Update 2 | Muscat says downgrade down to Enemalta losses and debt • Fenech blames Muscat for Standard & Poor's downgrade

Credit rating agency expected to downgrade Malta to BBB from A-2.

Updated at 12:24pm

Labour leader Joseph Muscat held an impromptu press conference minutes after finance minister accused him of having caused a downgrade of Malta's long-term credit status by Standard & Poor's.

The agency downgraded Malta's sovereign long-term rating to BBB, whilst affirming it's A- short-term rating.

Muscat said the primary reasons for the downgrade by the agency were down to government debt, loss-making enterprises like Enemalta, private sector debt, the vulnerability of the economy, and the low female participation in the private sector.

"There is special mention of Enemaelta, which is described as an ailing energy utility... as it is Enemalta is a recipe for failure and this should not just concern workers, but also the private sector. If we keep going on like this, Enemalta will be driven straight into the wall and the country will be in trouble," Muscat said.

Muscat contradicted claims by Fenech that Labour was being blamed for not approving the budget in December.

"I wonder if Lawrence Gonzi would support out budgets if we are elected to power... there is no doubt that he knew the budget was not going to pass and he could have taken the steps necessary to avoid this.

"The only reference to Labour is when S&P refers to the country's 'strong political institutions'... and that's why S&P gives Malta a stable outlook."

Muscat also said S&P was not believing the government's growth projections, saying the deficit would not reach 2.2% of GDP as predicted by Tonio Fenech.

He reiterated that he would not reverse the tax cuts for the highest earners in the last budget to improve revenue flows in 2013. "The only way Malta can emerge from this vicious circle this government has placed us in, is to go for a roadmap that is geared towards economic growth."

Finance minister Tonio Fenech has blamed a downgrade from Standard & Poor's rating agency on Opposition leader Joseph Muscat, claiming the reason for the downgrade is because Labour did not support the 2013 budget on the eve of an election.

Tonio Fenech press conference

"I can confirm this downgrade is because of Labour's bad decision not to cooperate by approving the budget measures," Fenech said, in a press conference called at 10:30am.

Earlier at 10:15am MaltaToday broke the news that the credit rating agency was expected to downgrade Malta's long-term rating to BBB+.

Malta dissolved its parliament after a vote of no confidence was triggered by the rejection of the budget bill - by Nationalist MP Franco Debono and the Opposition - in December 2012.

"This irresponsibility must be borne by Muscat. Other EU countries approved their budgets before elections because they know they cannot enter elections with uncertainty. But Muscat decided to vote against because of political pique. S&P took this very seriously."

Fenech's flippant accusation against the Opposition was picked up by the press, which pointed out that it was Nationalist MP Franco Debono's vote that was also decisive for the failure of the budget to pass - something the MP had already warned he would do back in the summer of 2012.

"When government falls, it does so because it loses the confidence of parliament... in other countries that are about to go into elections, parties in Opposition make an exception to the rule - they approve the budget to have certainty as they go into a new election," Fenech said.

S&P will downgrade Malta's long-term rating to BBB+, and retain the short-term rating stayed at A-2. S&P has yet to issue an official confirmation of its review.

Fenech set much store in pointing out that in its 'overview', S&P mentioned that the dissolution of parliament raised questions about the government's ability to restore "the fiscal flexibility it has gradually lost".

However, in its 'rationale', S&P states that the downgrade is primarily motivated by Malta's increasing government debt, and losses from its state enterprises - among them Enemalta - but also structural issues from high levels of debt inside the private sector, and the low level of participation of women in the labour force.

Fenech also said that the fact that budget had not been approved would automatically affect the government's economic growth projections, which S&P described as being quite optimistic. "The consequence is obvious... if the budget did not pass, the growth projections are affected."

Malta's debt burden increased by €442 million to €4.9 billion in September 2012. S&P said that given Malta's high government debt burden, Malta is limited in its options how to counter prolonged periods of low growth.

The agency said that Enemalta's sizeable debt, at 600% of GDP, was a main factor in the country's liabilities, since the government guarantees debt of such state-owned enterprises worth some 20% of GDP, on top of its general debt.

S&P also noted that the parliamentary dissolution in December will prevent the 2013 budget from being passed until the end of March.

