It happens every Sunday: How the government shoots down Muscat's speeches

As usual, after the Sunday morning speech by Labour leader Muscat, the government machine goes into overdrive issuing press releases attacking various points raised. The press releases are tailor-made for the PBS news, who are traditionally obliged to carry them.

Yesterday was no exception with the OPM, the Ministry of Education and the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs issuing three separate statements in a quick reaction to several of the topics raised by PL leader Muscat.
The Prime Minister's office took Muscat to task for belittling the energy benefit stating that this will rise by €15 in most cases conveniently forgetting that the benefit is long overdue with over half the year already over. It also states that Muscat was incorrect on the Corporate Village project adding that this is part of the Vision 2015 project.
Minister George Pullicino chastised Muscat for not reading the report on renewable energy targets again insisting that it is incorrect to state that Malta faces fines of up to €400 million if these targets are not reached by 2020.
And finally Dolores Cristina had no problem standing up for the EUPA fracas by accusing Labour of having frozen the country’s application to join the EU in 1996 adding that it was hypocritical for the PL to criticise the goings on at the Education ministry when it was against local students going abroad for study periods.

Joseph Catania
Sa kemm il-maggoranza tal-poplu jibqa jidolizza dal-politikanti ta' nofs kedda... ma hemmx fejqan.
Micheal Bonanno
PN - God's gift to the Maltese who have never had it so good! PN knows best what's good for the Maltese. PL - The curse of the Maltese. An ignorant Party. Confused. Cheating. Half-truths. Promising heaven on earth, etc. etc. The Government's PR and Media Machine are well-oiled. No wonder the PL has an uphill drive to convince and win the next elections. The PN has a lot going for it with its network of lackeys and agents. The PL must ensure democracy. The PN is against democracy. If it goes democratic, the next elections will be the PN's loss!