Times as "a small fire in Valletta" and who failed to report the ransacking of Fenech Adami's home and the attacks on the Curia and the Law Courts. Among other things.
Billi Peppi Azzpardi u Lou Bondi u WE qeghdin imexxu l-PBS minn wara l-kwinti, ma nkunx sorpriz jekk lghazla tal-mistiednin thalliet f'idejhom ukoll !
Imma hbieb Maltin, dawn (il-PN) jipritkaw l-ghaqda u minn flok ikissruha, jridu l-ghaqda ta' l-ohrajn maghhom imma mhux m=huma ma l-ohrajn. Jizirghu s-sikrana fl-ghalqa ta' l-ghadu biex jippruvaw idajfuh imma mhux ha jirnexxilhom u ghal PBS minn dawn x'tistenna hlief certifikat ufficjali li huma (PBS) sar il-kazin tal-PN, hem bzonn ta' certifikat ikbar minn hekk? Dawk minn dejjem ta' dejjem kienu kontra l-haddiema u favur is-sinjur. Ma ninsewx li dawn kienu haga wahda, spalla ma spalla mal-FAXXISTI ta' MUSSOLINI. Dawn ghal ghan taghom lesti jbieghu lil ommhom ahseb u ara lili u lilek. Mela nkunu mohhna hemm u nirrezistuhom u f'Marzu mmorru nivvutaw bi hgaran ghal dak il-partit li tant ihobbna il-Partit Laburaista li huwa l-garanzija tal-futur tieghek u tieghi. Is-sena t-tajba lil kullhadd.
GonziPN has gone to far now. Well nothing surprises me nowadays. Spending public money beyond restraint just PR for this incumbent Government. We expect more of these silly montages during the electoral campaign.
I add more. Gloria Mizzi, Josette Grech, Carmen Cacopardo, Vincent Scerri, Peter Paul ciantar, Anton B.Dougall, Peter Calamatta, John Suda,Montesein, Mark Haber, John Saliba, Patri Mudest Gatt, Some of the People we saw on TVM where not even employed by the company but with a farmin out company who always push them selves to the fron raw like Norman Vella. He was never a contributor to PBS only through WE.
Oh come on! Is this how mature adults think? I mean so what if one was not invited! Stop taking things so much to heart for goodness sake. I mean, really??? This is what we have been reduced to? Moaning just because one is not 'important enough' to be on some blessed list of invitees? Haven't these people had enough public exposure tough all their years in the media? Is it really such an addictive career?
GonziPn and its stooges see politics as part of the 'festa tal-qaddis tar-rahal';pique divisions and insularity. Its time for a change to real 'European values' and not the same old values from Xarabank and its yeserday's boy Peppi Azzopardi!
Typical antics from the tribe of gonziPN. If you are not one of the blue-eyed arse lickers, you simply don't exist.
Din hija parti mix show ta "Solidarjeta", "Qalbna mal-Haddiem","il-Gustizzja skond il-PN", "li-kulhadd indaqs" u il-Qdusija ta' GonziPN, Gvern u Partit Nazzjonalista" u fl-ahhar net "Flimkien Kollox Possibbli". Il-Partit Laburista irrid jifhem dan kollu ghaliex hafna nies anki Nazzjonalisti mhux tal-qalba min xhiex ghaddew. Eddie weghdi u Gonzi Sfregi!
Anette B Cassar
PL MP Gino Cauchi was also a presenter on PBS.