Yesterday, Labour leader Joseph Muscat told workers at Actavis pharmaceuticals that a new Labour government would take on the Nationalist budget in its entirety, except for the tax on minimum wage earners.

Well, to tell you the truth, this news disturbed me. Hope the new Governmnent will start to think on new ways to place us again on track. I hope, not at the Tax Payers' expense. We already pay more than enough.
Paul Sammut
Gonzi's regime will be fondly remembered by some for some limited increase in some standard of living for the higher income levels and the weekly 600 Euros he and his ministers secretly pocketed. Others will emphasize that any betterment was made possible by unsustainable loans that were used unwisely, leading directly to the dire economic situation that we find ourselves in today.
Paul Sammut
Hbieb, il-lejla fuq-it TV; L.Gonzi u T. Muscat ikantaw "Mhux jien Mamma". Kif tista ma tarawhx.
Tonio, trust is like a mirror, you can't fix it if it is broken; but you can still see the crack in the mother f..ker's reflection!
For the second time in less than a year the high priests of finance at S&P have given notice that our economic position and outlook are in a parlous state. A far cry from finanzi fis-sod or its recent billboard upgrade to finanzi fis sod. Yet the PN rather than assume political responsibility for this economic downgrade attempt to act as blamethrowers in trying to point their fingers at others rather than at themselves. As if anybody will now believe them in this pathetic ploy. They have for a whole year been constantly warned that their inability to command a parliamentary majority was leading to gross economic instability and yet their determination to survive at all costs made them put their own political interests above the national interest. I hope that given the way the situation has evolved a even greater number of voters will give them the thumbs down they deserve at the coming elections . Unfortunately because of their destructive egoism we shall have to strive even harder in the eyes of the world to restore our financial credibility and trust.
THird day in a row that Tonio Fenech shot himself in the foot. First there was the KPMG report compiled over 5 hours, then they brought over an expert a certine Mr M Seaman who instead of shoting down PL's energy project gave it more creadance, his only concern being the time frame , yet he admitted that it could be possible.Then today Tonio, the loser that he is, blamed S&P downgrading of Malta's credit rating on Joseph for not voting with gonzipn on the budget. What an obtuse and dull person. After Simon he's PL's secret weapon.
Tonio, you can fool people sometimes but you can't fool people all the time.
Tonio, you can fool people sometimes but you can't fool people all the time.
Poor Tonio Fenech, how distraught he is looking now after a week of battering over Labour's energy plans, and now this! This is a clear international vote of no confidence in Malat's finance minister and his government, and it was wise for Labour to vote against the budget for exactly the same reason. Now perhaps Gonzi will stop boast of having international recognition of his government's 'excellent' financial performance.
National debt at 75%+ of gdp. Enemalta debt at 20%of gdp. High personal debt. Low Female participation rate. Yet, the downgrade is all the fault of the PL. Years and years of PN mismanagement had absolutely nothing to do with the downgrade.
David Bongailas
It's a gimmick from S&P!!! Tonio Fenech is going to call a press conference very soon with another "expert" explaining to us common mortals how this is all a gimmick and how S&P is actually managed by the kwartieri generali in mile end.
U din x'serjeta hi Tonio Fenech li meta tkun taf li ghal darb tlett darbiet ma ikolokx maggoranza tibqa iggranfat mal-poter? Kieku saret l-elezzjoni fi zmien meta l-Gvern tilef l-maggoranza permess ta Debono u ukoll Pullicino Orand, din l-kwistjoni ma kientx tinqala; anzi kieku kenna elezzjoni u kelna Gvern elett demokratikamnet dan ma kienx jigri. Ipprovajtu tilghabu loghba moqzieza bil-jobs u business tan-nies billi taghmlu pressjoni mhix lecita biex twebbsu raskhom. Dan il-poplu qed jarah u ghalhekk se jibghatkom,-f'hajja t'Alla, fl-oppozizzjoni: where you belong!
