Rain welcomes second day of 2013
After a sun-kissed festive season, the second day of 2013 hit by heavy rain in certain localities, and drizzle in others.
Fresh green grass and grey skies over the St Julian's and Swieqi area.
As many start falling back to the old routine of waking up early and returning back to work, the sunny days that marked this year's Christmas and New Year's festivities have been replaced by dark clouds and rain in the morning.
Readers reported heavy rain in St Paul's Bay and raining in various localities around the island from Qormi to Msida to Zabbar.
Gozitans also report cloudy weather.
Around the San Gwann, St Julian's and Sliema area the sun is already popping out leaving the air smell fresh after the rain and flowers and grass shine with droplets.
Fortunately, no traffic accidents have been so far reported to the police. The CMRU confirmed with MaltaToday that no incidents were reported this morning.

Ir-risposta ta' guzeppi tal-mosta ghall-haiku ta' franco debono
il-ktieb tal-haiku gdid - "il-haiku skont Guzeppi tal-Mosta"

To mention that it is (predictably) raining in the middle of Winter, suggests that this media is running out of ideas for news items.