Gonzi: Two-state solution in Middle East is a must
Prime Minister renews Malta’s support for viable and contiguous Palestinian state.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has reaffirmed Malta's support for a two-state solution for Israel and Palestine, in his New Year's greetings to the diplomatic corps.
Lawrence Gonzi said Malta was "deeply concerned" that the two-state solution could be seriously jeopardized and prevent a "viable and contiguous Palestinian state".
"At the same time we affirm our commitment to Israel's security and right to live in peace with its neighbours. We encourage Israelis and Palestinians to take concrete and bold steps towards peace, and to engage in substantial and meaningful negotiations at the earliest."
Gonzi also expressed concern over the internal implosion inside Syria, whose civil conflict is believed to have left 60,000 dead over the past two years. "The risks of this conflict could radiate over the region in a more unpredictable and destructive manner."
Turning his attention to the Iranian nuclear controversy which dominated news headlines over the last couple of years , Gonzi said: "The ill-defined nuclear ambitions of Iran constitute another complication in the Middle East, adding a wider and more dangerous dimension to other problems in the region."
Noting that Malta supported the EU-led efforts to find a diplomatic solution to resolve the impasse, Gonzi added that Malta also backs the proposal to have a institute a nuclear-free zone in the region.
The prime minister also told the diplomatic corps that Malta's appointment with the 9 March elections would be a "renewed manifestation and further consolidation of [Malta's] robust and mature, democratic process."
In his greetings to the corps, President George Abela share similar sentiments on the Middle East.
"The events in Syria present a critical situation where regional stability is concerned and is the cause of great preoccupation at the humanitarian level. Many innocent victims of the fighting have lost their lives or their livelihood or have been compelled to become refugees in order to flee from the fighting. We cannot but continue to make further appeals for the bloodshed to stop and for negotiated solutions to be employed in the interest of the Syrian People and of the region as a whole.
"With regard to the Middle East Peace Process, one of Malta's guiding principles remains that of consistent support of the two-state solution. The ultimate aim is a comprehensive peace agreement that sees two states - Palestine and Israel - living side by side in peace and security."
"Direct negotiations remain imperative to bridge the gap between the two sides and to achieve a durable peace for the peoples of the region. Malta calls on all involved to show the necessary political will to resume negotiations conducive to a final peace agreement. Both parties should refrain from taking any actions which could jeopardize the prospects for peace"
Malta was among the 138 States that supported the United Nations General Assembly Resolution of 29 November, 2012, that accorded non-member observer-state status in the United Nations to Palestine.