truthBtold, how wrong and cruel could you be? How could you possibly question the integrity and wisdom of St Tonju? why St Tonju even pays the VAT portion of his holy maid's fee, so no one would fall foul of the law? Why St Tonju even hears serene crying whispers from high up because tax was foregone on freebie executive jet travel? Why are you spreading false rumours that St Tonju and his holy-party's-in-Government spending sprees on projects with scant returns and costing 5 times what nasty devils spend on similar projects, has caused the National debt to sink this nation?
To fail is human, but to fail and blame others that's beyond forgiving! We should blame Muscat when our debt is 75% of our GDP? We should blame Muscat for 25 consecutive budget deficits? We should blame Muscat for the disastrous decision to go for that obsolete and anachronistic heavy fuel oil power station that has brought Malta to its knees? We should blame Muscat for Ene Malta's near bankruptcy with its 800 million debt and useless costs of GonziPn propaganda? The 'finanzi fis-sod' bubble has finally burst, GonziPn has f..ked Malta's finances big time!
Tonio Fenech u l-esperti kollha li ghandu fl-Enemalta irnexxielu jaghmel muntanja dejn u bomba li lesta biex tisplodi l-finanzi tal-pajjiz. Miskin irrid jghallimna kif ghandha tkun l-policy tal-energija u x'hinu l-ahjar li jsir. Qed jara t-tibna f'ghajn il-proposti tal-PL u mhux jara t-travu f'ghajnejh. Shame on you Minister Fenech. Pajjiz faqqartu.
Mr Fenech you should be blaming Gonzi and not Muscat. If Gonzi was an honest PM and really made decissions in the interest of Malta, he would have called an election much earlier and allowed the new government with a parliamantary majority, whoever it was to present a budget.I still remeber Gonzi saying "jekk il-budget ma jaghdhiex ma tkunx waqat id-dinja". Issa x'gara Tonio..waqet id-dinja jew le? jew dejjem id-doqqu id diska li jaqblilkhom
Read what JM said and read what TF said - JM's arguments are based on what S&P really said - TF's arguments are based (if this is the correct word) on the same old stale pathetic rethoric of 'when we make mistakes we blame them on the PL'! A change in Government in March is not an option anymore - it is a must as we are now fed up with this mediocrity from the PN. The PN needs a minimum of 10 years in opposition to get its act together again. I cannot believe that I am actually writing this having voted PN in the past. But this is the plain truth!
Read what JM said and read what TF said - JM's arguments are based on what S&P really said - TF's arguments are based (if this is the correct word) on the same old stale pathetic rethoric of 'when we make mistakes we blame them on the PL'! A change in Government in March is not an option anymore - it is a must as we are now fed up with this mediocrity from the PN. The PN needs a minimum of 10 years in opposition to get its act together again. I cannot believe that I am actually writing this having voted PN in the past. But this is the plain truth!
Ikolli nghejd li is silg li nizel il bierah ,kien tort ta Joseph Muscat......Hux veru Tonio ? Kif qatt ma tinbiddlu...kif qatt ma tammettu li gibtu lil pajjiz gharkuptejh....
Mistodsija zghira lil Prim Ministru. Franco Debono irrilevanti?
In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means comfort....
Tonio, this is another feather in your cap and you have broken all records. You should rightly be named Ministru tal fallimenti. Ikun ahjar jekk ma tidhirx aktar quddiem nies. ISTHI.
Dawn kienu jghidu ghal Alfred Sant li kien ikun fis sakra? Mela dal bicca accountant xi jkun meta jiftah halqu? Hallina u mur ghamel l-accounts ta xi kazin
This is silly.fenech is blaming the opposition for the s &p rating.this indicates that fenech thinks that the opposition has some influence on current policy,which they do not.its all about current policy.the delay in decision making is due to the election true,however FD is the one who made this happen.the opposition was just opposing, as is its right and duty.
You are the joke Tonio. You have brought Malta and all Maltese into this great mess. Shame on you.
