Ragusa opposes Malta-Italy interconnector, pressure group vows to ‘barricade’ works

The Ragusa council has voted to oppose Enemalta’s bid to have a 200MW interconnector cable pass through its town, while a newly set up pressure group has vowed to barricade the works.

Movimento Territorio Ragusa activists, led by mayor Nello Dipasquale (second from left)
Movimento Territorio Ragusa activists, led by mayor Nello Dipasquale (second from left)

Malta's bid to have an interconnector with Sicily is facing resistance from Sicily's politicians and civil society, after the Ragusa council, led by mayor Nello Dipasquale voted to oppose the Italian ministry for economic development's brief to approve the multi-million project, which is expected to be co-financed by the European Union.

The Ragusa council's resolution has meanwhile found the backing of 'Movimento Territorio Ragusa', an environmental pressure group which is also led by the town's mayor, who is set to run for regional elections next month.

While it remains unknown whether the objection to the interconnector forms part of Dipasquale's political strategy in a bid to be elected to the region's giunta, the Ragusa council and the pressure group, are now in the process of  compiling a dossier to substantiate their opposition.

The dossier will be presented to the environment and economic development  ministries, during meetings which are scheduled in Rome in the coming days.

According to submissions made by Movimento Territorio Ragusa, the interconnector is expected to see the construction of an on-shore station at Marina di Ragusa, and will then be submerged at the mouth of the river Irminio, which borders with a natural reserve.

"The cable, supported by large on-shore technological structures in the area, and the environmental impact would be unacceptable and too dangerous," the pressure group said.

The group pointed out that existent studies show that the large horizontal tunnels would have to be bored under a pristine beach which is just a few metres away from a natural reserve, and would seriously compromise marine life in the area."

Activists from the movement have vowed to barricade the works if they start.



I am currently in Ragusa and am checking out what has been said. After speaking with Ragusa Town Council member Ing Maurizio Tumino, it has been confirmed that the issue has not yet been brought in front of the Ragusa Town Council, as a result of which what KSN is saying that “Ragusa Council voted to oppose” the interconnector project is simply not true. Contrary to what KSM is saying, there are NO regional elections next month. Regional elections in Sicily were held in 2012 when Salvatore Crocetta was elected as President of the Region. What is being held next month are in fact Italian National elections.
My impression of the journalistic qualities of Karl Stagno Navarra are not very high. He has often proved very impulsive in rushing to print without checking his facts. I am currently in Ragusa and am checking out what has been said. After speaking with Ragusa Town Council member Ing Maurizio Tumino, it has been confirmed that the issue has not yet been brought in front of the Ragusa Town Council, as a result of which what KSN is saying that "Ragusa Council voted to oppose" the interconnector project is simply not true. Contrary to what KSM is saying, there are NO regional elections next month. Regional elections in Sicily were held in 2012 when Salvatore Crocetta was elected as President of the Region. What is being held next month are in fact Italian National elections. Karl, please check your facts because otherwise you risk coming out as a "mazetta"!!
Zgur li ir-Raguzani are up to a gimmick! Or, the Ragusians have turned Labourites! Hokku raskom hbieb li l-interconnector taht Tonio Fenech dalwaqt jibda jahdem is-sena id-diehla! Jew li l-pipline fejn ghadhom jistennew li issir applikazzjoni ghalih se ikun lest qabel ma intom u jien insiru pensjonanti....xi 25 sena ohra! GonziPN is going bonkers!
This news proves that the interconnector that GonziPN is promoting is another typical PN flop.The LP energy policy is much more realistic and beneficial to this country
Pn must remebmer that that they are so late in their proposals about energy.They did absolutely nothing.We are depending still on an old fashioned Power station,How they be so credible now?
Joseph Pellicano
oops, kanna ohra tonio, ibqa sejjer hekk u frankuni jerbhek.
To get a go ahead from mafia cost a lot of money.
What does Tonio Fenech has to say about this? Maybe Ragusa is being used by higher authorities for political reasons such as immigration issues and TV frequencies ?
I do hope GonziPN mentions this while boasting of the project. Similar recent episodes in the north of Italy has, and is still creating problems.