Labour leader’s New Year message: united Malta after election choice [WATCH]

Joseph Muscat: Malta needs to prepare itself for 2017 EU presidency.

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat has promised a positive electoral campaign come 7 January, in a New Year's video message broadcast on Labour media and YouTube.

Muscat said he hoped that the day after the general election, to be held on 9 March, will be "just like any other day", adding that whatever the result of the elections, it should be the country that wins its reneweed appointment with democracy.

The Labour leader also set much store in highlighting the need for Malta to prepare itself for the country's presidency of the European Union in 2017.

"I know how important this time will be for our country. Three years ago, I mentioned this challenge, and I was told I was jumping the gun. But we have come to this point now and I feel we must start preparing ourselves immediately for these intensive six months," Muscat said.

The Labour leader said Malta was "too small to stay divided" and augured for a united front that will take Malta into the 2013 presidency.

"I believe we must use everybody's capabilities, irrespectively of the politics one embraces, to raise our country on the plane that everybody wants to see it on. That is why I hope to see us walking forward, as one people the day after the elections, whichever choice we would have made."

An important plea for unity of purpose when it comes to driving our nation forward and creating a more prosperous nation at peace with itself. My dream has always been to see Malta achieve the high standard of living of some of the micro states in Europe. 2017 will be an important year to showcase our island as a successful country proud of its achievements. Irrespective of our political allegiances everyone can contribute by giving his best shot and contribution in improving the quality of life and generating wealth and harmony. Happy new Year to all.
mela qed jahseb li ghadna nghixu taht il hakma ta mintoff.
Diskors matur ta' politiku ghaqli. X'differenza minn ta' dak li jridna noqghodu nirribattu ghand tal-grocer!
I don’t feel Malta is divided , there are many things which unite us but surely Joseph is not one , no matter how much sweet talk he utters. We saw him in action when he unceremoniously kicked Anglu Farrugia out of the Labour Party.Anglu told us that he’s not to be trusted, this coming from his deputy!! How’s that for Unity? That’s Joseph’s definition of unity.
This is the type of Malta I would like for my children. Malta needs to take a great step forward as one nation with a united people. Dr. J. muscat and his party only can guarantee this.
Prosit u awguri Dr Muscat ghad ikun mexxej kbir li minkejjla li ghadu zghir jghati l-isbah lezzjoni lill mexxejja ohra li l-messag taghhom kien mimli medicina politika.Dr Muscat irrid iwassal il PACI l-GHAQDA fost il poplu u min jghid li Labour ma nbidilx !!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is sheer hypocricy. Joseph says he wants national unitity when he has created a wide division within his own political party between the adherents of Old Labour and the so called New Movement's more centrist blood. How can the electorate ever trust someone like Joseph who does not even have the guts of stating the real reason for sacking Dr Farrugia from his post of Senior Deputy Leader? Joseph is not credible when he insists that this was simply because Dr Farrugia had accused a Magistrate of political bias. Back in July 2010 the Magistrate concerned had acquitted Papillon Caterers’ Director Pierre Bartolo of threatening two employees and ordering them to vote Nationalist in a case instituted by Dr Farrugia himself. This had led to immediate accusations against Dr Farrugia of deplorable behaviour being made by the Partit Nazzjonalista that called upon Joseph to disassociate himself from what Dr Farrugia had done and apologise with the Maltese people. At that time Joseph remained with his mouth zipped up and the Partit Nazzjonalista quite rightly interpreted this as a sign of approval of what Dr Farrugia had done. Why had Joseph not objected to Dr Farrugia’s comments and had not requested his resignation at that time? Why did he have to wait for the Magistrate's judgement to be onverturned by a court of appeal before ridding himself of Dr Farrugia in the way he did? Obviously because Joseph does not scruple to throw someone away after squeezing all he can get out of him.
Talk is cheap, very cheap and gets cheaper by the hour the more elections day gets nearer.
Talk is cheap, very cheap and gets cheaper by the hour the more elections day gets nearer.
Talk is cheap, very cheap and gets cheaper by the hour the more elections day gets nearer.
Talk is cheap, very cheap and gets cheaper by the hour the more elections day gets nearer.
Paul Pandolfino
Jidher car li Joseph qieghed jassumi li hu se jkun Prim MInistru ta' Malta. Fl-ahhar snin ma ghamel xejn lejn l-ghaqda bejn il-Maltin. Anzi kontra. Hu l-ahhar Budget fejn wera bic-car kif jahsiba.
Diskors ta ghaqda indirizzat lil ahwa Maltin. Looking forward to a new 2013, new challenges, new people, new solutions. God bless.
Indeed, a very honourable message. However, I strongly recommend that you fasten your seat belt as GonziPN are gearing up to demoralize you or anything that stands in their way. We have seen this happen in previous elections and it will surely happen again now. Especially because this time around, gonziPN was attacked by PN MPs who could not any longer tolerate arrogance from their own leadership. Good luck Joe and a happy new year to you and your family.
Diskors ta' ghaqda. Well done. Is-sena t-tajba lil kulhadd!!
Ghall-poplu ta' rieda tajba li wasal ghall-ghazla. Messagg genwin ta' ghaqda li jhares il quddiem. X'differenza mill-messagg ta' firda u allegazzjonijiet foloz li sar qabel fi zmien ta' festi u meta kien hemm ftehim ta' skiet politiku. Jien fuq din l-ghazla se nivvota.
Dr. Muscat's speech was a lesson to Lawrence Gonzi on how a leader of a country should speak on such occasions, such as Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. Unfortunately, Dr. Gonzi made a divisive partisan political speech instead of a unifying speech as the one Dr. Muscat made this evening !