Unbelievable but true.... Mr Fenech, didn't you know that PL wasn't going to approve the budget? It's obvious and crystal clear that this is all your fault and the party you're with. In my opinion, now you have understand perfectly what the saying of "tpoggu il-pajjiz gas down gol-hajt" Nista' nifhem ghalfejn tghiduha din il-frazi u tibzghu minnha ghax garrabtuha u ma tridux il-haddiehor igarrab din is-sitwazzjoni! Ma tistghux tghidu li mhuwiex tort taghkom ghax bqajtu tkarkru jum wara jum sakemm tmorru ghal-elezjoni u jekk kien hemm xi hadd ghaliex il budget ma giex approvat, hu Dr Franco Debono, li bir rispett kollu lejh, ma qabilx ma l-arrognaza taghkom li titfghu il-pajjiz go-hajt. Kien il-brejkijiet tal-karozza li soqtu intom biex ma tkomplux issabtuna gol-hitan! Haga ohra Mr Fenech, gib rispett meta tamel "like with like" lit-tfal ta liskola mal- MP's ghaliex dawk listudenti jafu li meta ma jattendux ghal-iskola igibu certifikat inkella titiehed azjoni jew l-istupendju jigi imnaqqas... bdifferenza li intom lanqas ma dak li suppost tghallimtu ma taqbel! Lanqas it-tfal ma jaghmlu hekk!! Titfghu il-gebla u tahbu idejkom!
Tonio Fenech qed imiss qiegh iktar fond kull jum li jghaddi. Tonio ammetti li kont falliment kbir u issa bdiet hierga l-verita'.
Unbelievable but true.... Mr Fenech, didn't you know that PL wasn't going to approve the budget? It's obvious and crystal clear that this is all your fault and the party you're with. In my opinion, now you have understand perfectly what the saying of "tpoggu il-pajjiz gas down gol-hajt" Nista' nifhem ghalfejn tghiduha din il-frazi u tibzghu minnha ghax garrabtuha u ma tridux il-haddiehor igarrab din is-sitwazzjoni! Ma tistghux tghidu li mhuwiex tort taghkom ghax bqajtu tkarkru jum wara jum sakemm tmorru ghal-elezjoni u jekk kien hemm xi hadd ghaliex il budget ma giex approvat, hu Dr Franco Debono, li bir rispett kollu lejh, ma qabilx ma l-arrognaza taghkom li titfghu il-pajjiz go-hajt. Kien il-brejkijiet tal-karozza li soqtu intom biex ma tkomplux issabtuna gol-hitan! Haga ohra Mr Fenech, gib rispett meta tamel "like with like" lit-tfal ta liskola mal- MP's ghaliex dawk listudenti jafu li meta ma jattendux ghal-iskola igibu certifikat inkella titiehed azjoni jew l-istupendju jigi imnaqqas... bdifferenza li intom lanqas ma dak li suppost tghallimtu ma taqbel! Lanqas it-tfal ma jaghmlu hekk!! Titfghu il-gebla u tahbu idejkom!
Where is the posse of GonziPN/PN's apologists? Are they so downhearted they cannot even put pen to paper? Time is fast running out for Gonzi's 'clique of evil'. Tick tock. Tick Tock.
Il-Ministru hu responsabbli ta fjask wara l-iehor, hu responsabbli ta 835miljun ewro dejn fl-Enemalta. Il-Ministru hu l-kawza tal-effetti u d-decizjonijiet hziena u ghalhekk ma jista jammetti qatt. Kif qatt jista l-bard kieku jitkellem jghid li qed ihoss is-shana.!! Kredibilta 0...
Is there no moral fiber within Tonio Fenech or is this another exposure why he was such a moronic choice to be appointed Malta’s Finance Minister. For heaven’s sake wasn’t it humiliating enough to be exposed as incompetent by Konrad Mizzi? The main reasons why S&P will issue this downgrade are there on black and white. The national debt as 600% of GDP and the huge debt carried by insolvent state entities like Enemalta and Air Malta whose loans are guaranteed by the government. Also within the S&P research is the outstanding debt of private enterprise that is not generating enough income to service their debt especially in the housing market. God forbid that Tonio Fenech should admit with the Maltese electorate how much of this debt had accumulated under his watch. How disgraceful for Malta to have to put up with such dishonesty, at a time when the house of cards that the GonziPN administration had built along with their oligarchs is starting to shake as the truth of Malta’s economical and financial positions are starting to become the focus of S&P and the IMF. Shame also to those that had long assumed their financial expertise that the Maltese debt was all internal and therefore had concluded such a burden was manageable. All those bonds that were issued without any control and accountability are coming home to roost. It’s hysterical to see or hear Tonio Fenech trying to convince the Maltese people that this downgrade is a result of the coming election because the PL and incidentally Franco Debono decided it’s time for a change as they predicted that the island cannot continue on such a course to disaster. Tonio Fenech’s arrogance and disrespect for the mentality of the Maltese had been elevated since the time that Lawrence Gonzi committed one of his gravest political errors in judgment and appointed this incompetent and abusive parliamentarian to the Ministry of Finance.
