Labour denounces shorter police recruitment course

Police recruitment training course cut down to four months for ‘GonziPN’s political exigencies’

Michael Falzon has accused the prime minister of using the police force for his political ends.
Michael Falzon has accused the prime minister of using the police force for his political ends.

Labour shadow minister for home affairs Michael Falzon poured cold water over the recruitment of 95 new police officers today, saying the recruitment course had been cut down to four months to coincide with the electoral campaign.

"While wishing all these new members success, one cannot ignore the undeniable fact that the police corps has been overtaken by political and electoral exigencies of 'GonziPN'," Michael Falzon said.

The recruitment course is traditionally nine to 12 months long, but this year's intake course was cut down to four months.

"All claims by 'GonziPN' that the training inside the police academy was going to take its course appear to have been put paid. It is clear that what's more important is the general elections. There was also a negligible number of women police officers in this year's intake - one does not wonder at the state of demorilisation that exists inside the corps at the way decisions are being made."

Ħaggi , Ħallina Sur Haggi , b'min trid titmejjel meta tgħid li fi zmien il-Labour ir-rekluaġġ li kien isir dak iz-zmien kien ikun ta' ġurnata ? Lanqas ir-reklutaġġ li kien isir fid-Dejma ma kien isir hekk għax dan kien ikun twil tlett xhur . L-inċident li qed issemmi int , kien inċident sfortunat u kien nuqqas ta' ħsieb min naħa tal-kuntistabbli involut li ma irrejalizzax li qatt ma għandek tmur fil-linja tal-isparar qabel ma tirċieva ordni mingħand min ikun inkarigat mir-range u kemm hu perikoluz jekk ma tobdix kull ordni li tingħata .
The PN deserves to be criticized by Labour's Falzon for this. But, to make the point, Falzon should've followed his criticism by saying.......when/if we are in Govt we will not do this or we will do this!! It's easy to criticize! And for those that still criticize Labour because of what they did when they were last in Govt - well get over it - apart from the brief Sant period, Labour hasn't been in Govt for a generation!! The PN had plenty of time to fix everything Labour did wrong!!
Maureen Attard
Michael Falzon, jekk sar kif qed tghid int huwa hazin. Pero mhux talli ma kellhomx korsijiet fi zmienkom fis-snin 70 u 80 talli l-maggoranza taghhom anqas jiktbu isimhom ma kienu jafu. L-aqwa li kienu jaghmlu parti mir-regim socjalista biex jiggieldu kontra kull min ma jaqbilx mal-politika laburista/socjalista/mintoffjana. Kif inbiddlu z-zmienijiet.
What do you expect. At least they had 4 months of training. In my time we only had 1 day. And we payed for it with the death of a ploiceman from Zejtun at the Depots firing ranges. No inquiry was held at that time. It was in Labour times.
Who said it's 'Pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse'? If a short course is sufficient to train a policeman/woman than the normal set course is a waste of time and resources. L-aqwa li l-cameras jigru warajh ghal propoganda rhisa - qisna l-Unjoni Sovjetika - flok Pravda ghandna DOI u PBS u l-poplu jhallas.
Luke Camilleri
DIN IRRESPONSABILITA! PULUZIJA SUPPOST FDAT B'HAJJIETNA u full trianing ghandhu jinghata! IRRIDUHOM KOMPETENTI F'XOGHLOM u mhux b'talenti limitati bhal min ingagghom! Ghal anqas ghandhom KONDOTTA TAJBA????? Ma niehu xejn bi kbir!