NGOs say worsening air quality is being ignored by authorities

Three environmental organisations say the state of Malta’s air quality must given much more attention by the authorities.

Flimkien ghal-Ambjent Ahjar, Friends of the Earth, and the Ramblers Association have lashed out at ‘excuses’ by the government over carbon emissions and air quality.

The groups were referring to assurances made to the EU that half of the 52 occasions when Malta exceeded EU limits of particulate matter in air had were due to "natural causes" like ‘dust from the Sahara Desert’ and sea spray.

“Virtually every bus, heavy vehicle and many diesel-driven vehicles continue to emit thick, dark fumes with no steps being taken to correct the situation,” the groups said.

The issue of smoke emitted vehicles on roads continues to be hugely important to human health because such emissions are heavily laden with toxic particles.

Government is aware of the evidence that such particles are responsible for increased cancer rates and premature deaths, mostly from lung and heart disease.Extensive international studies show that children growing in traffic-polluted environments sustain permanent lung damage and increased rates of asthma attacks.

“Outrageously incorrect statements aimed at misleading the public into complacency continue to be made. The most recent was the announcement by our Health Ministry that the cancer rate in the southeast of Malta is ‘lower than the national average’ and the preposterous claim that ‘it did not  appear that flyash had caused an increase in cancer rates’ when it is known that cancers may incubate for up to twenty years. Phenomenal deception on this scale by our Health Department when trying to diminish the gravity of the situation is unacceptable in the context of Malta’s polluted environment;such an attitude only just falls short of being criminal,” said FAA spokesperson Astrid Vella.

The MEPA Public Attitudes Survey shows that 43% of respondents consider air quality the most worrying environmental problem, an overwhelming 83% of respondents confirm that air pollution is affecting their health and 89% agree with measures to diminish vehicle emissions.

“The importance of dealing with Malta’s pollution is supported by clear scientific evidence that people exposed to traffic pollution, especially those living on, or close to, congested roads, have a higher rate of illness and early death due to heart and lung disease and cancer. Why is it therefore that the authorities adamantly refuse to take action in the face of more residents becoming ill because of toxic fumes with every passing month?”

The NGOs reminded the authorities of the Auditor General’s report on 2008, which revealed that the transport authority had ignored 75,000 text messages sent in by citizens taking the initiative and paying to report vehicles that were belching thick, black smoke.

According to the report, the public reported 30% of public transport vehicles, 10% of commercial vehicles and 4% of private vehicles, and yet in 2008 and 2009 ADT did not test any cars. “Did they presume that all these citizens were hallucinating? Is Government now betraying the people once again, on the very same issue?” the NGOs asked.