.... tassew l-arroganza saret is-simbolu ta' gonzipn u l-klikka ta' hazen li tappoggjah u tidhaklu u ccapaplu ...... dak li dejjem jintefah u l-glekk bilkemm jigih ghax qisu dejjem se jixpakka u qisu kokka thares minn wara n-nuccali .... dak li xpakka l-kaxxa ta' malta bid-dejn ..... dak li kisser l-enemalta u l-air malta ... dak li jhobb l-arsenal .... dak li jhobb ikollu villa f'hal balzan bla ma jidhol f'wisq spejjez .... dak li jaghti l-pariri lil angela merkel dwar l-ewro .... dak li jhobb joddobba xi biljett u xi titjira .... VERU GHANDU WICCU JTIH BIEX JGHID DISKORS BHAL DAK. INNOTAWH LI KULL META TMUR XI HAGA HAZIN, JARA FUQ MIN SE JIXHET IL-HTIJA ..... FUQ KULHADD HLIEF FUQU NNIFSU ..... X'ARROGANZA ...... qed jidher li l-ghejja qed taghmel taghha u li meta jhares lejn il-mera u jxomm id-damdima riesqa, qed jaqbdu isterizmu kbir ..... kif jista' jkun, gharef daqsu fil-finanzi minn hawn u ftit iehor se jkun qed jaghmel l-accounts ta' xi fabbrika li tbiegh il-karawett flok iharbex il-budget ? .... aktar ma toghla sur tonio, aktar tistabat .....
Priscilla Darmenia
Tonio Fenech said “But Muscat decided to vote against because of political pique. S&P took this very seriously." – Hon Fenech can you tell me if even once the Labour Party in opposition voted in favour of a PN budget and the Partit Nazzjonalista when in opposition voted in favour of an MLP/PL budget? It is the norm that the opposition votes against the budget because the budget vote is a vote of confidence in the government and I never know of any opposition that had confidence in the government. Hallina u warrab mil-politika darba ghall dejjem.
Priscilla Darmenia
Hon Tonio Fenech, will you and your government from the Prime Minister downwards start to respect our intelligence. - Every year the opposition votes against the budget and not just in the last budget. Every year Standard & Poors maintained the credit ratings even after the opposition voted against the budget. It is only this time that S & P downgraded our ratings. There must be another factor because the voting by the opposition against the budget is a common factor with previous budgets. - If I remember correctly S & P maintained our credit ratings after the budget because the opposition leader declared that he will keep all aspects of the budget. – Please tell us the truth or a more credible lie.
Priscilla Darmenia
Hon Tonio Fenech, will you and your government from the Prime Minister downwards start to respect our intelligence. - Every year the opposition votes against the budget and not just in the last budget. Every year Standard & Poors maintained the credit ratings even after the opposition voted against the budget. It is only this time that S & P downgraded our ratings. There must be another factor because the voting by the opposition against the budget is a common factor with previous budgets. - If I remember correctly S & P maintained our credit ratings after the budget because the opposition leader declared that he will keep all aspects of the budget. – Please tell us the truth or a more credible lie.
Is Tonio Fenech expecting us to believe this non-sense?
That's the way to do things, blame everyone else but not yourself. Just who, exactly, was SUPPOSED to be running the country's finances? I somehow don't thing it was the PL.
Micheal Bonanno
According to Tonio Fenech, it is Joseph Muscat's fault!
Dan huwa il-Futur fis-Sod?? Gonzi u shabek. Ene Malta midjuna u lil poplu faqqartu. Ahjar for Ene naghmluha (P)Ene Malta.
Joseph Pellicano
Issa toninu johrog jajdina li dawn ta S&P majafux xinuma jamlu.
I do no doubt that there will be spin doctors who will downplay the significace of this adverse news. Could not have been timed better, with the PN poster of Finance fis sod!!!!! We will see how Tonio will react.